[REL] DAMPlugin for rF2

Discussion in 'Other' started by Lazza, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. Adolfo Bisi

    Adolfo Bisi Registered

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Hello Franek
    You just need to edit a .ini file inside your game folder that dictates which data the plugin will record.
    go to your rF2 instalation folder and find:

    open DAMPlugin.ini with any text editor, go to [Global Channel Options] and set Data rate = 5. This will give a higher recording frequency.
    Then go to [Base Channel Config] and set suspension = 3. I reccomend setting Tyres, Vehicle and Wheels also to 3.
    Finally go to [Extra Channel Config] and set Suspension_1 = 3.
    Personally I just set everything to 3, which will give yoou the highest detail possible, but the motec file size will get quite large.

    tip for better organization, set
    Use class subfolder = 1
    Use track subfolder = 1
    this will keep yout motec files inside a folder with track and car names.
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I'll somewhat endorse what Adolfo said...

    The full list of channels and groups is here https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/damplugin-for-rf2.49363/page-2#post-819448

    If you go to a Suspension Histogram display and select its properties, you should see that it wants to use Susp Pos FL etc for the data. So those are the channels you need for Motec to do suspension calculations.

    Per the channel list, you want to enable the Suspension_1 group for those.

    For Adolfo's other edits:
    • Data Rate = 4 will be plenty. There's very little good reason to log everything at full speed.
    • If you want extra precision on individual groups, use = 2. The 3 option is for extra large ranges you're unlikely to need. Note that mostly extra precision isn't necessary, I've previously used it for fuel (for better fuel use rate graphing), and I tend to run high precision on the suspension and tyres again for smoother analysis.

    If your friend is using an old DAMPlugin (I presume so, since my previous plugin wasn't updated as late as 2018) they will probably have some minor bugs and fewer options than is currently available.

    PS I do plan to overhaul the channels at some point, and having Susp Pos as standard is likely (people tend to have larger drives these days, and I realise the default project not displaying some data isn't very user friendly).
  3. Alexandre Martini

    Alexandre Martini Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    It would be great to have those channels enabled by default, indeed.

    But just having your support for so long in the thread is enough, my friend.

    Congrats and thanks for the great plugin!
  4. Tom Gander

    Tom Gander Registered

    Jul 26, 2022
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    Howdy folks... does anyone know if there's a way of determining if TC is being triggered and showing it in MoTeC?

    (I can swear I can hear it ticking when I'm on the Daytona banking in the Ligier P320)
  5. danort17

    danort17 Registered

    Dec 13, 2023
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    Hey guys!

    I'm currently struggeling a lot getting MoTeC i2 Pro 1.1 to work with rFactor 2.

    So, I already got my logfiles, but can't get any rF2 Workspace to open. I downloaded the SR4L and the Coach Dave Workspace, both made for rF2. However, once I click the i2wsp-archive files, i2 just opens, but doesn't install the Workspace. Importing the workspace doesn't work, since it's only looking for i2.wsp files.

    Opening the logfiles on a default workspace works, but doesn't give all the channels needed (like Tire temps Inside/Middle/Outside in my case). As you can see attached.

    Anybody here being able to help?

    Thanks a lot!

    Attached Files:

  6. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I don't have a maths calc ready to go, but start with comparing filtered and unfiltered throttle input.

    You'll get some false positives in certain scenarios (pit limiter, gear changes) but you'll be 90% of the way there.
  7. Tom Gander

    Tom Gander Registered

    Jul 26, 2022
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    ah sweet, I'll give that a go.. thanks for the quick response!!
  8. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Adding the channels to your workspace should be easy enough, and it's good to know how to do it.

    Use the channel list, or values list, as a reference of what's logged (press C or V on your keyboard to display them). Edit the graph properties to remove/add/group channels.

    Can you also please delete your thread in the technical and support section, as this isn't part of rF2 itself.
  9. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @davehenrie shortcut: the latest version of i2Pro should work fine.

    I'll delete my post in your other thread, best if you remove it entirely. Cheers!
  10. Tom Gander

    Tom Gander Registered

    Jul 26, 2022
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    Amen to this....

    The query you raise is more of a MoTeC thing than anything to do with rF2 or the plug in...

    MoTeC is an absolutely fantastic tool, completely free and very, very easy to use... once you've got the channels (which the plug in supplies for you), it's super simple to get some extremely valuable information in an instant... The extent of how far you want to extract info out of the channels is almost limitless... it just depends on your MoTeC skills (to a degree)...

    Stick with it, it's amazing!!!
  11. danort17

    danort17 Registered

    Dec 13, 2023
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    Cheers mate, deleted the other topic!

    The problem is, it shows me the tire temps as a logged value, the value just displays at -273,15°C. This happens to all cars and tracks, no matter if original content or mod. But it shows as a recorded channel. In the channel and value lists, there are no other entries showing tire temperatures...

    Also, find my DAMPlugin.ini attached. Set everything to 3, so in my understanding it should record everything.

