Released Nürburgring (2018) is now available!

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Christopher Elliott, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. sman

    sman Registered

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Hello just got this great track since yesterday Iam having a problem with visability on the track. Its always almost dark its very hard to see the trackflow . And not having this on other tracks. This track its always like its 6 pm on a average day in autumn
    how can i fix this
  2. sman

    sman Registered

    Mar 14, 2013
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    yes thats true even MOD tracks have that abillity ,
  3. Bernd

    Bernd Registered

    Jul 9, 2013
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  4. Gregoryleo

    Gregoryleo Registered

    Oct 6, 2019
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    I’m fairly new to rF2. And have been having a lot of fun with it recently. I decided to get the track expansion pack during the steam summer sale, and this track ran at 5 to 12 FPS during the races. I set my resolution down from 1920x1080 and mostly highs, to 1320x768, then set all graphics to low. That got it to run at about 25 FPS.
    Any idea why this is? Most of the tracks I play run at a pretty solid 60 FPS with my original settings. The other three of the four new tracks all run pretty slow 30 to 45 FPS but are still playable. (Barely)
    Anyway not sure what to do next I want the tracks, but if I can’t play them I’ll probably get a refund.
    jlnprssnr likes this.
  5. Remco Majoor

    Remco Majoor Registered

    Apr 22, 2014
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    It's a very heavy track (probably due to all the stuff around the s/f) and is very taxing on the CPU and I think RAM too. I am not sure what kind of specs are running, but I have a feeling it's either old or below average. Do you run with anti alias and post processing effects off too (launcher settings, not in-game settings)?
  6. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Those 4 tracks reprsent the pinnacle of S397 track building. Laser scanned and highly detailed. To test your system, choose Sebring again but skip the 12hr version and try the 2nd option. It is the exact same track without all the trackside detail. Should improve your fps noticeably. I tend to agree with Remco, without knowing your system specs, your problems seem to lean towards an underperforming CPU and a video card lacking enough video ram.
  7. Gregoryleo

    Gregoryleo Registered

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Yes my system is just above the minimum requirements. Please don’t laugh. It’s what I can afford and the specs are doable for the most part.
    It’s an 8th generation i3 8100 W/8 gigs DDR4 Ram
    Gtx 1030 w/2 gigs ram
    I didn’t know about the launcher settings, thanks for that, switching those off helped quite a bit. I can now run Sebring, d’Azur and lemans at a fairly stable 60 FPS with the resolution at 1600x900 with medium settings. but Nurburgring is still unplayable even at the lowest settings. So, three out of four is acceptable to me. It’s kinda funny to me that the nords was the main reason to buy the bundle.:rolleyes:
    You have been very helpful. Thank you for your time and effort. I very much appreciate it.
    P.S. If I auto close the launcher, will that free up a bit more ram?
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
    jlnprssnr, pkelly and Remco Majoor like this.
  8. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    You'll never get it to fit in memory with those specs I'm afraid.
  9. Gregoryleo

    Gregoryleo Registered

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Yah I knew my system probably wasn’t up to speed. I was kinda hoping someone had a magic trick I could use. On the up side all my other content is running at 90+ FPS with these setting. I do plan to upgrade as soon as I can afford it. Starting with more ram in the next week or so. And then eventually the i7 8100 which runs at 4.6GHz if I’m not mistaken.
  10. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Registered

    Jun 18, 2019
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    One of your systems main issues is also indeed video RAM, 2 Gb is not enough. You will probably even fill it up with low details on textures and resolution and the PC will use RAM and the harddrive to allocate the necessary memory and this (especially the least) becomes slow. Especially the Nordschleife is extremely impacting in this department. I have the 1060 3Gb and 6Gb versions here and the difference is HIGHLY noticeable on the NoS, Le Mans and Sebring. The 6Gb is eating it very fine since the last build, but the 3Gb is struggling heavily
    davehenrie likes this.
  11. Gregoryleo

    Gregoryleo Registered

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Yah I was thinking 16 gigs of ram for starters, then the new processor. The Video card however is going to be the most expensive thing, and will be a while before I can afford it. I’m thinking a 1080 w/6 gigs.(hopefully will run things for a while before it’s outdated) But its kinda pointless to Get that before I have a processor to push it with. All in good time. Guess I’ll Be racing the nords on Raceroom or pCars 2 for a while yet. :rolleyes:
  12. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Registered

    Jun 18, 2019
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    I'm running rF2 with 8 gigs RAM (DDR4 2666) and a Ryzen 1600 (the basic one, without overclocking) totally fine, btw., for a short period of time i had input/output lag and some stutters on some tracks, but this was gone after the last 2 builds.

