[REL] DAMPlugin for rF2

Discussion in 'Other' started by Lazza, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. RasmusP

    RasmusP Registered

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Thanks for the reply!
    No, I don't get anything that looks like this and I have to say I'm such a newb to this that I have no clue how to get it anything like it. For AC it works easily with "Car Coord X" and -y.
    For rF2 I just don't know what to create (is "GPS Track" even right?) and what channel to use in which way.

    Could you guide me in the right direction? No problem if I have to get it working on my own, I just need a starting point...

    I don't need the track borders btw, just the two driving lines overlayed.

    Thanks again in advance!
  2. smbrm

    smbrm Registered

    Nov 11, 2010
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    Hi, I am wondering if there are some detail instructions for generating the track edges as shown by the green lines in your example? How you do that has never really been obvious to me. At least in attempting to use the software tools, I haven't been able to get the track to generate that way.

  3. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    In short how I create an gps track map:

    start an flying lap
    before start/finish, position your car at the outer line
    drive around track in low speed (1-2nd gear), stay at the line you want to create
    after lap is complete, close logging or return to pit (in-lap)

    repeat same for inner line
    make sure you do 2 logs, with only the "track-map" lap

    make a few laps for the drive-line, to be used for the trackmap (key T)

    load your 2 files

    select outer lap

    click generate track in the track editor, select Outer Line, click OK

    select the inner lap, do as above but select Inner Line

    Almost all tracks have 3 sectors so I create these Categories and Sections

    After this I save everything, close all data and workspace

    Now open the log with the drive line, go to generate track

    For rF2 -> use GPS
    For AC -> use Lateral G & Speed

    If you do not do this, the Track (T key) with the red dot will be wrong (only in AC, rF2 still works)
    I use the Track as an quick "drive line" track map

    rF2 and AC Track behaves different so I have an fixed degree on my GPS map in the workspace
    and the I always rotate the Track so it show the same as the GPS map.

    To set the sector distance, enter the Track Report tab
    The beacon is indicated on the graph

    In rF2 -> Delay seems to be 5 to 8m so I subtract that from the distance value
    (some rF2 tracks do not have any delay)
    in AC -> I use the previous sector time change position

    I then enter these values in the track map editor

    Now I save everything again and close all data & worksheets

    I share my work space here, it's not done and is what it is :)
    rF2 -> Basic workspace with gps track and some track maps
    AC -> Same layout as above, but for AC

    rF2map, ACmap -> I use this when creating maps,
    for math reasons/settings the maps gets bigger if above workspace are used

    One comment regarding AC, the app creating these files do not create an different track
    name for variations of the same track, so here you manually have to copy files.
    See the Monza66 as an example in the zip.

    Hope it helps :)
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
    Corti, DA, Larry Thomas and 3 others like this.
  4. d0nd33

    d0nd33 Registered

    Dec 4, 2016
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    My bad, I was lazy and letting AI drive a couple of laps to test. It seems like that's what happen when IA drives, because I've ran some laps and data is back again. :oops:
    Lazza likes this.
  5. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @Wergilius Great guide there, only one small point: you shouldn't need to create separate logs for inner and outer, you can select which lap to use for each so you can do both in one go (separated by a lap still, obviously, as you can't end one lap on the outer line and start the next one immediately on the inner :)).
  6. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    @Lazza, I assume you are correct, but I have problems sometimes doing that so I just keep it simple and goes whats works every time :)
  7. smbrm

    smbrm Registered

    Nov 11, 2010
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    thanks @Wergilius. I will give your instructions a try.
  8. RasmusP

    RasmusP Registered

    Jun 7, 2018
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    Thank you so much for your replies guys! They got me pushed in the right direction!

    It's all working now. I found out that my workspace was just broken... In fact my backup of it was broken too.
    For some reason there was some GPS-maths, similar to my AC workspace. The maths were just wrong for rF2 (channel cor calculation was "car pos" like in AC) but what I didn't know is that when you create a math with the same name as a "logged" channel - it won't show in the "logged" channels list anymore.
    I deleted the two GPS-maths and the logged GPS channels re-appeared.

    That's why I couldn't find the correct channels. Motec just hid them... Funnily enough the guy I got the workspace from sent me a screenshot with everything working fine. Guess he did a little change too and forgot, lol.

    Anyway, I got some awesome guide about how to make things even better. Thanks for that!
    Lazza likes this.
  9. Sherwin92

    Sherwin92 Registered

    Oct 31, 2013
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    I can't seem to download, let alone install the plugin due to my antivirus going crazy about it. When I disable my antivirus, I can install the plugin but the moment i'd re-enable my antivirus - gone.

