Alfa Romeo Giulietta Quadrifoglio Verde for rFactor 2 by Slow Motion Modding Group. New Build 1.02: June 7th, 2023 - maintenance update to display, due to new rF2 code Build 1.01: March 21st, 2023 - sounds and cam maintenance update CREDITS to original authors ISR (unfortunately no way to contact them). The mod has been re-developed in the physics by Chris "redapg" and Slow Motion, taking care of the original performances of the mod for rFRactor1, also updated long time ago to the RFE Plugins Series. 2D has been fully updated to IBL/PBR for older skins improving several details, adding also several new skins. The engine is the Alfa Romeo 1750 QV TCT tuning 278CV Special thanks to Chris "redapg" also for his online tools, very useful (I would say mandatory for the conversion and for the development of the physics) and for his participation to the project. Steam: Manual download of the mod: ---> Manual download of the templates: - car: --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwsAAq07DBrsmVugkq?e=a9IqNU - windows: --->!AjVjc1JhYcCwr38QDm1KUjSY2wXs?e=lzopTD ================ Terms of Use: This mod is not to be used in public or corporate events held by public or private companies (such as simulators) without the expressed permission of SMMG. For such circumstances, the email address listed below can be contacted for licensing agreements. Each file of the mod cannot be edited and/or re-used in whole or in part for any reason without the express permission of SMMG. Do not redistribute, upload, modify or sell any of our work. For permission and licensing queries, please contact "" - PHYSICS from real data of manufacturer found on the web. THANKS TO: Chris "redapg" (physics and 3D) - Slow Motion (project leader, physics, 2D, painting) - the original authors of the mod GSMF for the permission to re-developing the mod with any possible improvements to the latest rF2 features - SPECIAL THANKS to "atomed" for tests - "Parts of this mod were taken from rFactor 2 and are used with the explicit permission of Studio 397. These parts remain the property of Studio 397 BV and may not be re-used for any purpose, including other mods without the explicit, written permission of Studio 397 BV. For more information on rFactor 2 and Studio 397, please visit:". ================ Long time ago I updated this mod to RFE Plugins Series for rFactor1, the plugin that brought rain and many more features to rFactor. In the last time I tried to contact the original authors ISR of the mod without success, but of course full credits go to them. As usual we have been re-developed the mod in the physics (Chris "redapg" and I), taking care of the original performances of the mod. 2D has been fully updated to IBL/PBR for older skins improving several details, adding also several new skins. The engine is the Alfa Romeo 1750 QV TCT tuning 278CV. We have now 46 original liveries and 5 more with the template... Special thanks to Chris "redapg" also for his online tools, very useful (I would say mandatory for the conversion and for the development of the physics) and for his participation to the project.
very impressive. We have an Alfa/Maserati dealer in this rather small town, (pop. 50k scatter among 4 towns) Whenever I see the triangle grille, I think of the Guilia's debut in America. When the car magazines reviewed the cars, the first 3 or 4 broke down during the testing process. Each different magazine crew called another trying to get another car to finish their testing, but all the other Mags were in the same boat.
As Rowo wrote, it is WIP, not yet available, but it is almost closed... I'm creating the hundreds of icon files, LOL... of course with the help of the Online Tools and just tune last things.
I love Alfa. Own a Stelvio Quadrifoglio, great vehicle! Never had a problem and it drives amazing. It's basically a bigger version of a Giulietta, really. I would love to see a Stelvio Quad in this game!
first post has been updated to Build 1.02: June 7th, 2023 - maintenance update to display, due to new rF2 code