rFactor2 Build 101 Released

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 88mphTim, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. buddhatree

    buddhatree Registered

    Dec 22, 2011
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  2. MaXyM

    MaXyM Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    It is not true anymore for 6xx serie
    Those cards are able to provide nVidia surround view without need of using surround view.
    I have GTX680 and 4 monitors connected: 1 for work, 3 for simracing, while last ones are configured into nV surround view (3x full hd + bevels)

    Also you can use almost any card and configuration to work with SoftTH. But it requires additional power to transfer image to secondary cards.
  3. MrPix

    MrPix Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    I think you need to get your facts straight matey....there seeems to be some miscommunication here..

    Yes you are right that you only have the total amount available of the size of the smallest card (in my case 4GB), but you are wrong about how you are saying it is accessed...

    let me make it clearer.... the memory on each card is filled with identical data in parallel (aka mirrored), therefore giving superfast access to the data to each local GPU... for example GPU1 accesses the 4GB VRAM on GFX card 1 and can NEVER access the memory on GFX card 2 and GPU2 accesses the VRAM on GFX card 2 and can NEVER access the VRAM on GFX card 1.

    In simple terms and to quote from the Geforce SLI site:
    You are correct though about the memory not doubling and being the sum of the 2 (or more cards).

    It's probably just down to semantics, and this was not the point of my post, but it seems it's hard to post a positive comment about rF2 without somebody picking up on their interpretation of what somebody has stated, whether relevant to the point or not.

    back to the topic of the build however, and Portugal is still a non-starter regarding FPS in the pits :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2012
  4. Panigale

    Panigale Banned

    May 30, 2012
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    FWIW - I didn't notice much of a difference in 101 vs 90 the one exception being ghostly shadows casting on the walls, chasing down the straights at Sepang. No difference in FPS.

    Overall I think the graphics look very decent (dare I say good) maxed out. ISI might make a huge leap forward but I think the reasonable expectation at this point is to make peace with what we see, it will probably improve but only slightly. Just my opinion but there is something organic to ISIs graphics that I enjoy. If all the sims looked exactly the same then it would be a bit boring anyway.

    Personally, I would like to see focus on getting existing content consistent, e.g. the FR3.5s don't look as nice as the F-ISIs. Would like to see the F-ISI provide configurable data on the steering wheel like the real thing, last lap time and mph are useful. Physics and FFB are better than anything I've ever tried so I don't think there is much left to do there.
  5. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Hopefully will have time to answer posts between my last replies and this soon. Just came here to let you know all http links are posted now. I'll edit 1st post.
  6. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Managed to get some more play time tonight so further thoughts:

    - Tire Wear Indicator graphic bug appears to be fixed (yay!), only tried the Clios but everytime I've gone too it its ok
    - Couple of bugs found and posted about
    - Overall smoothness of the game has been made better, much more akin to rF1 for me now. Even though overall FPS has'nt changed it just seems alot smoother than Build 90
    - PLR settings for additional Qually/Races is good, not sure if this was there before (?). Option to edit the weather for each session is now a wish as it appears you set the weather for Race in the main sacreen then each race has the same weather.

    Still need a good evenings session with RF2, only managed an hour tonight so looking forward to a free evening to really test this latest version, so far though its good!
  7. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Finally gotten around to do some racing. Still no joy in SLI configuration but disabling one card has given me some great results. I am now able to run at monaco (unplayable before because of stuttering) with everything on and even throw in some supersampling at 2x to boot! At sears point (another problematic track for me) same positive results. Driving is very smooth, framerates capped at 58fps.
  8. MaunoKasa

    MaunoKasa Registered

    Aug 7, 2012
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    No, its still there :/
  9. MarcG