    Anything at all I can do about this?

  10. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @Sherwin92 Is it the download file (.exe) that's getting deleted, or the plugin (.dll) itself? If the former, try grabbing the .zip file instead and put the files in your game manually.

    I use Avast and it also picked up the installer as suspicious, I submitted the file with them and they cleared it, I've done the same in the past with a couple of different antivirus providers but they didn't respond so not sure if they did anything.
  11. Sherwin92

    Sherwin92 Registered

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Thanks @Lazza , I downloaded the .zip and dropped the 3 folders in my main rF2 folder. I have yet to check if it's all working as it should, but I assume it should.

    I am using W10 with the build in defender + Malwarebytes. When I disabled Defender, it would download the archica and let me extract the .exe, and the moment I'd turn it back on - files were gone.
  12. Wergilius

    Wergilius Registered

    Jul 5, 2017
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    I have the same setup and behavior, you should be able thru the notification allow the file to be saved. Sometimes it takes several tries as you have to be rather quick. When successful, you can download the file again and it stays on your downloaded location.
  13. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Yep, they seem to err on the side of caution. I also submitted a previous version of this installer to them with helpful info, I didn't hear anything in response. Avast at least sent me to a page of theirs with guidelines to help avoid this sort of issue in future, but some aren't really relevant to a simple game plugin and I doubt the others alone would help, so I'll probably just leave it as is and some people will need to do things manually.

    As annoying as it is, truthfully you can never be 100% sure about anything you download - whether I inadvertently upload an infected file because I have a virus I don't know about, or someone actually puts up a plugin that does more (in a bad way) than it says. So as a default option for all levels of users I can see why Defender is cautious. Seems other products do offer more flexibility in this regard though, making it easier to override and declare the file safe.
    Sherwin92 likes this.
  14. CarBoyCam

    CarBoyCam Registered

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Has anyone else had issues getting 0.78 of this plugin to log tyre load? I've added all the relevant channels and told it to log all extra data and it's not showing anything. Wondering if it's a bug with the plugin or I've done something wrong.
  15. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @CarBoyCam Do your graphs have the same channel names as the logged channels? I'm not sure I'll have time to double check right now, but that's usually the first thing to check.

    *Oops, forgot my own recent changes... yes, Tyre Load is logged as it's now a standard channel (can't turn it off). Either the channel names in your graph don't match (which seems unlikely if they worked previously, because the logged channel names haven't changed) or the car you're driving has tyre telemetry disabled. Try another car just in case. @CarBoyCam
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2018
    CarBoyCam likes this.
  16. CarBoyCam

    CarBoyCam Registered

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Cheers for the reply Lazza.

    So it appears that the BTCC cars which I'm racing at a league don't have the tyre load sensors enabled in the HDV. GP3 2018 cars work fine.

    It also appears the Civic BTCC from Studio 397 has the sensors disabled too. Works on other S397 cars with no issue.

    Thanks for the help though and the awesome plugin!
  17. ceecee

    ceecee Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    Hi Lazza,
    A question if I may:
    I found FFB Output in Channels but I cannot find it anywhere in Motec after selecting Add to Active Component.
    What am I doing wrong ? I tried adding it when Virtual Dash was open still nothing.
    Thank you very much for your work on a great program :)

    FFB Output
    FFB Output[%]
    Add to Active Component
    Edit Maths
  18. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    @ceecee I never add channels that way, so had to test it. It looks like it does something weird (ie nothing) if you don't actively select a component before doing it. If you click the time/distance graph you want to add it to first, it should work.

    Personally I bring up the channel list on the right by pressing v (on the keyboard), find the channel, and drag it over to the component I want to add it to. For multiple channels I right-click the graph, go to properties, work out which group I want to add them to (or create a new one), click Add Channel, then you can search by name and select multiple to add at once.

    Either way should work.
    ceecee likes this.
  19. ceecee

    ceecee Registered

    Jan 10, 2012
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    @Lazza , ok, took your advice and have it visible now.
    One more noob question, how do I recognise clipping, what am I looking for ?
    Thanks for your patience :confused:
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2018
  20. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Clipping is when the output is stuck at 100 or -100%. A little bit of that is ok, but if you get it a lot during normal cornering (not hitting any unusual bumps or kerbs) you should probably reduce the in-game FFB (overall, or vehicle-specific). You would generally want to check where the normal forces are at their highest - in an open wheel car (with aero) this would usually be a high speed corner. It's your choice exactly where you want the maximum output to be.
    ceecee likes this.

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