Why is my game so laggy when framerates are high?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TMoney, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    It's not really a rant, but it doesn't seem completely aware. If you have these feelings, go ahead and express them, I guess. There are, however much you don't like it, options within menus to make rF2 perform. Not liking the options you have to use to make it run (low settings) is a different issue, and usually it's that which causes the screwing around in files, etc. Trying to tune things that often just complicate matters. I've given responses in this thread to the causes of both the OP and OT issues raised, none of those were "it's OK for me". Choosing to only see that response, then reply based upon it, is not my issue here. :)
  2. David Turnbull

    David Turnbull Registered

    Jan 1, 2013
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    i saw that response and got annoyed, like i said ive had hardly any of the problems others have had but in the last few months and builds im having to reinstal things quite regularly because of bugs and such and its starting to grind my gears, nothing is easy with rfactor2 but then theres always low settings for a dx9 32bit game :rolleyes:
  3. Luis Armstrong

    Luis Armstrong Banned

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Once, not with this software, i got very stuttering issue. Because the software was wrong configured to work with refresh rate at 30hz and my display 60hz

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