    // DAMPlugin v2.00 Parameters file

    Active on startup = 1 // Sets whether logging is active by default; 1=yes, 2=no
    Activation key = M // Key to press to (de)activate logging; single character (0-9, A-Z) or key code (eg 0x4D)
    Key modifier = 2 // Modifier to be pressed with activation key; specify ONE of: 0=none, 1=Shift, 2=Ctrl, 3=Alt
    Use local timezone = 1 // Converts the log time to your local timezone (otherwise uses UTC); 1=yes, 0=no
    Plugin Data Folder = "<DATA_PATH>\PluginData\DAMPlugin"

    Capture partial log = 1 // Whether a 'partial' log will be saved:
    // 0 = log every time we entered the car
    // 1 = vehicle must have moved
    // 2 = vehicle left the pits
    // 3 = started a timed lap (including race start)
    // 4 = completed a timed lap
    Log dir = "<DATA_PATH>\LOG\" // Directory to log to; relative to rFactor root if not absolute (e.g. "C:\Log files\")
    // the token <DATA_PATH> at the *START* of the dir will be replaced by the current data path,
    // while <USER_PATH> at the *START* of the dir will be replaced by the player folder
    Use class subfolder = 1 // Log to a subfolder equal to the vehicle class; 1=yes, 0=no
    Use track subfolder = 1 // Log to a track subfolder (can be combined with the class subfolder); 1=yes, 0=no
    Idle log cycles = 25000 // Log build cycles to perform per frame when idle (at monitor)
    Duty log cycles = 2500 // Log build cycles to perform per frame when busy (in-car, driving)
    Realtime building = 1 // Whether to start building completed logs while still in-car; 1=yes, 0=no
    Save Setup File = 1 // Save a copy of the current garage setup file with the log; 1=yes, 0=no
    Append laptime to setup = 0 // If saving a setup file, include the best laptime in the name; 1=yes, 0=no
    Log Filename Format = "<date> - <time> - <track> - <session>" // Set the log filename format
    // Available tokens: <date> <time> <track> <session> <vehicle> <driver>

    Notification type = 1 // 1: sounds, 2: message centre text (add values to combine)
    Sounds folder = "<DAMP>Sounds" // start with <DAMP> to use the [General] plugin data folder

    // Sound packs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Uncomment only the line containing the pack you want, or add your own //

    //Sound pack = "Beeps" // folder name in the sounds folder
    Sound pack = "Male"
    //Sound pack = "Female"

    // Channel Config section

    [Global Channel Options]
    Data rate = 5 // Telemetry capture rate; Enter a value from 1 (useful minimums) to 5 (100Hz all channels)
    // Default value of 3 sets 'normal' rates for general analysis
    // Note that the various channels are logged at different rates, except for "= 5"
    // which logs all channels at full speed

    // Base Channel Config
    // The base channels cannot be turned off, but the data type can be adjusted:
    // 1: Normal precision and range for general purposes; good balance between usefulness and filesize
    // 2: Extra precision to reduce data quantization; useful for detailed analysis, causes larger log files
    // 3: High-range logging; extends the data range to cater for large values; causes larger log files
    // These values CANNOT be combined.
    // Notes:
    // - high-range logging (3) will usually have better precision than normal (1)
    // - these parameters will have no effect on some channels, e.g. Gear

    [Base Channel Config]
    Controls = 3
    Scoring = 3
    Suspension = 3
    Tyres = 3
    Vehicle = 3
    Weather = 3
    Wheels = 3

    // Extra Channel Config
    // Same parameters as the base channel config section above, except:
    // 0: Disables the group of channels completely
    // Please see the documentation for information on the channel groups

    [Extra Channel Config]
    Aero_1 = 3
    Controls_1 = 3
    Scoring_1 = 3
    Scoring_2 = 3
    Suspension_1 = 3
    Tyres_1 = 3
    Tyres_2 = 3
    Vehicle_1 = 3
    Vehicle_2 = 3
    Weather_1 = 3
    Wheels_1 = 3
    Wheels_2 = 3

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 14, 2023
  12. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Ok, interesting :p

    Unless the "3" group setting is broken for those channels (I'm pretty sure others use it without issue, but it's not impossible) I would check for any filters or aliases (or scale or offset...) set up in your project.

    Was this a clean project, or editing someone else's?
  13. danort17

    danort17 Registered

    Dec 13, 2023
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    That was a clean project on a clean installation of i2 as well. Also, I tried with different downloaded workspaces (like the SR4L rF2 one, which should work fine) and it still doesn't work. But are the channel names correct and should display values? It's weird, the channel is not empty, so it records some data, but sets it to -273,15 in any case... The .ini file is setup correct?
  14. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Was your car under AI control at the time? A lot of the telemetry doesn't come through properly when the AI drives, and wouldn't make much sense anyway (they use different tyres, for one). I was able to replicate by simply activating AI control.
  15. danort17

    danort17 Registered

    Dec 13, 2023
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    Ah damn, you're saying something here. Had it running on AI all the time, as I need it for some testing. Did some laps myself and everything is working now. Once I activate the AI again, values frop to -273,15 again. Seems like I need to switch back to Assetto Corsa then :(
    Thanks mate!
    Lazza likes this.
  16. danort17

    danort17 Registered

    Dec 13, 2023
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    There is no other way to get the AI to use the same physics and models as the player?
  17. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    IIRC in devmode you can activate a special AI mode that uses player physics. (I haven't tested logging)
  18. danort17

    danort17 Registered

    Dec 13, 2023
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    Thanks mate, will try! Now I just need to get the Dev Mode running... everytime I start a session it cancels with a gMotor2 error :)
  19. Adolfo Bisi

    Adolfo Bisi Registered

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Isn't the other way around? For the player to use the AI physics?
  20. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    You can switch to tbc tyres instead of TGM, I don't remember being able to use the AI physics rates though? Or can you?

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