    Your Processor is still okay-ish, if you're driving with not too many AI, but i can tell you, that the most important upgrade for the NoS, Le Mans and co. will be the video card. The 1030 with 2 Gb VRAM is struggling a lot, to keep up. You will probably not experience the desired result in performance gain for the new S397 tracks, by updating RAM and processor alone, because this GPU will bottleneck this configuration.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
    davehenrie likes this.
  13. jlnprssnr

    jlnprssnr Registered

    Jul 18, 2016
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    They should point out the VRAM requirements of the track in the store, when it differs so radically from the base game. Especially since you can only refund item store stuff for 48 hours, unlike games and DLC where Steam allows refunds for two weeks.
  14. elbo

    elbo Registered

    Feb 19, 2012
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    I can run sebring and lemans fine but this track is a complete and utter stutter show...I could understand the long track not running but even loading the sprint is unplayable. I bought it and it is useless to me, unfortunately realized this after the refund time expired.
    jlnprssnr likes this.
  15. Gregoryleo

    Gregoryleo Registered

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Do you think the rx 570 with 8 gigs of ram will run this track well enough?
  16. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I have a RX-480x8. It does alright. But it depends what your definition of 'alright' is. There are folks here who whinge if the fps drops below 180fps. Most of my tracks will vary between 140fps down to 80ish. That isn't so bad with freesync but if you are doing VR, that might cause issues. I would not BUY a RX 570 tho to play rF2. It will be burdened by the new track graphics, and new car interiors. FPS will only get worse from now on. If I had a 570, I would live with it until I couldn't any longer.
  17. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Registered

    Jun 18, 2019
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    It's definetly not the worst GPU, but will probably still have to make compromises. It will definetly blow the 1030 away, though.

    Comparable to a 1060, in FullHD it should work :) I have no clue about higher resolutions, though. It's not a bad GPU, if you can get it for a good price (this is very important, because otherwise, it's also not the best deal, this GPU is 3 years old "already".)
  18. Gregoryleo

    Gregoryleo Registered

    Oct 6, 2019
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    Thanks guys. I'm in a kinda tight spot with funds. It's in my budget. I managed to scrape together a couple hundred bucks and I still need to buy power supply to run it. I discussed it with my wife, and came to the conclusion that it's easier and not much more expensive to buy slightly aged gpu's every year, than to try and save $500+ . I don't know why I told you all that. Anyway I've been compromising on detail and resolution ever since I got into this hobby. I'm good with 60 fps on medium to high detail with 1680x1050, though I prefer 90+ with 1920x1080 on high.
    I know a lot of people have a hair up their ass about AMD (I read several reviews that said GTX vs bottle neck), and at the same time I can afford their product and it usually gets the job done well enough for me. I'm not a graphics snob, it's nice to have great graphics but not required for total immersion.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
    davehenrie likes this.
  19. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Registered

    Jun 18, 2019
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    I think, you can somewhat archieve that with the RX 570, if not too many different car types at once are in use on track. Like mentioned, this is not a bad GPU at all(!!) and you could probably be even surprised, how well it performs, after using a 1030.

    Not only by FPS, but frametimes, better input reaction and look. :D I don't think, you have to upgrade it next year already...also with FreeSync, it should be silky smooth without tearing, when you found the right settings.^^

    Your system will restrict you a bit in AI usage, if many different car types are on track, perhaps.
    Maybe the i3 8100 will eat it, it's still not the weakest processor, it's even a tiny bit better than my Ryzen 1600 in single core performance and just lacks multicore performance, but after all rF2 isn't utilizing all cores (properly) anyway. RAM will also be fine, if you're not using Chrome in the background, while playing. :D :D

    Good racing with AI isn't depending on grid size anyway...sometimes, it's even better to run smaller grids for less chaos.
    There's nothing wrong with AMD GPUs. They consume a bit more energy (at least they used to, afaik), but after all, you get some affordable performance, often just a tad slower than the NV counterparts. But Nvidia GPUs are even pretty overpriced, especially in the moment, after all.

    Btw. having a good and stable power supply with a bit of headroom is worth a lot for your whole systems life span and stability. I've seen so many systems die (including 1 of my own), because owners save money on that, which after all leads to spending more.

    I use a 1060 (maybe a tiny amount of more performance, than the RX 570 in some games) and on 1920x1080 basically everything is playable until today, with decent look. Even such hungry things like ACC and rF2. The rest of my specs is visible in my signature, not the beefiest config at all and it works fine. The RX has even 2 gigs more of VRAM so maybe it also performs good on higher resolutions than 1080p, who knows. :)
    Gregoryleo likes this.
  20. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Registered

    Oct 17, 2017
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    It's possible to have great AI races with as low as 8 AIs, with proper AI settings matching your level or a bit above.
    There's no need to have 30+ cars.
    Gregoryleo likes this.

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