If you had done a Trueimage you could have ruled out the OS in seconds. Not to mention save yourself a heap of time re-installing everything. ( My image takes 3 minutes to restore )
Reading this: 04. In rF2, the wheel feels normally heavy, returns to center but I can feel nothing else. it sounds to me that something gets messed up in your center spring settings......and if other games/sims don't have this problem i still tend to think it's in your controller json. I know you tried making new one but am just thinking out loud in here, maybe some genius inhere gets a brainwave really hope you get this sorted man. if i get a idea i will post
To be honest I have the same feeling too. As when I change the FFB multiplier and Smoothing it totally does not make a difference at all. I checked if the controller.json is being updated and it is. I also checked if the JSON object is valid and in fact is valid. Also tested again with the default I had saved. Maybe the game can generate dev log files to be checked...
did you try setting the stm value to 0.......deadzone will be larger then but just for ruling that one out as being possible cause of your problem.
other thing try pedal overlay plugin and see if your wheel clips while driving.......as said just trying to help and thinking out loud
Much appreciated mate Whats the stm? Yes, I installed TechAde plugin and the wheel does show clipping when I set the multiplier to high but normal when I set it to 1.
Steering torque minimum":0.02, "Steering torque minimum#":"Minimum torque to apply in either direction to overcome steering wheel's 'FFB deadzone' caused by friction", my settings (t500 tho) ah you found out already
me 2 for today, one more question you only try and have installed ISI stuff for testing right? Came across this on the interweb Most probably it's the centering spring that has to be set to 0%, and the important thing is to set it not only in Specific Game Settings, but Global Settings as well. This is important, as I've tested varied settings, but no results until I changed something (most probably centering spring) globally. I'll return to this once I've done more extensive testing. (note: fyi he never did return ) they where talking about logitech profiler and i'm almost sure you also tried this but hey......
No. I tried other games like AC, RE3, pcars and iracing and they are all fine. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Logitech-G-Controllers/G27-Steering-wheel-is-stiff-and-returns-to-start-position-by/td-p/1062573 now i really stop....
I don't even troubleshoot bugs or problems these days and very rarely do fresh OSes any more. With Trueimage on USB2.0 stick and a middling SSD ( Corsair Force3 ) it takes me 3 minutes to restore/backup my OS. Tiny in comparison to most ( 20GB on a 60GB SSD ) ......... less software and programs the better. I just like the fact I can install anything , test and restore it in 3 minutes. Trick is to have your perfect image, that is what takes years. ------------------------------ I would try renaming my rFactor2 to rfactor2OLD Then install a Fresh Lite build ( use the same folder ) ie: rFactor2 No biggie if it dont work just delete rfactor2 and rename the OLD one back. *** My rFactor2 has no files other then credentials and MasTemp in userdata.