Hello, Following this tutorial : https://forum.studio-397.com/index....cmd-and-paid-content.57209/page-4#post-962943 I have to say that i´m testing this way on MY OWN COMPUTER .Not a dedicated one (maybe that´s the problem) here my roots: G:\Steam-CMD G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Bin64 Short cut is created: Packages are installed The "rFactor2 Dedicated.exe " shortcut doesn´t start What am i missing?
missing " at the beginning, before G: thats right "start ancient software" not start ancient software" Coffee! https://paypal.me/andreas30451
the screenshot shows the end of the line to where the path stuff was added...nowhere did I say to delete the " at the start. Yes EDIT: added a clarification to my document to save any future misunderstandings
Everything checked: G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Installed\Vehicles (mc laren mp4) G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Installed\Locations (silverstone) G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Packages( mc laren+ silverstone) "my new mod" G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Installed\Vehicles\McLaren_MP4_8_1993 G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Installed\Locations\Silverstone_2016
you should put a " before the G in your SHORTCUT cible field or sudomakemeasandwichandbuymeacoffee!!!
Open a command window (Win / R / cmd) and try "G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Bin64\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" +path=".." there. It worked for me: If it doesn't, you may see a further clue.
Try this in your target box.... I've just installed a server on a new computer and it didn't want to play ball until I added the extra path info. "G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\Bin64\rFactor2 Dedicated.exe" +path="G:\Steam-rF2-Dedi\”
So Dear engineers, one more time thank you for your support and special thanks to @Akela_DE that found the "mistake" (i´ve made of course) It was the 2 " .." (points) having a space........ With this mistake i lost my last chance to work for Microsoft ......I´m fired ...
That's the sort of nearly-invisible mistake that happens all the time when writing software. Multiply by several million and you have the reason Microsoft have to keep releasing updates On the other hand, it keeps thousands of software engineers in a job
So my next question...This way to run a server doesn´t work on your own Computer? If so...If i run on window server for example, i will need also to be connect to my steam account ? So how do i join the server as player?