[WIP] Highlands Motorsport Park 0.82b

Discussion in 'Locations' started by Drathuu, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Drathuu

    Drathuu Registered

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Highlands Motorsport Park v0.83b - (C) David Neighbour 2014 (UPDATED 28/07/14)



    DONATIONS for the track can be put on our League page (www.racefactor.com.au) - Thankyou in advance to anyone that wants to donate for the efforts - (It will say anonymous, but Paypal will notify us)

    Release notes -
    Scratch build Highlands Motorport track based in Cromwell New Zealand.

    Track consists of 5 layouts (Gt, Moto-khana, Short sprint and 2 shortened GT variants).
    I have had limited time outside of work to progress this, so only gets 5 or more hours per week.
    Its my first effort at a scratch build RF2 track, so learning a lot along the way. (Thanks to all those assisting with support on forums). Initially build in BTB but has spent half its life in 3dsim-ed and learning some Max along the way (Next track will be 3ds max end to end).

    FIXED 28/07 - Start Finish line doesnt cross pitlane (losing a lap in the pits)
    FIXED 28/07 - HMSP is a "permanent" road course (Spelling error in permanent on all 5 loading screens) - THANKS Marc :)
    ADJUSTED - Most of the track textures (Signs etc) to desaturate them somewhat.. (first pass)

    Known issues

    Textures incomplete on some buildings (Main pit building)
    Cube map windows not working perfectly
    Pine tree textures need revision X trees at back of track (textures need to be replaced)
    Not all object reflections are enabled yet throughout the track (Just track surface and a few objects) - Due to no refelct planes and hence objects dont vertically look corrects
    Undertrack shadowcaster needs improvemetn to stop low angle shadow inconsistencies
    Default HDR only - Tosch.... I need your magic.. :) (But we want some beautiful orange sunsets)
    CAMERAS - are default placeholders and are the same for all tracks (BAD).. these need to be done completely.
    Cromwell town has default placeholder buildings.
    Some cones dont cast shadows - Have been lasy and have to finalise all pivot points for cones.
    Large cones in pitlane dont collide properly. Objects to be replaced in future release.
    Some normal maps and spec maps are low res .
    AIW's are ok, but could be better - Pit merging is Woeful on some track variants. (Ai on 110% isnt too bad)
    LOD's havent been touched (Nor some track optimisations done) - but it still runs very well on half decent rigs.

    To DO
    Add DRS Zone track variant with DRS lines and signs. (Straight between turn 1 and 2) + (straight after back of track hairpin into bridge bus-stop)

    Luc van Camp, help with roadshader being applied to non racesurface_ objects
    ISI track builders (artists) - I borrowed a couple of textures as i have limited artistic talent - But its helping me learn a-lot.
    Spakkis (for original conversion tutorial) learnt a lot from this - More than alot
    Radar - 3ds help and some guidance
    Pudlea - for initial testing and feedback
    Racefactor members (www.racefactor.com.au) - For cutting laps and pointing out all the issues :) Your so kind :)

    Hope you enjoy the track to date.. Still a bit to be done, but i have limited time i can spend on it (5-10 hours a week).

    Anyone wanting to help out (Better AIW, Cams, HDR profile's) please feel free to message me.

    I would ask you seek permission prior to any Conversion and/or adjustment.

    Older Version Video

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2014
  2. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Will check this out.

    Thanks. :)
  3. Tosch

    Tosch Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Need a new project anyway. Can't see Nordschleife anymore (at least for a week or so). :D
  4. oldschool1478

    oldschool1478 Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Thanks, but Mediafire does not work for me.

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Thanks for the track. I'll download it later or tomorrow to try it! ;)
  6. Drathuu

    Drathuu Registered

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Ill find another host and put it up.. any suggestions ?
  7. oldschool1478

    oldschool1478 Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Mega seems to be working for me.
  8. Andy_rsrf

    Andy_rsrf Registered

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Hello Drathuu,

    I hope you get all help, the you need.

    It's a great track and it could be a small Nordschleife... ;)

    A carousel is indeed available! :cool:

    I am pleased to be able to pursue the work on this track.

    Thank you very much.


    Another download possibility:



    Link removed.

    87x downloaded...

    Make it a Donate button to see if their work is appreciated.

    My donation you have immediately...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2014
  9. oldschool1478

    oldschool1478 Registered

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Thanks Andy! Good working link.
  10. Drathuu

    Drathuu Registered

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Thanks Andy.. im interested in the number of downloads it gets (Small token for the work to date).
    Im also interested in peoples thoughts to date..

  11. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I'll give you my thoughts: Wow!

    This has the makings to be one of the best rF2 tracks!! Despite being a newbie, you seem to be doing all the right steps and not throwing together a slap-dash track.

    The multiple variations are appreciated. The reaching out for specialized help with AIW and so forth is appreciated. Attention to detail on what you have completed so far is fantastic. The track surface seems very nicely modelled. OF course some textures and other things need work, but it sure looks like it is all headed in the right direction to me. It's always sad when a good track is released that could be great except for one or two oversights. I can't imagine this one won't be great one day.

