Eye-finity is three screens, gives you a 180 degrees view ( 5670 x 1080 ). And again, I tried without any controller, and with the original G27 ( did oc remove all drivers and softs ), so I don't think this is where the problem is, especially since my friend has the exact same issue, on a totally fresh install... I did also try to just run on one screen, no change... I'm still getting more and more convinced that this is in fact a bug. Just don't understand why noone else inhere has experienced this.. And btw, I'd have to admit that I'm somewhat disappointed that no dev's has replied to this yet...
firstly devs cant reply to every topic or bug posted (see the other Bug thread and stickied bug thread) so dont wait on that, secondly if its just you and your mate thats two people to have it....sure its an odd bug, maybe if 20 or more said in this thread they had it then yeah maybe a dev would respond...but its a small fish in a big lake! Have you tried older versions of the Beta yet? if not do so and see what happens, if its ok then maybe something broke along the way which will help the devs further should they be interested enough to look deeper into this.
have you tried the most simple thing: switch invulnerability off?? This could help to know if your issue is rfactor related or caused by any other software, or hardware byyyyyyyyyyyye
Ehrm...if you'd taken the time to read when this bug appears, you would've noticed that it takes a severe crash to get this bug. So if I turn off invulnerability, and crash hard, my car will be trash, and then the bug obviously won't be there, or at least I won't know since my race would be over... @ MarcG : I see, I posted this all wrong, but would still expect the devs to have a look at this sooner or later, but thx m8
In the past, I have seen this issue being reported due to a flaw in a wheel. The fact that you and your friend both have the issue suggests that it is either related to software, or hardware that both of you use. As no one else seems to have mentioned this bug (I haven't searched all the archives so could be wrong) my guess would be that the issue lies with your hardware. One thing in common that you both have is the Roso wheel. Though that is a hand made high end wheel, there still might be issues with the wheel and perhaps some flex that is causing the circuit boards to do something strange. I understand you have changed everything back to original G27 and still get the issue, but have you completely removed any software relating to the Roso wheel? I am not completely familiar with that wheel as the maker is not currently responding to anyone about anything so I have to wonder what is going on there. I will try and recreate the issue myself with invulnerability turned on, but I also have to ask why you are racing a sim in such a manner? Just curious on that question, not saying you are doing anything wrong
I did try removing everything, reg-sweep and all, so I'm pretty sure it's not Roso-related, and since I also got the bug with no controller at all, it's seems obvious that this is in fact a bug. But you're right, it's seems odd that the only "help" I've set to on, is invulnerability, but I like the classic F1, and they're pretty difficult to drive, so I thought that I would let the cars be invulnerable, atleast until I got used to the tracks, and the physics of the cars ( especially Monte Carlo )...but since yesterday, I turned it off, and the bug is naturally not there anymore...or when I crash, my race is over eyh
Best way to learn in IMHO is to have something at stake if you make a mistake. That being said, you could always turn down the damage a bit till you get used to the car so little hits won't put you out of the race, but heavy ones will. Back on topic though, yeah, it does sound like an issue with the sim and should probably be looked at though I suspect it won't get a very high priority because of when it happens and under what conditions. Make sure you report it in the bug thread so ISI knows about it.