Triple Screen set up tool- side angle/bezel correction etc.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jett080, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Jett080

    Jett080 Registered

    Dec 10, 2012
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    Just wanted to bring a topic up that I haven't seen discussed around here in a a few posters I've seen in the past I'm keen to see a similar set up tool as iracing has implemented in rfactor 2 for us triple screen users, with both sims now having the skippy available it has highlighted to me just how different the view from the cockpit looks when you dont have access to a tool to adjust the side monitor addition with bezel corrected resolution in place it drives me crazy losing some of the on screen display!!

    While I'm loving the skippy in RF2 having this tool in place would be the icing on the cake.

    Tim- any news on this? I'm sure plenty of triple users would be damn happy to see this happen!

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2012
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  2. Butch Nackley

    Butch Nackley Registered

    Sep 8, 2012
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    I set up my bezel correction in my TH2Go software. I'm not sure what you mean about side angle. There is an option in the Launcher > Configure Sim for Multiview that changes the angles of the images in the side panels. I don't believe it is adjustable though, but it might be in the .plr or elsewhere.

    I'm all for options, so if there are some that could be added, it would be nice.
  3. emilblixt

    emilblixt Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    The current 45 deg is too much for my taste so I just leave multiview off. This of course streches the image somewhat and give you a bit of a distorted view that somewhat messes with my cornering precision. Adjustable angles would be very nice! =)
  4. Steve Watts

    Steve Watts Registered

    Feb 22, 2012
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    This gets me too - I believe multiview requires the side screens to be angled at 1/2 the horizonal FOV to display the correct image to the user, which is hard to achieve if you want to run a larger than realistic FOV - I have not seen the iRacing solution but if it is possible to have some settings to compensate and create a more accurate image that would be great.
  5. Adrianstealth

    Adrianstealth Registered

    May 28, 2012
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    I keep multi view off too

    My steering wheel is close to the centre screen so my fov is set quite low, it's only the outer edges of the side screens that look stretched which I don't mind as it adds o the feel of speed + a big fps saving
  6. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    I advice you to use a low FOV(20-26) and I must say that the distorione has diminished a lot and with a low FOV you have a more realistic view and you go faster!
  7. Cracheur

    Cracheur Registered

    Jan 3, 2012
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    i'm using the eyefinity bezel compensation, no multiview and set fov around 30. gives a pretty good view for the side screens... i did however not mess around with multiview a lot as it kills performance massively.
  8. Butch Nackley

    Butch Nackley Registered

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Okay, I understand what you are asking for now. I kinda had a feeling that is what the OP meant, but I wasn't completely sure.

    YES, count me in on that one.
    I too keep MultiView off, since my monitors are not setup to be used in that manner. However, if we could adjust the angle of the image I would probably use it.

    I think he means the images in the side panels when using MultiView are 45 degrees. He is wanting to be able to adjust that angle to something less.
    FOV is a different function.
  9. GTClub_wajdi

    GTClub_wajdi Registered

    Feb 28, 2012
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    Yep,you are right!
    In iR I was able to adjust that angle!
  10. Jett080

    Jett080 Registered

    Dec 10, 2012
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    And this is pretty much what I'd like to see us have access to.....along with all of other triple screen tools iracing has!.....currently I use fov of 30(as per the measured recommendation) with multiview and given multiview is locked to a side monitor angle of 45 degrees it never"looks" right (my monitor stand is at 31 degrees and I can't adjust it), I've tried turning multiview off and to my eye it looks much worse.

    Who knows maybe Iracing has spoilt us triple screen users with there set up tool....but I'd dearly love to see this tool in rfactor 2 and I'm curious to know if we are likely to see it happen here??

    For those that haven't used the Iracing or lfs tool....I encourage to have a is one area both sims do VERY well, once you have used it and raced with a correct fov and everything looks in perspective/lines up etc as these tools achieve you will never want to go back to stretched or mis aligned image!!

