Steering Wheel, another big thing that needs to be improved

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by BlackGoku, May 18, 2017.

  1. BlackGoku

    BlackGoku Registered

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Hello, in this post I would like to talk about Steering Wheel graphics.

    If you see a real indycar onboard:

    You can compare it with rFactor 2:

    As you can see, the steering wheel looks very unrealistic. But it is not just about the 3D Model itself which is very bad, but also the lighting effects, the LCD, etc...

    You can take a look into iRacing:

    You can see that steering wheel + driver arms look much more realistic. I think this is another thing rFactor 2 needs to improve with DX11 because its not just indycar.

    I think all rFactor 2 mods has bad looking steering wheel and thats because how rFactor 2 deals with the 3D of the Steering Wheels. They need more effects.

    If you improve the sky + steering wheel, rFactor 2 graphics are pretty nice.

    See you.
    2ndLastJedi likes this.
  2. Louis

    Louis Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    muz_j likes this.
  3. muz_j

    muz_j Registered

    Aug 20, 2014
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    Steering wheels vary depending on the car being used. So does the driver model.
    Try looking at something like the F1 2017 mod from Fanatic. I'll upload a screen-shot later when I'm home. Personally I think the Steering wheels are generally fine. But like I said - they vary from car to car. I personally have a lot of different cars installed into my game - so I suspect some won't be quite as nice as others, but it's not something I focus on. I'm more interested in car handling and physics, force feedback feel and how the cars behave when I'm driving.
    I have looked at your iRacing videos and I do not agree that the steering wheels look better.
    Perhaps you think they do and perhaps it has something to do with your graphics settings in both games...?

    But again - if you're making requests - I would suggest the wish lists forum is a better place to do it, rather than the technical support forum:
  4. muz_j

    muz_j Registered

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I also find this project cars online tool very useful for setting FOV:

    I run my FOV in rFactor 2 at 65 degrees, with a 27" 1080P monitor about 2 feet away from my face.
  5. Louis

    Louis Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Sry, i edited because i misunderstood what the first poster was asking but thanks for the link
    he was talking only about the graphics, not fov
  6. suryaprihadi

    suryaprihadi Registered

    Apr 16, 2017
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    One thing for sure I notice on GTR 500 steering if from garage to track with many 90 degrees turn, RF2 skip steering angle when it get too high, so the driver hands jump position and not fluid. Perhaps this is what is visible. Example say frame rate of the video is 60FPS.
    Assuming we turn the steering wheel 30 degrees in 1 second. I think if per two video frames is allowed 1 degree of visual angle change of the steering wheel and the hand, it will look fluid. Since I don't understand graphic, I don't know if this amount of graphic data is too big or how ?
  7. BlackGoku

    BlackGoku Registered

    Dec 2, 2016
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    I disagree with you. F1 Fanatic 2017 has very false steering wheels because they use unrealistic LCD (fictional) and also the arms + lighting looks horrible. They are not my iRacing videos, just random youtube. And all of them are with maxed out graphics because I have maxed out graphics and they look the same as the videos. Of course I care about driving and thats why I asked Studio 397 in other post to give tire punctures in the simulator + realistic car damage, but I also want to see improved graphics like steering wheels + sky because they make you a better and immersive experience when driving the simulator.

    And I would say something more... the sound system that rFactor 2 uses is very old compared to Assetto Corsa, Project CARS or iRacing.
  8. suryaprihadi

    suryaprihadi Registered

    Apr 16, 2017
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    The videos BlackGogu pointed out, the RF2 one, coming from the bend to straight line , has steering angle as much as :
    47 angular degrees in 0.133 seconds or 8 frames of a 60 FPS video or 352 degrees per second steering wheel revolution speed. I think not only the angular degree is excessive, the degree jump per frame is a lot. So it does not look realistic physic wise and it look jittery too, graphic wise.

    Even assuming Formula/Indy car is 1:1 steering ratio, what is visually presented is way excessive.

    The Graham Rahal real car at Phoenix doing approx 50 degrees of steering angle took 53 video frames or steering wheel revolution speed of 57 degrees per second.

    iRacing was very conservative in its steering angular degree...LOL
    I dont think that is realistic either but it then become buttery smooth steering angle change, per video frame.

