It Is planned for march release, 31 march is dead end for a free copy so I think they will release it that day or 1 April... EDIT - In the comments... User: "Is this plan more definitive than the previous August and November release dates?" Reiza: "Pretty definitive "
Personally I’m looking forward to the Reiza pack more than any sim release in recent memory. Seems like a match made in heaven. Reiza have a proven reputation of creating consistent top notch content held back by the limitations of the ageing engine they work with. S397 have created a top notch engine held back by the inconsistent and often buggy content and presentation. While it’s frustrating waiting for the release, I have every faith that given the time involved it will at least be feature complete and bug free, which is unfortunately not always the case with S397 content.
Even if true don't forget rF2 is still missing some core features and has a lot of bugs (this is why I prefer AMS)...the DLC will be top-notch for sure but some rF2 holes can't be filled by Reiza guys (even if they are going to put some of their magic)
The Reiza rF2 Bundle for campaign backers & members is an offer valid until March 31st I think that it's not easy that we (the rest) have the pack before the 1st of april.
1st big bug found in first 2 minutes. No suspension visible on front of Vee using VR and car detail full , every developer ever has and will have bugs .. this is a car that has been doing laps for years within AMS
Only if you feel you have offended someone , me l don’t give a rats . Just pointing out that even Rieza. Isn’t perfect
Nah, I was just being a smartarse. To be honest given the excellence of their releases within AMS I was just hoping that it would translate across to rF2 too. Hopefully they will at least patch some of the big flaws in a timely fashion.
Just tested a few cars (Vee, MR12, AJR, MCR 2000) so far, but the physics, ffb etc. feel really, REALLY good! Very fun to drive. I noticed some bugs though, two minor, one quite annoying: - In the Formula Vee car there's the front suspension missing - In the Chevy V8 AJR there's a part of the starter sound missing. You hear the starter, then nothing, then the engine is running - And the (at least for me) really annoying one: All the Reiza cars seem to ignore camera physics/stabilize horizon setting. I like to be connected with the car with no cockpit movement at all, but all the Reiza cars more around me all the time which make me feel quite disconnected from the car. And there seems to be no way to disable this in the Reiza cars.
The movement may be from head physics, try lowering head physics slider to 0% in the main menu Options > Controls page. Thanks for the reports btw - if you may please direct further reports in our forum thread on this release will be very helpful, we intend to sort as much as we can as quickly as possible