In turn 5 "le musee" it feels like the tarmac is quite ruff, or like "staircase effect", so much that my FFB meter shows a weird pattern. Do you know if its supposed to be like that, or if the road mesh at that part is not detailed enough?
I do have a similar Effect with the Shortcut on my "instant Timing" Mod for the Nürburgring Track, even if that is used by other Layouts. It can be, that such Meshes, that are not in use, are not modeled like the "in use" Ones. I will check it Tomorrow, if i can "see" anything unnormal (it's a bit hard with DLC Meshes). Do you have a DD Wheel? With my G920 it felt OK, but most of the Time i was more on the inner Curb than on the Tarmac.
Yes I have a DD wheel. Just did a 992 session, and here the effect were in both turn 5 and 6. But overall it was more subtle, so dont put much time in it. For your curiosity: attached 4 screens to compare. It's the green meter in lower left side. You can see its getting quite spiky in turn 5 & 6, which is also feel-able. Turn 9 and 10 for comparison.
@ThomasJohansen I fear, it is the same Effect that appears with from rF1 converted Tracks. As you've supposed already, a too "raw" modeled Road Surface. But the whole Bugatti Road, that doesn't get used for the full Layout is made in that Way, so that the Differences in the FFB, between Turn 5/6 and 9/10, are probably caused by different Topography. On the below Pictures you see the Road Mesh of Turn 5 and 10 and as last, the full Layout Road. Unfortunately, i can not do anything to improve that, in a DLC Track.
@redapg yeah, that was my thought too. Thx for investigating. Luckily its not too notible, and it is still fun to drive at.