Had another few hours with this build, Fps seems fine and that with everything looking better -HDR working now gosh is this a nice effect, Some Cars seem to have a little more depth (ffb updates ? Or physics ? ) all tracks ( except monza ) in day mode fps is decent Have tried night time though ( clio with headlights on ) and I get a nasty fps hit (all tracks ) so will not use night mode for now Problem still exists for me on monza (day or night ) which still dosnt run so again will continue not use this track Untill it's sorted Some things seem nicely optimised other things seem to be still awaiting optimisations? Running 4440x960 most things maxed ( except AAx1 no FXAA track detail set to MED, multi view off) & FOV set to 33, my steering wheel is close to centre monitor so my settings are pretty much 1:1, The mirrors don't have ajustment (at max ajustment) to point backwards !%!?! -awaiting fix A few more updates like this and I can see gold P.s rf2 with HDR on in nvidia 3d vision look very very nice now (-:
My experience with 101. I did the update process, not full install. First time for me doing this. It went real smooth. As has been mentioned... wow, what a variance of experience regarding FPS. I did a tally of all the posters in this thread (so far). 8 had no diffrerence 4 had improvement 7 had worse Adding my experience to the tally, make it 5 with an improvement. Like about 10-15%! I don't know why but I'm happy! I saw nothing in the notes about optimization and I'd really expect every added feature or fix to come with a performance hit. In case it matters, I do my personal FPS benchmark with all graphics enhancements turned off. No HDR, AA, FXAA, and texture filter set to biliniar. Giving the game all the advantage. And as of a few weeks ago all my playing and benchmarks are done with only one graphics card (Gtx560ti) installed. But, I do have a problem when I turn HDR on which no one else has mentioned. The over all lighting is as if there was a complete heavy raincloud ceiling. Everything is dark (like at dusk) even though the sky is set to "clear" at 2pm. And the cars have a wierd lighting effect on their under sides. Like they're lit from the bottom.
Even a basic T-Shirt that says 'Ferrari' on it is $40+. I can't imagine the cost of licensing one of their current F1 cars would be
Hey. It seems like i got a little Synch issue since this update... Its a bit laggy in Online races now. I dunno why, i did not change anything on my PC. It must be this update. Its not a big Synch issue, just a little bit laggy now Anyone got the same problem? Anyone know how to solve it?
Guys someone is having pc crashes with this build? or it's just me?. Also HDR it's causing me a lot of stuttering
I guess I'll post this in the bug thread. Maybe we can get some suggestions on a fix. Edit: It fixed itself. I started up rF2 this morning to capture a screen shot for my post in the bugs thread and the problem was gone. The only thing I did different was start rF2 in single screen resolution. I saw there was no prob and restarted in triple screen. No prob in triple screen.
So far so good, no frame rate hit that I can detect still getting a solid 60fps and so far no stuttering. Graphics are still "meh" but there has been a slight improvement in colour but for me still a way to go there. Nice to see the headlights working and I have yet to see if the rain has improved ie you can see it in car. Not a big leap forward but forward none the less. Now to patiently await the next one that I hope will contain more graphical tweaks.
I have got the same problem with the tree shadows only. I reinstalled rfactor 2 and the tracks, but the flickering is still there. When I try to record the tree shadows with fraps the shadows disappear during the recording. :/
Shadows flicker off and on at Brianza. At Monaco, in addition to flickering, the shadows pop up noticeably as I drive along. Otherwise 101 runs very well for me with good frame rates and the BT20 feels great cornering. Keep up the good work. SW
hi guys first post for me, love the game thanks isi does anyone know if the colors been fixed as it was very bright in build 90 , cant test as im away. thanks
I did a fresh install and have the same issues here. Additionally shadows pop up out of nowhere with nothing to cast them near by. I have tried different times a day, tracks and weather conditions, the shadows issue still there. The frame rates do appear to be better though.