Today's tweet: I will update this thread whenever Tim tweets some good info
Why? Tim is a Grown man, Dont push him into a corner by reposting All of his tweets... Let people Follow him if they really want the inside scoop! IMO of course.
Push him into a corner? I don't repost all his tweets. Only those that have to do with rF2. He does tweet about other things ya know lol I've been doing this since the beta started. Just not in a single thread. This makes it easier. Don't be so serious It's only Twitter. I didn't hack his email or something.
I appreciate the effort, bt! I don't do Twitter, and due to the new Facebook format I miss a lot of updates from ISI in my 5 min. perusal of it at the end of each day.
I usually visit the pages of the things I follow each day to get it's updates. Same with people I want to follow. The timeline is largely useless, both on Facebook and Twitter, as there are too many people I follow on both. Have no issue with my tweets being shared, etc, although I don't know if a thread is warranted. I put the Twitter icon here (see left) so that people can follow if they wish. My personal Facebook I hardly use anymore, people get really annoying leading up to US elections.
I find this very nice. We can discuss (meant in a positive way) tweets of announcements and teasers. This keeps it centralized..
Well Tim, I used to make a separate thread each time I saw a tweet that had rF2 info, but I thought I would make just one thread and update it. I also want to include info from the rF2 FB page. Not everyone wants to sign up for Twitter and/or FB and not everyone has time to look at multiple places to get rF2 info. Since I have the time and I check both places many times everyday, I thought I could just make one thread and update it when I see info Yes thank you. That's what I was going for
me too. DonĀ“t have twitter account neither facebook, and not will create just to follow one person. But i like the possibility to read this kind of news. keeping stalking, budha stalker.
Good job buddha! (no time to follow much more than this forum, so really usefull as Tim's comments are very interesting to see)
Yeah I have no desire to join YET ANOTHER social network but I realize that sometimes people tweet something interesting so I appreciate this thread. thanks.
"Tracked down the Hulme family and got permission for 'Denny Hulme' to be an A.I. name in @rFactor2 alongside 'Jack Brabham' " very cool. good work tim!
imagine the amount of time and effort needed to track down all people of whole grids of different racing series.
It's easier with modern series. Someone usually owns everything (FOM with F1, etc). That's why you can get a whole series license (but is also how annoyingly expensive exclusives happen). The Formula Two cars will come with an AI field of real driver names, and they have 'personalities'. They should finish in roughly the right orders, there will be the odd surprise (from the right drivers), some are easy to pass, some harder, some will bump you, some wont, some are better in the wet, etc. All pulled from real stats from the 2012 season, worked out averages, best/worst finishes, % chance of a crash, etc. They also have calculated start skill based on positions gained on first lap. I put a bit of work into that, as I felt it important that faster drivers COULD get slowed up and caught behind slower guys who get better starts. Anyway... I'm rambling. Some historic folks were actually aware of the commercial implications, and some do own the rights to the driver names, as well as their own car, but Brabham wasn't like that, so I needed to go individually.