I tried it and it worked for the hard tire but the others kept defaulting to the C3. Didn't have much time to tinker, I will play with it more when I have more time
Download is broken? Code: 403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied! Advise from the tool itself include a no longer available url Code: Unable to initialise speech engine with English voice recognition pack. Check that at least one of MSSpeech_SR_en-GB_TELE.msi, MSSpeech_SR_en-US_TELE.msi, MSSpeech_SR_en-AU_TELE.msi, MSSpeech_SR_en-CA_TELE.msi or MSSpeech_SR_en-IN_TELE.msi are installed. It can be downloaded from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24139
@Elcid43 I remembered that I had tests for the tyre translation and added one for this case, that works. It also used it to write a new Documents\CrewChiefV4\rF2\TyreDictionary.json, use this one to replace yours.
Go to https://thecrewchief.org/forum.php and use the download link there Yes, we need to tidy that up. There's a Discord sticky: Here's the voice recognition help page : https://mr_belowski.gitlab.io/CrewChiefV4/VoiceRecognition_InstallationTraining.html which includes an alternative link to the Microsoft speech recognition installers - they're no longer hosted on Microsoft's site Or better still, follow the Help advice and use Windows speech recognition engine.
Update: the language packs are available at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=27224 That includes German though I don’t know if the translation file is available https://thecrewchief.org/showthread.php?622-German-translation
Thanks for the Information, but its a discussion about a german translation, only. No translation file...
great Crew Chief in Rfactor2 may you please tell me how to have only "radar" or "heli" type ? I mean only to hear the spotter telling me if/when I have an opponent on the right/still there/clear and no other messages at all ? I like silence in racing, but I need to know if there is an opponent on my side ... any help would be very appreciated
when activating Crew-Chief and game-spotter simultaniosly, i noticed that Crew-Chief ist a couple of tenth behind calling "INSIDE"... compared to game-spotter. Maybe there ist a way to synchronize this.. thx
The general rule with CC is to turn off the ingame spotter. This avoids confusion or overlapping audio. However the delay is probably due to the time needed to grab the data and pass it through CC to your ears. I would guess the less strain on your system might lessen the time difference.
There is a function you can map a key to silence chief and other to do the same with the spotter, I'm not on the computer right now but IIRC it was called turn messages on/off.
thank you atomed for your answer, but I need to have always working and hear the "car left"/"still there"/"clear" messages but no others, only the ones relating you opponent when is alongside you ... how to do that ?
Yes, that's what I meant, they're independent. I also sometimes want the chief to shut up and leave the spotter on, and that's how I make.it.