I compared with my local version, but I don't think it helps, because I'm using an older version (0.76). Your file is on the left side: https://www.diffchecker.com/UFCdQZPr
I don't know if it helps at all, but I tried it with a different car today (Porsche RSR.. that thing is mental!), and I'm missing the same channel....
Force feedback and physics are another level, no? this is why I don't leave rF2. I never saw this problem of missing only one height channel, but I'm going to try the last version later and tell you what happens. Maybe try lower data rate or disable some extra channels.
oh yeah.. it knocks the socks off anything else I've ever tried... apart from real driving! The detail in the FFB is just amazing, and the tyre flex/loading feels so good... Appreciate your help with this, there are a few channels I probably don't 'really' need, but a few of them capture settings in the set up which is really useful when comparing telemetry from different outings with different set ups... it's tricky to keep track of what settings you were using in game to produce the data.. I experimented in ACC with the set up sheets and date/time stamps so give me this info, but if can be exported as channel data (toe/camber etc. when sat in pits), that makes life nice and easy...
Thanks! I can't test right now but it seems the only way a channel could go missing is a bug in the plugin. I may not get to this till the weekend (work is busy, and it's EOM) but if I can't replicate I'm sure your .ini will do the trick. I'll post an update when I work it out (bound to be a typo somewhere)
I updated my local version to 0.924, and it's working, just rename the file extension to ".ini" and override your config with mine ... With my config you'll need to press CTRL + M on track to activate the logging, and complete at least one full lap.
@ebeninca it would be more useful if you set the base Suspension to 2 to confirm the bug. I'm sure Tom's aware that using a value other than 2 will restore the missing channel.
Hate to say it, but I hadn't, sorry.... I'll give that a go To be honest, in ACC I've generally used any ride height info (which was ropey anyway, as you had no datum as such) to generate rake/roll/pitch info, which you're outputting anyway, so I'm not sure it's a huge deal..
Sorry, my replies have been short as I suck at typing on a phone, so I didn't spell that out well above I would say I've managed to stuff up the channel registration (internally in the plugin) with suspension set to 2. 1 definitely works (otherwise no one would have it!) and from ebeninca above 3 should also work. Grabbing your whole .ini is in case I test 2 myself and it works; then I can try your full settings and work out how they're going wrong. I don't think it's possible for you to break it yourself. @ebeninca my post above also sounds a bit snippy, I should check how it sounds before I reply. By the time I fix my typos (phone's fault... or mine) I often get impatient and just send
No worries bud, I was only bringing it to your attention really.. I'm sure switching to 1 for those channels would be fine for what I need... You've done a fab job here by the look of things, and I haven't handed over any cash, so I'm in no position to complain... (is there a way to donate for your efforts?) Cheers Tom
Not for this, no. The proprietary nature of the log files I'm creating precludes financial gains (in my mind at least; probably overly cautious). I did this for myself at first, which is often a good starting point anyway Note the game itself makes all the data you see available (or not), I can't take any credit for finding the logged data or deriving it through clever means. I'm always happy when people find the plugin useful though.
Well, appreciate your efforts bud, very useful Another little question while I'm here, does anyone know what the front & rear 3rd element value that is outputted from the Oreca relates to in terms of a datum i.e. is 0mm when the car is static?
@Tom Gander surprisingly I tried your .ini (except the log folder setting) and the ride heights are all there. I'm sort of relieved because I had a quick look at the code and couldn't see any issues, but it means now I really have no idea what's going on. Did you try ebeninca's file, or let the plugin create a new one, or change the suspension logging to 1 (or 3) and have that channel come back? Have you used i2Pro much in the past? Have you possibly remapped ride height channels in the past and still have that one mapped to a new name?
@Lazza ah, I'm wondering if the issue is at my end then... it could be down to an old channel from ACC in the same name.. the workspace I was using for that had a maths channel that calculated the ride heights (ACC didn't output them as values directly), and the workspace I'm setting up for rF2 is a save as from that... I'm away from my rig until later, but will try a fresh set of data into a blank workspace with the .ini settings unchanged, that should determine where the issue lies. Thanks again for your help on this!
@Lazza - I'm not sure if I've already asked this in the past - what does the FFB Output % channel actually represent? I can see the Steering Shaft Torque (Nm) channel - I expect this to be the torque 'demand' for the FFB - which is then scaled depending on car-specific multiplier, theoretical torque limit (JSON) and whatever wheel software scaling there is. Dividing the Shaft Torque by the FFB Output % doesn't appear to be a constant number - but it is in the ballpark of the max torque setting I've defined for my wheel in the controller.json...