    I'm interested to see how many folks would like ISI to put this in place??
  11. Bart S

    Bart S Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Of course ISI get the tool in place please!
    I think this will be one of the last things done before gold as replays are a pile of crap for triples and I can remember Tim saying it wasnt a priority and it was somewhere lower in the list however I cant imagine gold release without replay interface being polished up for triple screen users. So I would expect all things triple screen related to be attended to at the same time before gold.
  12. evphelps

    evphelps Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    We need this now! :D
  13. HKF0x

    HKF0x Registered

    Dec 12, 2011
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    I would like to adjust that angle to the angle of my screens too.
    Just undrivable for me on multi screens right now, multiview give a wrong angle and multiview desactivated strech the side screens too much.
    So for now i just test the builds on single screen, i really hope to see that setting unlocked sometime before the final release.
  14. BlaringFiddle5

    BlaringFiddle5 Registered

    Sep 3, 2012
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    I used to think this was needed. However, I found that my monitors were to low and procured some lumber to raise them. Make sure your eye level is directly at the center of your monitor. Adjust your monitors so that there is precisely a 45degree angle (protractor required). The bezel correction can be done in your driver for your video card, most likely (nvidia and ATI both support this) and it makes winders easier to use with the stretched desktop etc... Finally - there are some good threads here about the correct FOV and how to calculate it. Mine turned out to be about 26 (I think) ... this entirely depends upon your eye distance from your monitor (mine is 23 inches i think). iRacing can be adjusted easily to match this setup and provide good visibility around the car.


    it should be noted, however, that there are many more pressing problems with the triple screen thing in rfactor2 ... I plan to make a post detailing these current problems in bugs/feedback forum at some point soon (will include iPhone photos!! :D ) Such as: replay all screwed up and on wrong monitor - track splash image on wrong monitor and all screwed up - UI stretched partially off screen on correct monitor
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2012
  15. ZeosPantera

    ZeosPantera Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Pretty sure multiview still only uses 45 degrees to feed side monitors. Otherwise you are better off just putting the three screens strait across.

    Not sure of how difficult it would be for ISI to modify that value, but it needs to be easily modified.
  16. BlaringFiddle5

    BlaringFiddle5 Registered

    Sep 3, 2012
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    In my testing, not having multiview ticked makes a stretched appearance regardless of monitor angle.
  17. Matt Bradley

    Matt Bradley Registered

    Nov 2, 2011
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    I don't have the computer power to run rfactor 2 on triples but would love it for the future. would have made things much nicer in rf1 aswell
  18. Ricknau

    Ricknau Registered

    Nov 12, 2011
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    That's a BIG downside of multiview as it is now. Are there really some tricks left in the bag for ISI to get huge FPS gains? I hope so.

    Typical "proper" FOV for multi screens is down in 20s. Set yours in that range and the stretching is greatly reduced, plus the perspective with 3 screens in a straight line further compensates for what stretching remains. This gives a fairly undistorted image though you've given up a little viewing width.

    I do this now because I need to get back the huge FPS hit that multiviews causes.

    Side benefit: It doesn't matter what height your eyes are at, you get no kinking of straight lines.
  19. HKF0x

    HKF0x Registered

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Thanks Ricknau for the tip.
    But personally i won't just a workaround for try hide the problem we experience in multi-screens,
    what we want is the possibility to set the game to match our different setups, not try to adapt our setup to a locked setting.
    Look at live for speed for exemple, you can set everything right, monitors lateral angles included,
    you can notice the bariers on the sides going from a total wrong angle to a perfect line when adjusting it.

    No matter if you use a low or high fov and a small or high angled side monitors, everyone can easily have the view set just right for his setup.
    I dont know if it's hard or no to unlock that angle, but for sure it would be a nice thing to see it unlocked in the future.
  20. Butch Nackley

    Butch Nackley Registered

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Very very nice!
    That is a must have. While it may not be high on ISI list right now, I certainly hope they will look into adding something similar in the future.

    I haven't used LFS since probably 2002 or 2003. I helped get TrackIR in it, but when F1C came out, I kinda lost interest in LFS since it had such limited content back then. F1C got support for TrackIR via 3rd party and I never went back to LFS. They have really came a long ways since then. I love how the adjustment can be done in realtime. While that would be great in rF2, I'd be happy if it just worked like the current FOV adjuster from the menu. Not as handy, but better than none at all.

    Anyway, I sure hope this gets put on the back burner and one day we get it in the game.
    Very very nice! Oh, I already said that. Well I just can't give this enough praise.

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