    If we can get exact same cars ( 3 ) in exact same track doing nearly the same thing and the steering ratio used is known, it will be a better reference.:D a big IF....
    Guimengo likes this.
  9. Louis

    Louis Registered

    Dec 27, 2016
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    bad steering wheels and arm are worst for people that uses VR. For people using triple zcreen, make no diference
  10. BlackGoku

    BlackGoku Registered

    Dec 2, 2016
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    I think steering wheels can be improved with DX11. We can have something like arms movements when shifting up or down, better 3D models and better LCD.
  11. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Registered

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I totally agree with OP , some of the steering wheels in rF2 are pretty bad , some official content even .
    Even when i compare a paid mod that appears in both rF2 and AC the AC version is a lot better and i put it to the mod maker and they said it was just what it was because of textures and shaders .
    Hopefully with time S397 will fix all these and many more issues .
    F1Aussie likes this.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    I do not support this. I would prefer resources being put elsewhere. Wheel is out my field of view while I am driving (I only see the windshield rims). Considering this I wouldn't like cockpit view spending more resources. It is already stealing a lot of fps compared to other views witj no logical reason for it. I would support a dynamic mask concept in order to boost fps ignoring cockpit in the rendering.
    David Kolody likes this.
  13. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Registered

    Nov 3, 2016
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    When i drive my car i can see my dashboard and all the gauges that come with it and some cars have all those "dash"like screens on their wheel , so i would fully support getting all the interiour of the virtual car to be as realistic as possible . I for one can't understand why anyone who is going for a realistic feel to use anything other than cockpit and have it look as close to what we see in real life . Bonnet ,roof ,bumper cam , while give a lot more vision just feel like arcade to me although i would be faster like that , who cares , i'm in it for trying to replicate actually driving . I dont need to win or be the fastest
    For me i have my FOV set to about the same as if i was sitting in my own car , using a pair of glasses and shut my right eye (Right hand drive car) and use the glasses rim to define my FOV , that turns out to be 37 and for my Rig / screen size / distance is actually mathematically only 5 degrees off .

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    I am using 38 FOV but the seat position forward so that I can see the road and doesn't seem that I am driving from the backseat. When I drive my real car I cant see my dashboard or wheel in the FOV correponding to the screen in the sim. Just imagining where the TV would be in the car with respect to my position it shouldn't difficult to imagine it.

    Sometimes logic works better than maths.
    patchedupdemon likes this.
  15. Ludovic Darquy

    Ludovic Darquy Registered

    May 20, 2017
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    Question :
    Quand la base fanatec csw 2.5 sera prise en charge par rf2 pour le fonctionnement des leds sur le volant?
    Jesuis nouveau je poste la car je ne sais pas comment créer un nouveau post
  16. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Was just about to say this,in my real car have to look down to see the dials and even the top of the rim,with a correct fov and seating position in sim,shouldn't that be the case too,that's how I set up my seating in all of the cars in any sim that allows it.
    Actually come to think of it,I have the steering wheel switched off,I only switch it on to set my seating position so that the top of the rim is at the bottom of my center screen
    David Kolody likes this.
  17. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Registered

    Nov 3, 2016
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    You guys must drive like Miss Daisy !lol
    I see my dash dials with a quick glimpse with only slight eye movement in my real cars and the same when in game .
    I don't use math to determine my FOV but the way i have it is actually close to the math .
    Anyway , when i do look at my wheel in real life it is perfectly clear and with great fidelity because i have eyes that actually work as intended ,lol , so why wouldnt i or anyone else want the same in our goto racing Sim ?
    Ooohh but the physics and the tyre model argument isn't the only thing that makes something great .
    Enjoy what you want and let others enjoy what they want and if photo realistic is something that is possible one day maybe you can just run at the lowest possible settings so that you can have it looking as bad as you want .

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    The slight eye movement is the key. If you need to move eyes is because you cannot focus directly on what what you are trying to read. You would never distinguish if it was blurry because you just cant see it.

    Looking at rearview mirrors or dashboard is typically a distraction manouver because you are losing the attention on the road.

    Underneath I have overlaid my cockpit view without the HUD which I typically use and that it hides even more the wheel.

    And please, call your mother miss Daisy if you want. She might not care. I do.
    patchedupdemon likes this.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    And now please watch the video and look at the cockpit. It is completely static. It doesn't change at all throughout all the time. It is LITERALLY covering 50% of the screen area. And yes (correct me so if I am wrong) those pixels are being continuosly rendered. I would expect pretty much doubling the fps if that was not being rendered (overlaid mask) or at least it could be refreshed at a different framerate.
  20. patchedupdemon

    patchedupdemon Registered

    Jan 3, 2017
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    So you have to look down too,welcome to the club miss daisy
    SPASKIS likes this.

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