Is there a way to stop Rfactor 2 changing the degrees of rotation in the thrustmaster profiler? Atm it is the only sim I play where after each session I have to go back into my thrustmaster profiler and change the degrees of rotation back to the default 900 as the game changed it to match the in car rotation. Go to your wheel configuration software, or the control panel -> controllers -> your wheel -> properties, and set the lock to its maximum value (you haven't said what your wheel is, but this is often 900 degrees). In your rF2 folder, go to UserData\player\ and open up the Controller.JSON file* Find "Steering Wheel Maximum Rotation Default” and set it to the same number of degrees as you set in step 1. Find “Steering Wheel Software Rotation" and set it to true. Find “Steering Wheel Maximum Rotation from Driver” and set it to false. Consider changing “Steering Wheel Bump Stop Harshness” to a higher value, like 50, so you can feel it better (the 'stop'). Be sure to check which option you're changing - they all look quite similar so it's easy to change the wrong ones. *If you originally detected your wheel, or loaded a profile, and now you just load the game and play and sometimes make changes to the Controller.JSON, this will work fine. If you change wheels/controllers and detect/load different profiles each time, save those profiles to your own custom-named files and make the above changes to those files. Then when you load the profile those settings will already be there. If the above doesn't work still, please give more info (wheel type especially), and show a screenshot of the relevant part of your controller.JSON file. Also note the above regarding the profiles and files; try changing another obvious parameter in your controller.JSON to check that you're editing the right one.
I know they're useful, that's why I wrote the post in the first place. (S397's instructions weren't totally clear, and people were getting them wrong) That doesn't mean I'm replying to every wheel rotation post I can find from the past with a link to my post - the OPs from various threads may not be around anymore (so won't see the advice), or no longer have the issue, or have seen the multitude of subsequent posts/threads asking about the same issue and being told about the above procedure. Hence, replying to this thread seems pointless. I don't know why it's been done. Still, I'm glad if using this procedure has helped you, even if you probably had 20+ opportunities to see it (including in a roadmap update) before this thread got dug up.