Pit stop hud locked after rejoining the server

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Davide Arduini, Nov 7, 2021.

  1. Davide Arduini

    Davide Arduini Registered

    Dec 2, 2019
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    Hello, I'm on the release candidate version of rfactor 2 and I have experienced this issue during an online race: I got disconnected from the server due to this possible bug I already reported here (https://forum.studio-397.com/index....m-server-triggered-by-workshop-updates.70702/), but when I rejoined the session I found the pit stop options hud almost completely locked, the values "Fuel", "Driver", "Wing", "Grille", "Pressures" were impossible to increment or decrement, while "Tires" was the only one unlocked.
    Even after being disqualified and reallowed into the race, I wasn't able to edit those values neither from setup menu (locked) or the hud, and being into a 8 hours endurance race, I had to retire.
    Like I did with the other bug reported, I asked other people in my team if they had experienced the same issue and some of them confirmed it happened in several occasions, even on older versions of rf2.
    I hope this will be investigated, otherwise people not only get random disconnections from servers for stupid reasons, but also cannot change driver or do anything.
    Thanks in advance!
    Alessandro Appolloni likes this.
  2. Coutie

    Coutie Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I think it has to do with how it locks your car settings during a rejoin, to not cause server issues. Should be easy to test. Did you get disconnected during a pitstop, or just while driving?
  3. Davide Arduini

    Davide Arduini Registered

    Dec 2, 2019
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