Actually, there never was a solid 2010 release date. It was that time that we were "aiming for", but didn't make. We announced in 2010 on Twitter, Facebook and here in the forums that we wouldn't make a 2010 release (even though we had never solidly confirmed a 2010 release, we were still respectful enough to say we wouldn't make a 2010 release). So saying you've heard nothing isn't quite right... There never has been a solid announced release date for rF2, any that you have heard were estimation or speculation, and neither of those should be taken as solid or confirmed, especially when a company (like ours) has lots of business going on. If you do not want to see the videos and screenshots we are releasing at this time, it is very, very easy to not look at them. Very easy. If you see a video called 'trailer' or 'promo' in the future maybe that is when you can start watching the videos we release? I understand you're a simracer, so am I, what I don't understand is why it isn't possible to enjoy what is available to you at the moment while patiently waiting until something new comes along. The types of videos and screenshots (which you have already said you don't want to see, but keep looking at and watching anyway) we are releasing at this point are simple development updates. We aren't just working on one product, we have many products and the development staff are doing rFactor 2, but also do other things which make us money. It's really that simple. Without the development updates you would have not had any updates whatsoever since maybe October, 2008? which is when Gjon interviewed with SRT. If that is what you would have preferred then I'm sorry, other people waiting didn't deserve that gap. I know that in a customer situation I would prefer to see WIP updates than nothing at all...
Both benefit each other, actually. The only downside at all to working with multiple types of customers is that sometimes it can slow development a little, but without all types of customers software development would be a much tougher industry right now.
Perhaps an Accursed farms style visual To-Do list on the homepage would help. Showing the progress of the various areas of development. Track layouts, Track textures, ui work, tire modeling, VisualFX, car models, car textures, etc.
An update system of that sort wouldn't account for other work those developers are doing. Good idea, but not for this specific application of it I feel. You'd still only know rF2 was done in the same way at the same time as you will without it, regardless of seeing that. And if anything I think it would increase the negativity: "Why didn't the % increase on sound editing this month!!!??!!11" etc.
So come on, Tim. You told us a lot of facts now, just tell us another fact: release of RF2 this year?
Another issue with this type of progress report (other than what Tim has already mentioned) is that things can change based on community input (we receive a lot of suggestions). So when you have a game where the developers are trying to include community requested features, it means a number of things might change during development or add to the workload. So we wouldn't want to announce an official rF2 release date until we were more confident that release date could be met. Any release dates of rF2 should be taken as rumor until we announce it (which we haven't). We appreciate people's patience and though it's obviously impossible to please everyone our priority has always been on trying to make rfactor a community based game that includes community input and an open architecture. This type of development model typically requires more time and resources and can significantly (and dynamically) affect the development time-line.
There were 5 updates that I remember off the top of my head (1040, 1070, 1150, 1250, and 1255) which mostly contained optimizations, community requested changes and/or new features, free content, and minor bug fixes. We could keep perfecting rF1 but at some point you have to start working on rF2 (hence the reason there might be some minor bugs "left unfixed" in rF1). Relatively speaking, I suppose that 5 updates could be considered "many times" over 2 years, but the more beta testing you do the more it delays the release, and some people get impatient over that delay, so at some point you have to go with what you have but there has to be some balance between releasing something too early or too late.
A lot of people including me seem to be suffering from 'Eric Cartman waiting for Nintendo Wii to come out' syndrome over rF2. As I understand it ISI make their money from simulation systems generated for use by Military and other large scale Business use, not software for general public and rF is a side project that they do for fun. We are lucky that rF exists at all IMO. It is just that it has been so long since we had a new decent sim (if you cant afford the iRacing bill that is) that people are going a little crazy. I am one of them. I am doing what I can to be patient but, I am checking this site for details with an unhealthy regularity. From what I have seen of the WIP stuff the rF2 project is looking awesome and I am already in negotiations with the other staff members of to secure a day of the week for rF2 races when it comes out. Keep up the good work ISI.
ISI produced the F1 series for EA as well, including F1 2000 - F1 Challange 99-02, so I think it´s not just for fun, it´s serious buisness, however bigger projects like a simulation for a racing team has higher priority. Despite I hope rF2 will be released soon, I can´t wait^^
So.. Finally we officially got to know that ISI works on other projects as well as rF2. Question is, is rF2 side project or serious one. If it is serious business project there must be some schedule (even if changed in past and supposed to be changed in future). Saying 'we are working on rF2 hardly', 'we are working for the last 2 years', giving us feeling that rF2 is ISI's main goal and finally giving us to know that 'we don't even know how development is coming along' is not fair imo. Don't you think?
A half year ago, I've heard that ISI finally finished all major projects and put all resources into rF2 one. But maybe it was 18 months ago. I have deja-vu with rF2 year by year
Since rF was introduced we know that at least 3 Formula 1 teams use their software package as their team simulator. We know they have been making content for us for rF on top of the updates to the program itself. Also we know they have been fielding bug and suggestion posts from us, from various sources, for at least 6 months. For those of you who are not getting the sim racing news that you would like to be getting, check out VirtualR. Not entirely sure who runs it but they do a good job on keeping up with the news worthy things that go on in the community, even if they do have ads for the competition. At least they are paying to give us most of the news we want.
And trolls like yourself? Virtualr is the best simracing news blog run by 1 person who devotes his own time and money to what he does. What you do is go on forums whine.
Exactly! Thanks for proving my point of virtualr being nothing but fanboys and flamewars. LOL You may be able to start one there but sorry buday!! not with me.