Mod Manager - Mods invisible

Discussion in 'Technical Archives' started by Novis, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. Novis

    Novis Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    SOLVED! Mod Manager - Mods invisible

    I have read a number of posts that complain about mods not visible in the Mod Manager. I can add one more to that list!

    After installing the F1Ligue 2012 beta 1.6 mod ( all of my installed mods, except the 1960 WCR mod, disappeared from the Mod Manager. Even worse they got removed ingame also!!!

    Update: It's just the rfms, the tracks and cars are still there if I select All Tracks and Cars.

    FIX: Read post #4 how I solved the problem. (
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2012
  2. Untick the "show only mods" in the menu then you'll see everything! ;)
  3. Novis

    Novis Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Yes, all components are there in Mod Manager but as I said the mods are not showing, both in Mod Manager and in-game.
  4. Novis

    Novis Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Ok, I was able to fix my problem.

    By launching the Mod Manager from the Core directory I manage to create a copy of the files in the mods. When the Mod Manager is started by itself and not from the launcher it by default fails to read the registry to fetch the correct Data director. So when it compares what mods that are installed it do that against an empty install directory. This allows me to install the mods again., this time inside the Core directory.

    When comparing the two install directories I discovered that the RefCount differed in some of the tracks. Correcting these numbers made the Mod Manager see all mods again. Apparently RF2 for some reason refuses to load a mod whenever the reference count missmatch...
  5. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    I encountered a similar problem today but cleared it up by deleting the contents of the rf2\manifests folder, making all the mods appear in the Mod Manager again.

    Edit: Make that all the manifest files EXCEPT for the AllTracks&Cars one!
  6. mianiak

    mianiak Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    You should never run modmgr from core, you should always run it from the launcher as it has command line arguments that it needs to work properly. You don't want things installed in core because that will cause all sorts of issues, you will now find you also have a Manifests folder in Core that should not be there.

    If it's not an ISI mod then you will need to speak to the mod creator, because if it doesn't show up, then they have done something wrong. But in saying that, yes, if it's a rfcmp file, you will need to turn of show mods only.

    To manually uninstall a mod, you just need to remove the contents from \Installed\ and in \Manifests\ you only need to remove the offending mod.
  7. mianiak

    mianiak Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Can you confirm that the mft file with the wrong refcount only happens in \Core\ or also in \Installed\?

    That mismatch could be because when it's installed into core if it is an update, it could be missing the original files.

    Could you please list the steps you took to get it to fail?
  8. Novis

    Novis Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    What I did was to install the F1 2012 beta, when the install was done the mods disappeared. From what I can see the F1 2012 mod references the Malaysia and Estoril track causing the ref count on these components to change, that triggered the invisibility immediately, any mod referencing these components was removed.

    All installs had gone to the correct Install directory in Data. Files did only get installed into the Core directory when I launched the Mod Manager by itself. The only use of the files installed into the Core directory was to compare with the old files in the Data directory. After finding the differences between the files in the Data and Core directory I removed the install directory from Core with the Mod Manager. I haven't encountered any problem at all from what I did.

    No, anything that I installed into the Core was installed properly, the ref count was ok. The ref count of the files in the Data directory had gone wrong during the F1 2012 installation and when fixed all mods come back.

    The problem is not with the mods but the subsystem that handle mods. I am now pretty sure that the ref count is causing all problems with mods not showing up, both uninstalled and installed mods. If an uninstalled mod makes references to components and for some reason the ref count is not what the game thinks it should be the mod becomes invisable.

    You should never remove anything manually as that will screw up the ref counts.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2012
  9. Michael Juliano

    Michael Juliano Track Team

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Yes, there were a couple bugs in the version of mas2 and modmanager released with the first beta release. These have been fixed and you'll get new tools with the next update. In order for everything to work properly you'll need to rebuild your components/mods with these new tools.
  10. Saabjock

    Saabjock Registered

    Nov 13, 2011
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    This problem appears to be the most serious found in the beta so far, because it seems to happen randomly and without direct input to RF2.
    I've encountered it four times now...the last two days ago after installing Nvidia's newest beta (295.51) driver.
    I had just run a few laps with no issues prior to the driver install.
    On restarting the sim and setting the in-game resolution, I was greeted with the dreaded 'no mods installed' message on selecting single player mode.
    The mod manager showed everything installed in the packages folder.
    I saved my replay and player.ini folder.
    I currently have the beta uninstalled pending a fix.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2012
  11. Novis

    Novis Registered

    Oct 7, 2010
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    Thanks for the confirmation Scott.

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