    MarcG Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Bugger, will try and find it later
  10. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    with all the complaints on this build... lets hope the next build is quicker than 1 month.
  11. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    not with sli and with a lot of ppl going three screens, this is an issue
  12. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    It certainly is Coops.
    Still I was happy to see that at least some optimization went in the right direction for me. Hopefully the next update will allow us to use our hardware to full capacity.
  13. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    is it true we are the 2nd lot of beta testers ??????????? if so mayb some off the ppl on here wont mention names but they always pick up on everything of each new build i read there stuff a lot, they should be in the first beta testers as they pick up everything and a hell of a lot more than the no:1 beta testers are these guys doing there job properly for ISI no i don't think so when so many ppl pick up stuff after they have had it 1st. what are they just drivers that drive nothing else don't look for problems. IMHO YES
  14. jtbo

    jtbo Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    But how can you know that 1st group is finding less bugs?

    If they find a lot more, then imagine if there would be no 1st group, who knows what might happen, even computers get broken. It is only so much that programmer can predict, I'm sure nobody coding rF2 had even thought that someone might put ramp on track and jump car on it or some doing driving on two wheels, I doubt that 1st group of testers had ever thought of such.

    I guess that is partly why much more is found as with more people there are always more point of views, people do things differently in different machines and things come up.
  15. blakboks

    blakboks Registered

    Oct 20, 2010
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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
  16. blakboks

    blakboks Registered

    Oct 20, 2010
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    Wow...jump to conclusions much? Testers can only find bugs, they can't fix them. If you expected ALL obvious bugs to be fixed before a release, we'd only be getting a build every year or so. Basically, the devs would have to go on lockdown, not adding any new features, because new features means new bugs, until all the ones that are currently in are bug-free. That slows down development SO fricken' much. Also, I doubt that you're aware of how many people are in the first set of testers--or what they may be testing for. If it's large mod teams or game engine licensees (i.e. SimBin) that are included in the first set of testers, they're going to be looking at bugs that concern their own work, primarily. If it's a small team, they can only test so much. Let's say there's 1000 people participating in the Open Mod Beta, let's also assume that there's 10 people in the "closed" testing. Those 1000 people are going to find more bugs in 1 hour than the 10 people do in 1 week--because they're each testing and playing the game in their own unique way.

    Adding people from this group that seem to pick up on many things will not guarantee that fewer bugs will make it through each build that's released to us. Also, many bug reports on here don't really provide very good info, or test outlier conditions. Reporting a bug that only happened once and you can't figure out how to repro it is damn near useless. Good testers will figure out exact repro steps to get it to occur reliably.

    So, why don'tcha relax a bit and actually inform yourself before you make ridiculous statements like that in the future.
  17. Ricknau

    Ricknau Registered

    Nov 12, 2011
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    Coops, I see your name shown with the ISI logo. Others using that logo also show either "tester" or "staff" but your logo shows neither. What is your role with ISI?
  18. coops

    coops Banned

    Feb 1, 2011
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    ridiculous that's you with 1/2 the crap you just mentioned we are not talking about the dev's but about the first beta testers there job is to find bugs

    Adding people from this group that seem to pick up on many things will not guarantee that fewer bugs will make it through each build that's released to us. CRAP that's why there there to find bugs and report on them so we don't have to put up with so many in the first place for us to report on. you seem to know it all how many testers and what are they testing for ????? there not devs so they should be testing the game and finding the bugs for ISI.

    So, why don'tcha relax a bit and actually inform yourself before you make ridiculous statements like that in the future. mayb you should read ppl posts better b4 you go opening your big mouth
  19. blakboks

    blakboks Registered

    Oct 20, 2010
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    You clearly have no idea of software testing and development. All you've done is proven your ignorance even further with your rebuttal. Thank you!
  20. artvega

    artvega Registered

    Jul 13, 2012
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    I still have the Clio's sound problem when there are several cars around mine. I use Tritton AX Pro 5.1 headphones and have a Creative Xfi platinum sound card. ATI Radeon 6870 1Gb. CPU AMD FX 8129 3100 Mhz. Resolution 5968x1080.

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