Did you red my topic above regarding Dedicated Server Prototype options Get missing component works also if you tool is used and components are registered with it. I have test server online (-Fun2Race.net_TEST-) you can try it out if you like
To be honest no I didn't read the whole thread (I was reading from my phone). But I never said you couldn't work around the limitations of this very early prototype. I also never said GetMod wouldn't work with the new proro UI. The fact is it isn't finished.. not even close. Personally it shouldn't have been included at all.
I agree with you, I also personally see no point to have this, regular dedicated is simple to use. I think if you can not figure out how to create vmod it is better to not host any games at all.
Well a lot of people complain about the lack of online participation. I would say that if it was easier to host maybe more people would join but we already have a bunch of perfectly good servers that go empty. Having even more empty servers would probably just fragment users even more. So I really have no clue what the solution for participation is. I guess just let AC run it's course. Who knows.
Created servers in rF1, game stock car, formula truck, etc etc for 8 years or so with different modems/routers over the years. Never had to deal with ports or any of that jazz. Just simply allow the program to connect to the Internet when the Windows Firewall pop-up comes up (I'm sure everyone's familiar with that) and that's it, click on "create" in the multiplayer section, choose a room name, choose a track, rules/settings, and I'm racing with people fully able to join within 1 minute. No messing with any sort of windows/modem/router settings. Just open up the game and play. UPDATE: Ignore what I wrote above. Apologies to ISI and everyone else with regards to me claiming that I don't need to mess with router/modem/port settings in other sims (like RF1 & GSCE) to set up my own server, that is incorrect on my part. P.S. Proto-server is the future. Plug-and-play, simple, in-game (hopefully) server creation (like rF1, gsc, etc. etc.) with all options in-game (like deciding when to switch track, and to which track) is how it should be, dealing out of game with all sorts of windows screens, having to manually make vmods, pre-selecting tracks and having others be required to have everysingle track, etc. etc. it's complete 1990s stuff. What's next, we have to manually use C++ programming language in order to set the room's/races' options and settings? Lol This is all going to be updated to the better in-time, as the proto-server and general online system get's improved, along with the U.I. update (and further general updates). You all wait and see
I hate to break it to you but an rF1 server will not be accessible (other than on your local network) if you don't open/forward the ports to it. If you were able to host without forwarding ports then you must have had your server set as a DMZ which is a terrifying idea. If you didn't have your server set as a DMZ and you didn't forward any ports then I am guessing you had some lonely races on your server. I agree that the new proto server is a step in the right direction. It's just not there yet and hasn't been developed in several builds. It seems it's on the back burner right now. The current system (core I am talking about) is great, it just needs better utilities for making it easy to host. No one really needs to see what goes on behind the scenes. But I am sure this will improve once priorities shift into that area.
Omg this is getting so boring first Noel this morning now you., lol I DON'T run a new mod offline first I DO get problems......sometimes. clear enuf
People have joined my rooms before, never dealt with DMZ, not sure what that means. You literally just open up the game, click create in the multiplayer section and you're rolling. UPDATE: Ignore what I wrote above. Apologies to ISI and everyone else with regards to me claiming that I don't need to mess with router/modem/port settings in other sims (like RF1 & GSCE) to set up my own server, that is incorrect on my part.
Come on Spinn, you are knowledgeable guy and this is bit silly reply, rFactor2 or windows is never going to forward ports in you router/modem this is something you must user must always do and if you don`t forward ports it is going to have lonely races on your server as Noel says.
The only way a game could open/forward ports on your router without user interaction is via UPnP. None of the games you listed support UPnP. My guess is back when you ran rF1 servers you opened ports and just completely forgot about it. That or your ISP is assigning a public routable IP directly to your machine which is very dangerous and leaves you wide open to attacks. If your local machine has an IP like 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x then it is physically impossible for a incoming Internet traffic to reach your machine without being NATed first.
I had a few different routers/modems over the years (internet service provider upgrades, faster speeds, etc.) and maybe I just forgot that I messed with these settings back in my Win XP and Win 7 days...But I can assure you that I am 100% positive I had people join, I remember it starting to get laggy around 4 players or so, maybe sometimes 6 (I guess due to my slower speeds). I admit, I haven't tried it with my current OS install and modem since I'm usually playing rF2 lately when it comes to online racing, so I guess it's possible that you guys are right, I just can't remember, but I am 100% sure that I had people join... If anyone here has rFactor 1 or Game Stock Car Extreme, I have a server currently up in each. Try to join. Search by # of players (should be 1, just me). I believe the name "Spinelli" is in the title of each server. They're running 100% stock content. I just checked with an external third party program (MUtuil) and my server does publicly show up in the rFactor list of servers according to that program. Can any of you guys try joining in RF1 or GSCE? Thanks!
