All these years go by and the development of this game is less than what we already had. 1.) The AI are way worse than the first game. I play single player because the wrecker's just ruin it for me. This is the same Ai as in most of the past mods. Can't even get through the pace lap (pace car either) and stop for every corner. 2.) Graphics are very dissapointing so far- no texturing at all. About what Xbox was 5 years ago- disgraceful. Horrible car models- except the 60's. Still the cardbord crowds- why? 3.) FFB sucks- I like the tire feel though. There is no clear look down the track 4.) Game runs like crap. I know this is a beta- but it's been my experiance that this close to release and in this sad shape................too bad. It's just what one expects from PC titles these day's. We keep paying ridiculous prices for our hardware to watch less and less. I really wanted this game to be spectacular- better than iRacing even because of modding. And I'm aware that the great modding community will step up and fix most of this stuff. I'm just not sure that they haven't already done this in the first game. I guess the ease with which one can install a mod and write one will make this game worth while. Time will tell.............Not for nothing but this is just how I feel so far..............if the game get's fixed by release I'll be glad to say the good stuff. Right now- not so much. By the way- when is release?
We don't believe in gratuitous use of U's in the U.S. color, flavor, harbor, honor, humor, labor, neighbor, rumor... we're lazy like that.
I tell you with respect but it is one of the most absurd statements I've read on this forum. No wonder that the thread has taken a joke
I honestly think this is just a troll thread trying to see what kind of negative responses he can get.
I saw a few geese juggling cheez-its, once or twice, but the ducks ran in and stole them (the cheez-its, that is)