White Lines

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by jaykinch, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. jaykinch

    jaykinch Registered

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hi all just playing around with a track putting some white lines round the track
    What shader do you all use for track lines

    or any other tips on white lines??

    im making mine buy cloning the racesurface then i ring the lines down one side then connect with a 2 segment
    then just select the pollys i created then detatch them
    then just move them up 1mm

  2. Fabio Pittol

    Fabio Pittol Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    The technique used to make the painted lines may vary. Yours seems fine.

    At times, when dealing with more complex meshes I draw my painted lines as Spline, duplicate my RaceSurface, apply ShapeMerge to it, selecting the Spline desired. It will cut the mesh but you'll end up with a lot of extra vertices. To get rid of them, I select only the vertices I want, invert selection, and remove it. It's kinda hard to explain, but maybe you get the idea.

    Regarding the shader, if you're reproducing very white, freshly painted, lines, I'd sugest you to use the RealRoad shader, so the lines will get affected by built up rubber too.

    I guess ISI apply any other simple shader to them, with and alpha transparency on the texture. But I personally think that doesn't look so good (except for worn painted lines).
  3. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    It's an imprecise science at this point and there is no definitely best way about it. With "full white" lines that don't use transparency I find the contrast of road to lines at a distance too stark (although I think you could manually give the white line texture darker mip-maps to combat... hm... might be worth a try) and it generally works badly with lower/no AA.

    When in doubt do some experiments to see what you like best.
  4. vicent-sollana

    vicent-sollana Registered

    Jan 21, 2012
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    This is the way I do it, I made a video to show you.

    Time ago I found a video called "transitions with sweep", I can't remember where but it was useful to learn and I use it for the track lines.

    It doesn't have any audio because my mic is broken and doesn´t sound well :)

    I hope is usefull for everyone.
  5. Jason Kinchington

    Jason Kinchington Registered

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Hey that's a great video there will be trying out this way for sure


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