Has anyone used the rF2 dev mode for a working AIW yet?

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by ethone, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    As per above, has anyone used the rF2 dev mode for a working AIW yet?
    I've tried to create an AIW from scratch five times and could not get it to work properly. I can record paths and all just fine, but I keep running into two issues:
    - AI slows down at the finish line. I normalized curve across the waypoints, did nothing.
    - pit entry and exit are fubar. And at Fuji they're not even that complicated! Just connecting the 1st pit to main without any normalizing makes them spin on entry and come to a stop on exit. Normalizing curve across them technically works for pit entry but made the AI go ohcrapineedtopitBRAKEturnSPINsmoooooke. Normalizing curve on exit gave me the weirdest of displayed paths, like a bezier curve that was rotated 90/270° and far too long was used for the penultimate pit waypoint.
  2. les

    les Registered

    Jan 19, 2012
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    i have been trying to figure out the AIw file myself i have been waiting for a rf2 video tutorial, scott i think said he was going to make one or tim said he was just not sure when
  3. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    I have made AIWs without issue for rF1. In fact, when I put in my AIW from rF1 into rF2, all is fine. It has some issues though which, while not breaking the game, I would prefer to fix.

    In short: If there's something I'm messing up, it must be something that has changed from rF1 to rF2.
  4. toebee

    toebee Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  5. les

    les Registered

    Jan 19, 2012
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    well i went to record the left path after creating the main the pit and the fast path i crossed the start finish line too start recording went all the way around the track and got back to the start finish line and bang rf2 shut down does anyone know why this happening
  6. Kev

    Kev Registered

    Oct 28, 2010
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    I made some AIWs from scratch successfully. And i had deal with problems like yours, ethone.
    This issue was in rFactor too. The matter is in waypoint's direction. If you have breaking in line of waypoints, AIs will slow down near it despite of smooth path. So end of mainline should be going smoothly to the beginning of it. Same with pit entry/exits, pit line should begin from main line, not from side, and end very close to main line too.
    Normalize do not fix waypoint directions, so it cannot help.
    (sorry for my poor english :) )

    And there is way to quick fix breaking of mainline without redoing it. I deleted some waypoints near breaking (1 or 3 or 7) and using "Add between" function restoring them with better placing.
  7. Devin

    Devin Member Staff Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    I had no problems creating a new AIW, everything worked fine in rF2. I did the same I did in rF1 (madcowie's tutorial is good) and then I learned to use the new AIW editor (which isn't really new xD), just try it like you did in rF1...
  8. ethone

    ethone Registered

    Nov 30, 2011
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    Thanks for pitching in guys.

    I tried Kev's advice first and it turned out to work fine after several tries to optimize where exactly I start/end my 1st pit path. I ended up driving the path right off and right onto the fast path (crossing the main path in the process) and well, it works, no more AI breaking down in confusion or slowing down. That's not how I made my AIW work in rF1 or even compatible with what I thought were best practices but hey, it works. :)
    Strangely, getting the branching points of the pit path right also fixed the slowdown-at-s/f issue. I'm not going to complain about that either though. ;)

    Screenshot of my pit entry is attached. View attachment 1253
  9. toebee

    toebee Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I'll give it a try later. One thing you might wanna watch out for when doing it that way is how the a.i. merge when there is another a.i. on the other path. In rf1 if you crossed paths or merged them before the connection they wouldn't see a.i. on the other path until it was to late and they crashed. When you ended the paths off line the a.i. would see the other a.i. and wait for him to go by.

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