Released The New UI is Here! (Instructions on How to Opt-in)

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Mr.Thor

    Mr.Thor Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    in the new UI i get every time i start rf2 the following error message:
    Updating package.png

    it happens on my laptop and my computer. I checked with modmgr. exe but there is no virtual cmp SRC_Indy500. And ISI_Indianpolis_2013 ist not installed.
    I don't have any other mod package installed with one of these two missing parts.
    Kondor, Yotan, ´goggo1peter and 3 others like this.
  2. Ralffan

    Ralffan Registered

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Only in timed-only sessions. But if the sessions has a limit of time and a limit of laps you can only see the laps:

    Timed session:

    Timed +lap session:
    Lazza likes this.
  3. Grey

    Grey Registered

    Jul 22, 2016
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  4. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    doesn't the number of laps over-ride any time setting? You may have a 3 hr qual session, but 5 laps is 5 laps. And isn't there another button, perhaps that chat icon upper right, that displays the drivers and the number of laps completed?
  5. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Doesn't change the fact that you still have a limited time to do those laps, and the UI doesn't indicate what the current session is up to. (in F1 years ago they had an hour but could only do 12 laps. This generally ended up with a last minute shootout as drivers did their best after rubber was laid down; the UI in that scenario seems to give no indication of how much time is left, which is a major oversight. You certainly don't simply go and do all your laps as soon as you can)

    Couple of things I'll mention regarding the new UI, I just spent a good 10-15 mins poking around in single player and overall I think it's quite good. Certainly more modern feeling than the default, some annoyances that are already pointed out so I won't do the same again here. But:
    • the setup compare is cool, especially how the differences in each section are shown in the Summary tab. However, when you go into a section and then back out, the summary no longer shows those differences. If you go and save the current setup and then come back it will do it, but it really should keep showing the differences on the summary tab the whole time (is it possible to turn off the compare completely? I didn't try it, but that would certainly be a good option too)
    • I'll contradict myself and repeat something that's been said - the exit game button needs to be on all main UI screens. Having to click Start isn't intuitive.
    • The final exit game button (on the credits screen) should be in the same position on screen as it is on the main UI. People are evidently not seeing it because it's sometimes behind their wheel. If it were in the same lower-right location it would make more sense and be seen.
    • The favourite servers thing is a good idea, but I didn't expect it to connect to the server immediately when clicking that list. I would expect a short summary of where it's at (session etc) and then have a join button.
    • When deciding I didn't really want to join my favourite server (because I hadn't expected it to immediately) my only option was to exit the game. It should just go back to the main menu. This seems like a logic layover from the old UI where multiplayer was its own launch.
    • *one more: the vertical slider should continue to capture mouse movement when the mouse is within a reasonable distance, and if the mouse is moved away far enough it should reset its mouse status. Right now if you move the mouse off it it'll stop moving, and if you release the mouse button it'll resume scrolling if to you go back to it, until you press the button again. This is unwieldy.
    Last edited: May 30, 2020
    Diego Barjollo, Ralffan and Emery like this.
  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Not being funny, but you won't have the virtual cmp or package installed because that's what the error is telling you - that they aren't installed. It does seem like you have something somewhere that references them though, because that error won't come up for no reason. The UI itself perhaps doesn't offer useful information or guidance on exactly where the problem lies.
  7. Mr.Thor

    Mr.Thor Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    you are right, it is not installed. but how i can find out what wants to install it? maybe i will start to unsubscribe workshop items. hopefully i will find out, which one causes that error.
  8. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    I have the same error and i saw from Discord that many others have it, but i didn't find any faulty content so far.
    Indianapolis 2013 1.70 looks like a very old version pre-dx11.
  9. Mr.Thor

    Mr.Thor Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    I checked all my content now, unsubscribed anything with indycars, but still the error.
    Is it possible to find the content, which needs these two old contents?I checked with modmgr exe but don't see any mods missing indianapolis 1.7 ...
    When i opt out from public beta i don't get any errors when starting rf2. So really difficult to find the cause of the error.
    Kondor and 2ndLastJedi like this.
  10. Wee_Eck

    Wee_Eck Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I too see this, it started around the 22nd. As the 2020 Indycar had just been updated, I unsubscribed. Did the same with the '19 cars, it has still hung around. Since it started, the game hasn't been restarting after installing something new/updating. Dunno if this is a consequence or an update to the ui.
  11. RoWo

    RoWo Member

    Jul 16, 2014
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    After nearly every multiplayer session with exit this session I get a white screen and the game got frozen, so I have to kill it with task manager.
  12. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Just had the same after a race, track reloaded and only got the camera view on screen.

