Coming from THIS Post, i did make a first Version of the Le Mans Bugatti Layout, made from the S397 LeMans Track. It's not the final Version, i guess. Depending on my free Time, i will try to remove more Objects of the full Track, to improve the loading Time. (But that is a "Pain in the A S S" Work with a DLC Track ) And i will try to add some more Flag Marshalls and Objects, that are missing, too. Available in the Steam Workshop now. Hint: The AI may be a bit slow.
Not sure if you have the same issue I have. Chrome thinks it is a malicious file but don't give you the prompt. I had to do a right click and "Save Link As". From there it'll down load but you'll need to click on Keep.
@mjo1704 and @Chris Lesperance I think it's again the Problem that some Chrome Browser Users did have before too. My Link goes to a Website (with that i count the Downloads) that redirects to the File. And because many Websites, that try to betray, use the same or a similar Redirection, it get's blocked by Chrome. But as long as the from @Chris Lesperance mentioned Workaround works, it should be no Problem, i guess. Firefox for Example, downloads it without any Problems. And i don't test with Chrome because i don't like it.
i notice this i can see old objects in tv cam (trucks + trailors + cars in grass) but not on the car cameras
"Cleaning" the Track is WIP. And as said, doing that with a DLC Track is really a Pain in the A... This kind of Effect is caused by the VisGroup 2048 "Only visible when viewed from an active trackside cam". Which is a bit strange VisGroup in my Opinion.
@redapg is it even possible to add objects when its a DLC track? Not that it need much, "only" cones, brake markers, a pedestrian bridge and some light posts. I know it's v0.1, just thought of which limitations that there might be when its a DLC track.
Principally it's possible, yes. Let me quote myself: But at first, i work at removing Objects from the full Track, to improve the loading Time.