So here's the FFB in rF2 is gone and I cant get it back! Here are the info you should know... 01. I had to format the hard disk and before that FFB was perfectly fine (and we know it's among the best out there ). 02. Windows 7 64 bit and using G25 + fanatec clubsport pedals v2 03. The wheel works perfectly fine in all other games that I have, which are AC, pCars, RE3, GCSE and iRacing etc (not to name all of them) 04. In rF2, the wheel feels normally heavy, returns to center but I can feel nothing else. if i go on bumps, off-road, hit anything, over-steer, under-steer etc feeling 05. I have tried ALL settings on control.json. Played with every setting in there but nothing changed. 06. I have tried numerous control.json files from a couple of friends which they swear they work perfectly. 07. I have played with all in-game settings and tried all possible combinations and values. 08. I have tried detect profiles, also choosing profile manually and adjust settings. 09. I have tried installing numerous fresh installs and start from scratch with different settings. Also installed different instances on different hard disks and locations. 10. I have checked read/write permissions of rF2 folder. 11. I have installed the FFB plugin by techaid to see the FFB meter and all seems good. 12. I have totally uninstalled the Logitech profiler and re installed it. Settings in profiler are good. 13. I have also reset FFB in-game hoping it will fix it self. 14. I tested with many different cars and tracks 15. ...and God knows what else I tried....... Gonna go nuts as I tried anything that I could possible think off and if I don't find a solution I am going to have to say good buy to my sweet loving awesome rFactor 2 So, if you think of anything else I can try and solve my mystery I'd guess I'd own you a couple of beers! Cheers PS: Solution here
Well, since you've tried everything else, try this: Calibrate your wheel in Windows, load rF2 and load any track/car combo, then exit rF2, go back to calibrate, then load rF2 again. See if that works.
I know that there can be troubles caused by windows, when you plug the wheel before you have installed the logitech gaming-software. Normally the installation-routine of the software tells you when you may plug the wheel. If you plug it without the installed software, windows uses it's own drivers, which can result in a problem then.
Forget... HERE you can get the latest logitech software. And if you did plug the wheel before the software was installed, you will have to unplug the wheel, delete all entries in the windows registry that connect the windows drivers to the G25, reboot the PC and install the software first then.
ok so far same result Now I'm going to uninstall again and try and clean the registry and all related files like you said........
OK, so I uninstalled Logitech profiler, cleaned pc from all related files, cleaned registry, rebooted, re-installed latest with procedure like you said, calibrated, fired rF2 and still no FFB....closed rF2, recalibrated....fired up rF2 and same.. Fired up the other games and their FFB works perfectly. So it must be something rF2 related. Mystery goes on....but thanks for your tips!
Damn dude, this is baffling! Certainly a format of the hard drive should have solved everything? One last question: You are running the latest version of rF2 right?
You might check one of the old Logitech drivers. I had something similar after installing GSC or AC, can't remember really. Check this post and make sure you choose the oldest driver there.
I know! Its driving me nuts! Yeah, latest version mate. Someone suggested I try an old rF2 version and I'm gonna try it now and see....
Wow, weird problem. Doubt these suggestions will help, as it sounds like an rF2 problem, but, for what it's worth.. There is a clrcalib.exe (clear calibration) utility for logitech stuff. It used to be available at (I was pointed to this site by Logitech customer service a while ago). The website seems to have gone now and I can't find anything on the official Logitech website either, but it could be worth a shot, if you can find it elsewhere. Maybe try swapping which USB port the wheel is connected to. My personal favourite (Turn it off and on again) Unplug the wheel from the PC and from the mains and try again. Only other thing I can think of, would be to try creating an rF2 profile in the Logitech profiler and applying the settings advised in this thread. --------> Hope none of that sounds like "teaching your grandmother to suck eggs", you've already done way more than I would think to try, but just in case. Fingers crossed you get it sorted.
I have tried already all these things. As for the Clear Calibration software, I found it too. its this one I think? Thanks mate!
I had a similar problem once. I did a rF2 Lite install over my installation and it fixed me up. If that hasn't worked for you, make sure you re-download the installer; you don't want to try to fix something with a faulty tools or faulty materials. Good luck.
Man, I'm stumped then, sorry matey. Can't think of anything else you haven't already tried. Super weird. Oh and yeah, that looks like the right utility by the way. (I probably got the name wrong, been a while since I needed to find it).