    *edit: had the admin shut the server down while I was still sitting there, and the game closed itself without message. Again would expect it to go back to the main menu if anything.

    Couple more observations:
    • name tags not working is a pain in public servers. Plus being able to see ping can be handy at times.
    • When viewing a replay the controls and ticker sliding out of view is nice, but not all the controls are on-screen - like pressing R to switch between replay and realtime (Live). This means if you press R with everything hidden you can't tell (immediately) if you're watching in realtime or not. Sliding the controls back in when you use a keyboard control would be good - but generally making the replay controls a bit clearer (like switching between replay and realtime with the mouse) would be handy.
    • Watching a replay and then clicking the rightmost button moves it to the end, but then pauses it. Hence the R thing above, as that was the only way to get back to Live viewing.
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
    buzz hornet likes this.
  13. Diego Barjollo

    Diego Barjollo Registered

    Feb 4, 2020
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    I don't know if it is said (46 pages it's too much...) but I miss too much the virtual throttle and brake pedals on the replay/live view. An FFB bar would be very nice as well, maybe in the future new in-game overlay?
  14. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Registered

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Same on my PC !
    Kondor likes this.
  15. Ian-C

    Ian-C Registered

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I have had, several times where after a longish session on MP (Dedicated Server) when the server changes session my client screen goes all white except for the track view window but that has no controls. I have tried clicking where the buttons should be like drive and exit but there is nothing there, the only option is either end task in task manager if it will come up over the game or re-boot.
    Lazza likes this.
  16. Daniele Vidimari

    Daniele Vidimari Registered

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Does anybody else experienced strange stuff with the setups? I don't have concrete stuff to report so far, but for example yesterday the game kept resetting my tires to mediums instead giving me the softs i've selected (with the Norma LMP3), or resetting the setup to the default one, and at some point with the 488 i've been able to set the rear wing to -10, the range went from -10 to +10. Other stuff i experienced was the gear ratios all messed up (again with the 488), top speed in 6th gear at 110kmh at the rev limiter.
    The confusion of the setups tabs doesn't also help in keeping trace of these strange changes.

    As posted in some posts above, my UI as well goes full white after i leave a multiplayer session and i have to end the process manually through the task manager.
  17. Ralffan

    Ralffan Registered

    Jan 30, 2014
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    Kondor likes this.
  18. Mr.Thor

    Mr.Thor Registered

    May 25, 2013
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    i quote myself, because i found the reason for the error.
    i unsubscribed to the following mods, now the error is gone. in all these 3 mod folder is a "trackname.rfcmp" file. don't know why, but it looks like it references to the missing stuff.
    Audi 90 Gto V0.5:
    BMW 134 JUDD V0.7
    Mitsubishi_EVOIX_TA V0.8
    Yotan, deceda, Wee_Eck and 2 others like this.
  19. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I sure wish S397 could find someway to isolate their content from mods. It is so frustrating to have to dig through old files to find some tiny scrap that is interfering with the company's current product. (having said that, I am afraid the only solution would be to lock out mods and I'm REALLY not for that either)
    mr.Sw1tchblade, Emery and gabrielof like this.
  20. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Courtesy of the question being asked on discord: removing a favourite (sic).

    Can't just click on a server in the server list that's in your favourites and remove it, although the option to add it isn't available (because it's already a favourite). You have to display only favourites, then click on the server and remove it from favourites. That 'add favourite' button should never be greyed out - it should change to 'remove favourite'. Should work as a toggle. Actually should probably be a checkbox instead, because nothing else special happens when you click the button. And then indicate favourites in the server listing with a different colour or some such.

    Back to that main screen list of favourites - when clicking them it should come up with information and options, like join, or remove favourite...
    buzz hornet likes this.

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