Hi , we have a dedicated server pc from rack service with a STEAM install on it I have purchased the endurance pack on my game PC and wanted to gift a copy to our steam account on our ds pc ,but when I went to buy the DLC there is no gift option like in the regular game purchase process ..we had to use STEAM wallet to buy from the rf2 store .. so how can I get this on our stand alone steam account on our server without having to buy it again ?? or how can I gift a copy to our server ? thx !
Hi On dedicated servers, you should run the rF2 servers through SteamCMD - here is a guide: https://forum.studio-397.com/index.php?threads/how-to-creating-a-raceevent-with-paid-content.57207/
Yes Thanks , we are aware of that SteamCMD style however we are a multi sim league and use steam on the server to allow us to keep all the sims up to date ! so I was hoping we don't have to buy it 2 times but I think that's the only way with our set up ..
You can buy it through your other steam account using the same paypal to add funds. I do this because I couldn't get the steamcmd to work. Pain in the wallet but much easier to add & update content.
we ended up buying it again ..plus Sebring ! lol we had to jump threw the hoops on the servers steam account as its rented and behind a fire wall so we cannot friend the steam account on the server to add funds to the wallet .. that would have been easy ! I tried logging in with my other steam account but it wanted a French pay pal ?? I was lost ... the servers also in France & im in US lol so we decided to send a friend/member, in France ,the $$$ because the rented server in france wanted a French pay pal .. ..lol this could be avoided if the DLC was not a wallet only purchase ..? anyway it made it interesting .. and I / we don't mind paying double .. simracingonline supporters of 397 !! ;-) check our open server this week featuring the new Sebring and LMP2's and the GTE's , Preview for a new endurance series starting in Sept !
You can login to both steam accounts in your browser to manage content and friends https://store.steampowered.com/