Join time out for me in the GSC server Spinelli. I can enter in the other servers. Last time a friend created a server for GSC I remember he had to open port. I found the number on the FAQ of GSC if I remember well Regards.
Ok then I must have messed with these settings back in the day because I promise that I had people join (or maybe older ADSL modems/routers from the mid to late 2000s were less secure and didn't need to do this?). Anyways... MY APOLOGIES to ISI and everyone else with regards to me claiming that I don't need to mess with router/modem/port settings in other sims (like RF1 & GSCE) to set up my own server, that is incorrect on my part. (I will update my posts stating this as it's not fair to falsely make a game look bad with false info).
Ok, I can't remember at all doing this... I can open ports from settings in Windows, or from the router settings itself...What is the difference? I'm guessing doing it from Windows is more secure and easier/quicker rather than doing it from the actual router? Do you guys need my router manufacturer & model and/or my ISP company name? Also, in Windows, and in RF1 port forwarding guides, it says you need to enter in port numbers, and 3 different ones for RFactor, however, I just checked the instructions from my port manufacturer, and they don't even show you having to go through windows options or even having to deal with entering specific port numbers, they just say to go to your web browser, enter in the IP address to get to the router's settings page, and literally just browse to and select the application (eg. rFactor.exe) and click forward ports, voila, done! No manually entering different 3 different rFactor port #s or anything...Why so many differences in setups? What's the difference?
You need to open the ports in the Windows Firewall AND your router. Sometimes the Windows Firewall will prompt you the first time you launch a server asking if it is okay to allow traffic. sometime that is all you need to do with the Windows Firewall. Your router is another story though. There are so many routers out there and they all have different interfaces and often have different terminology. There is a website out there that has step by step directions on how to forward ports for various hardware. You put in the model of your router and it give you directions. If I recall it even has a database of popular software/games and port numbers. Let me try to dig up that site real quick. Here is the site: http://portforward.com/ This link takes you right to a guide for rF2. Just pick the manufacture of your modem/router and then the model and then follow the directions: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/rFactor2/default.htm
I'm in my routers settings thanks . Ok so the whole one-click thing I explained previously isn't what I thought. Basically it's still forwarding certain ports, but the router had the port #s preselected based on a few games that it had in it's system. RFactor and other racing sims aren't listed. Basically it just enters in the port #s for you instead of you manually doing it. I'm going to enter in the port numbers, then hope that I don't have to do anything from Windows (maybe just click an "OK" or "Allow" button), and I'll see how that works. Also, most online guides advise to set the IP as static not dynamic, but I think I should be fine since my dynamic IP actually hardly, if at all, ever even changes...
I'm on that site and on my router thanks Noel, but mine is slightly different to the pics for my model on that site. Am I supposed to enter the the port numbers in "External (WAN) Start Port" & "External (WAN) End Port", or "Internal (LAN) Start Port" & "Internal (LAN) End Port"? I'm guessing WAN? (Isn't a LAN for private use like a company, rather than the public internet?).
Use the same ranges for both WAN and LAN. Yes you are correct, WAN is the internet side and LAN is you internal side. The reason you map WAN and LAN port is because people on the outside can connect to one port number and then your router can redirect it to another port number on the inside. Some people have complex networks with several servers running various services but in your case you don't really need to redirect the port. For rF2 for example the default HTTP port is 64297. So you would set the WAN start port to 64297 and then WAN end port to 64297 (both the same because you aren't really doing a range). And then set the LAN start port to 64297 and LAN end port to 64297. Then for the IP address, specify the IP address of the computer that is running the rF2 server. For protocol select TCP. The default rF2 Sim port is 54297. It runs on UDP and TCP. So you may need to create two mappings for that port. One for UDP and one for TCP. Some routers have a "both" or "UDP/TCP" option. If yours does, just select that option for the sim port. I just tracked down a command line tool for using UPnP to open ports on routers. Most routers these days support UPnP. Some have it disabled by default. If your router does support UPnP then you could use this tool as another option for opening the ports. You can download the tool here: http://miniupnp.free.fr/files/download.php?file=upnpc-exe-win32-20140422.zip Then extract it somewhere and then run it three times with these options: Code: upnpc-static.exe -e 'rFactor2 HTTP (TCP)' -r 64297 TCP upnpc-static.exe -e 'rFactor2 Sim (TCP)' -r 54297 TCP upnpc-static.exe -e 'rFactor2 Sim (UDP)' -r 54297 UDP Note that you have to run the tool from the computer that you plan to run the rF2 server from. That is how it detects the IP address. Also in this example I am assuming you have rF2 set up to use the default port numbers. If you didn't open the Multiplayer.json and edit these port numbers then you are running the defaults.