As title I made a mod track and edit some property in 3dsimED then export all the GMT and MAP file in moddev\location\"new" folder(new create as the build-in Joesville ) and copy the _output file into "new.scn" and exam the track is working all fine at gmoto viewer 2.5 as far as I know , I had set xsectors, xfinish, xpitin, xpitout and edit properties to maks sure TERRAIN objects is drivable. but when I get in rf2 dev game mode, the game crush on loading this mod track 100% and return back to desktop is there any troubleshooting I should made to find out the problems? through log can only find as follow 1.04s cubeDirectX1 7599: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Shader@0x0000027FED26A350(29,20): warning X3578: Output value 'main' is not completely initialized (is this important?) 16.62s util.cpp 1210: Unable to adjust texture for material: wcdriver_104, tex0=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\, tex1=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\Misc\, tex2=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\ 16.62s util.cpp 1210: Unable to adjust texture for material: wcextra0_104, tex0=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\, tex1=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\Misc\, tex2=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\ 16.62s util.cpp 1210: Unable to adjust texture for material: wcextra1_104, tex0=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\, tex1=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\Misc\, tex2=D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\RFACTOR 2\MODDEV\VEHICLES\SKIPBARBER\TEAMS\ (nothing to do with my files?) 17.04s setup.cpp 3199: Could not find Joesville Speedway.race.svm 17.04s setup.cpp 3199: Could not find Joesville Speedway.svm (is svm file important? why did it recal Joesville file rather than mine?) 17.65s pitcrew.cpp 341: CUBE error loading animation file HOLDLEFT.ANM: Error locating animation file HOLDLEFT.ANM 17.65s pitcrew.cpp 341: CUBE error loading animation file HOLDRIGHT.ANM: Error locating animation file HOLDRIGHT.ANM (is this animation file important?) 17.78s slot.cpp 763: finished pit and garage unassigning (should I assign and how?) 24.50s CommMain.cpp 617: Opened commentary script "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\ModDev\Commentary\CommentaryEnglish-USA.ini" 24.53s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "flag_yellow_race.wav" from commentary script 24.53s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "flag_yellow_race.wav" from commentary script 24.53s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "leader_yellow_closed.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "leader_yellow.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "pits_open_leadlap.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "pits_open.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "caution_end_double.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "caution_end.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "still.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "still.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "still.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "still.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "still.wav" from commentary script 24.54s CommMain.cpp 329: Could not find file "still.wav" from commentary script (what are all the wav file for?) 51.57s setup.cpp 3199: Could not find Joesville_Speedway.ini (recal the Joesville again, is ini essential? ) 355.50s main.cpp 290: onFatalError 11 (end in here)
OnFatalError 11. You have a broken file reference. The others are all normal. You'll have them if you move your track folder out of devmode, which is a good way to check.
There can be a lot of reasons why it crashes, especially when the onFatalError 11 error shows up. So it is almost impossible, to find the reason by posting guesses here in the forum. If you want, you can upload your devmode folder of the track and send me the link by private conversation. I can check it and try to solve the problem then.
sorry for duplicate thread, I post here first but fail to remove it, anyway to cancel post in here? thanks