Did you have this volume off as soon as you launch rf2? As soon as you enter the car (just after plugin icon)? Or once the plugin should say its first sentence?
Right after I installed the 1.0 spotter I loaded the 370z on Indy'07 with a bunch of AI. The first few seconds I had sound (menus, ambient sounds etc.), but when I entered the car and as soon as the plug-ins were done loading (orange icon disappearing) the sound disappeared completely. I then left the game, and tried entering again, and now even the menu sounds were gone. I have now removed all other plug-ins to see if something's colliding. No change, still no sounds.
This is really getting quite bizarre... If I start rF2 in 32bit mode (advanced tab in the launcher) the sound is back?? Still no sounds in 64 bit mode.
Looking good. Thank you. Will give it a proper try in a race tonight. By the way, I am running rf2 in 32 bit mode and have not had any problems, at least not for the moment.
Also here the same thing. but after changing some settings in the rFactor audio panel, the voice is back. Now I do not have to do a pc screen. if you need I can do it later.
My problem isn't that I don't have the spotter voice. I don't have any sounds at all. Is your problem the same? Sendt fra min LG-E400 med Tapatalk2
Have you checked the sound system at the bottom right near the clock windows ??? We need the game to be launched, just a list of servers displayed in front of you is enough, no need to go on the track. At this time Alt + Tab to return to the office and go see if the sounds rfactor is not diminished.
build 860 x64 in online mode until now no problems with sound here. I use also TrackIR, DashMeter, Delta best, RealHeadMotion, Pedal Overlay and the Motec Plugin edit: ingame the spotter plugin show me v 0.91 after init. I have downloaded version 1.0. Do you see also 0.91 with the 1.0 download or is it something on my side ?
I reported this loss of all sounds with plugin v9 http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.p...-for-rFactor-2?p=307073&viewfull=1#post307073 What fixed it for me was going into developers module, if you have it installed, and then and only then all sounds came back. Spotter detail set to full. Cheers
Thanks mate, however I have no clue what developers module is? Excuse my ignorance. Sendt fra min LG-E400 med Tapatalk2
I just don't understand how a plug-in can remove all sound from the 64 bit version. I really don't get it...
hm I must take back my statement. During my test I was lazy and the AI has driven the car while the AI drove the car all was OK. Now if I drive the car exactly in the moment of the first spotter message rF2 freeze and crash. After I removed the dll from the x64 plugin folder it runs stable. I use build 860 can anyone confirm a similar behaviour with build 798 ? Maybe it has to do with some changes in build 860