    Please accept help and take your time...releasing iterations with incremental improvements is no problem. Some of us will try to help as best we can with detailed feedback for whatever you want.

    I'll start with a tiny fix that is worth noting only because this will someday be "perfect" and we don't want it marred by a typo ;) HMP is a "permanent" road course (check your title screens) :)
  12. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    Awesome looking layout. Thanks
  13. jimcarrel

    jimcarrel Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    Just tried this track. It looks like it will turn out great. Grand ole start so far.
    Must admit, first three laps, there was a sand trap I parked in at every lap. Fourth lap I just touched it. Never could learn a new track real fast.
    Thanks for bringing this track!

    You thinking about the kart track?
  14. Drathuu

    Drathuu Registered

    Oct 14, 2010
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    Thanks guys,

    Marc, Will fix the Typo :) Thankyou.. thats an easy 2 minute job :)
    Jim, The cart track is there (its just very very low low poly but ugly).. but you can drive on it now :)... Im not convinced it would make a good racing cart circuit - More a fun hire cart curcuit,, its just a twisty windy track.. where as proper cart tracks are designed for flow and technical sections - If you understand what i mean - Its a fun kiddy cart track.

    I am considering doing the speedway as my first 3ds end to end track - Easy to do and can learn some skills as a starter track.., then adding the gmt and scn file for it.

    As for attention to detail i could have put this out a month ago, but wasnt happy that certain basic things werent perfect.. I still want to add a heap of other trackside objects in and work on the flag lights on the bridge - (More learning) ;)

    I chose the track as it wasnt being done for RF2 and wanted to do it justice (There was one, but it wasnt reflective at all of the actual physical track). Mostly its aerial views, screenshots, photos and videos ive been building it off, but i have had the track caretaker and one of the guys who races there been looking at it and giving me feedback.. (elevations should be spot on to within 10-20cm or so. I had to tweak it 4 months back when they made changes to the track (Back hairpin and bridge entry) and will continue to do so to keep it current.

    A couple of weeks and i should be able to put in another iteration.. (this weekend is booked out sadly), but given its state its IMO good enough already to run league races on.. It looks good, drives well (I actually love the track flow).. and creates some awesome racing.
  15. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Yep, that's what I meant by the congratulations. Even without most of the eye-candy completed we already have multiple very driveable layouts that are good fun in a variety of low to higher powered cars.

    My only advice is to get some technical advice before tackling some of the finer details. For example, to variegate the track surface and the grass so it isn't all mono-texture. That would instantly make a huge improvement/difference, but I gather that the doing of that is far from easy. And the artistic side of it is also critical as even if one has the technical skills, it can still look like a fake, digital world in the wrong hands. My real point is that if there is a foundation or building blocks needed to allow for that variegation, try to build it in now even you can't do anything with it at the moment. Help or new skills will come eventually!

    Just want you (and other modders) to avoid the frustration of having to throw out work or repeat major tasks because of misunderstanding. I've seen too much of that already :(

    And agree about the kart track. We need Sonoma kart track and some of the other iconic ones, not the kiddie tracks.
  16. Emery

    Emery Registered

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Track has an excellent surface feel and the kerbing is awesome! Trees and grass, properly weathered, will give it a polished look; right now the monotone grass hinders our depth perception and it doesn't blend into the distant hills too well. Since it's a newish track, I'm not so sure that the pavement texture needs weathering.

    I found the sandtrap on my first lap, too, but stayed out of it on the subsequent laps.
  17. Seahawks1Fan

    Seahawks1Fan Registered

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Great job on the layout. The details are spot on and the track is a blast to drive. Here is a quick Sim vs. Reality video I put together of the track to show how close it is.

  18. MrBiscotte

    MrBiscotte Registered

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Very nice work Drathuu !! Can you think if it will be possible to add a drs zone ? With the T5 Series it's a very good combo !!!

    SPASKIS Registered

    Sep 7, 2011
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    You just gave me a good idea of how to introduce some variety to the track surface without having tons of textures. I will apply it in the new track I am creating and if it works OK, I'll post to explain what it consists on in case others find it interesting.
  20. Tosch

    Tosch Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Every help is welcome. :D

    Here is a hdr profile for the track
    View attachment HighlandsMSP798V1AutoHDRprofile.zip
    but that is only the first step. A lot of textures have to be modified/adjusted but I have seen Drathuu has already visited the texture saturation thread in the modding forum. :D

    The track itself is great and has a lot of potential.

    One of the ideas I had at the first look was to make the background landscape 3d (like Mores or Loch Drummond). This would give this place a special touch. Should look awesome with all the hills and valleys nearby at different lighting conditions. I know this means a lot of work but I'm sure it's worth the extra effort.
    If this is not possible I would double the resolution of the background pictures and add a normal map.

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