[REL] 2004 Williams FW26 v0.91

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by Petros Mak, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. jrcn50

    jrcn50 Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    great car but difficult to drive (normal!) and to make things easier,with my T500RS, I set FFB multiplier= 0.45 and caster=4.5 (1.5 default) and throttle sensitivity= 50%...it works fine for me with these settings.

    thanks again for this mod.
  2. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Registered

    Jan 11, 2012
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    This is exactly what I feel with my wheel--all set to default. It feels a bit like the tires are made of solid hard rubber (not inflatable) and the car is bouncing over every undulation and bump in the road. The car handling also reflects that it is bouncing or skipping across the surface instead of the tires "digging in" and gripping the surface. Another way to think of it is if the tires were inflated to 3 times their normal pressure.

    Sounds are too narrow a band from lower rpms to upper.

    But as others have said, the graphics are amazing and it's only v0.2, so I am not disappointed at all. Lots of time to perfect it.
  3. Minibull

    Minibull Member

    Sep 28, 2012
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    Exactly the same as what I'm getting. Tried around Monaco and Malaysia, managed to get some good laps after getting a feel for the car. I was trying with and without TC, seeing as these cars ran it. I love these V10 F1 cars, gotta be one of my favourite F1 eras.

    I found every corner the car would be rocking diagonally through the corner. Not sure what is going on there, but it impacts the grip/cornering ability and the FFB which gets big spikes. It also has that same rear end feel from the other Mak Corp mods I've tried, where the rear seems to be locking at turn in which ends up swapping ends with the front in a half spin. Same with the 787B, same with the McLaren. I mostly countered this with a lot more brake map and forward bias and it seemed a bit better behaved. At default, it made deep trail braking pretty tricky at times.
    With the pedal map overlay plugin, I found the FFB from cornering forces in the sweepers would never get over 1/3, even in the fastest sections when the car is really loaded up. I've found the ISI F1 cars to be fine in that regard where they are light at low speed, but they really weight up when the downforce starts coming on. This doesn't seem to have that range though. The FFB was also spiking all the time though up to the top of the chart from bumps I guess, where it starts clipping. That, with the bouncing in the corners, makes the wheel just a vibrating muddle sadly. Its kinda like they have modeled the suspension right, in that it is mainly dealing with weight transfer and not so much bump absorption, but then in the modelling of the tyre, it is transfering far to much of the impact to the car and not soaking it up in the carcass. I dunno, that's what it feels like to me, haha XD
    Brakes seemed to always be glowing for me too, which is odd.

    Sounds are pretty good to my ears at this release stage, trackside cam sounds good when it goes past. The TC sound is good too, with the waffling and crackling from in the cockpit. The car model is terrific, I've been unable to fault it so far, bloody top notch.
  4. tjc

    tjc Registered

    Jun 4, 2012
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    More well deserved compliments Mr. Calleyl. :)
  5. MikeeCZ

    MikeeCZ Registered

    Sep 29, 2012
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    Oh ye i forgot to mention one more issue i had with the car, i dont know what is causing it, but in some turns the car is almost like jumping around, try Turn 1 only Malaysia, i dont know how to describe it
  6. Lukasz Kacprzykowski

    Lukasz Kacprzykowski Registered

    Sep 1, 2012
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    No. Depending on time and avaliable human resources we are going to do car related to one of the best drivers in history, or second one from a team that other one of the best in history left a year before it was driven on track. Maybe small contest/poll what it might gonna be ?
  7. Lukasz Kacprzykowski

    Lukasz Kacprzykowski Registered

    Sep 1, 2012
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    No. We intend to give classics in many meaning of this word. FW26 with normal narrow nose was just F1 car, walrus is something that everybody remembers.
  8. MikeeCZ

    MikeeCZ Registered

    Sep 29, 2012
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    I am really rubish F1 driver, yet on this video i made only 2.5 seconds slower lap than already mentioned record in 2004. And this track is slower than real one, it has high curbs in chicanes and a lot bigger elevation tooth in turn 7

    The car has too much grip, and i have a feeling that most of its grip comes from tyres, not the downforce, it is hard to lock up the wheels when braking and when going fast I cant feel the FFB to get too much heavier with downforce, I think the car shoud have more downforce, but less grip on tyres, like this its... simply too fast

    btw: youtube completelly annihilated the videos quality, on my HDD the already compressed video looks almost like the ingame itself... bloody youtube..
    joenathan3005 likes this.
  9. Jamie Shorting

    Jamie Shorting Registered

    Sep 11, 2013
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    That's one insane FOV. :p
  10. MikeeCZ

    MikeeCZ Registered

    Sep 29, 2012
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    i always drive so i can see the mirrors, but FOV is deault, i only change the seat position
  11. MapleHamwich

    MapleHamwich Registered

    Aug 19, 2013
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    Noticed that in replay mode, the cars sound like rubbish. The sound is like its coming from a youtube video, but out of sync with what's happening on screen. Definitely needs some work there.
  12. Guimengo

    Guimengo Guest

    Well, not to discredit the car being too fast (grip, downforce, or acceleration) but it's Monza. I do agree that everyone shouldn't be so close to real top laptimes anyway but anyway, see how far you are in other tracks such as Bahrain or even keep lapping around Monza and see how close you get. I can't see the video right now but out of curiosity, what top speed did you achieve?
  13. MikeeCZ

    MikeeCZ Registered

    Sep 29, 2012
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    344 Km/h, lot slower than Ferraris 356km/h i think it was, that is the 7th gear at the longest ratio and touching the limiter. its 344Km/h for quite a while so the car probably would not go faster than 345km/h with that downforce settings even if i had extra 200m .but me stating that the car is fast doenst mean has high top steed :) it has too much grip. Btw, Montoyas record was like 1:19:9 or something like that, but that was unrecorded i think, Rubens Barrachello did the 2004 record during qualy by 1:20:X run.
    There were many drivers and cars during that very qualy who did even slower than i did. And i was trying for like cca 30-40 minutes and i am rubish at driving F1s. And again reminding, this Monza track has high curbs in chicanes, which Monza in 2004 qualy did not have so they were cutting it a lot more, and Turns 7 elevation change is too exxagurated in this Monza
  14. Voltaic

    Voltaic Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    I believe this is the best mod yet from MAK. Great modeling detail, sound and damage!

    I do have a big issue with all the MAK mods, that is the steering. I don't know why but all of them seem to have different steering and FFB than all other rF2 mods. The rattle is excessive, when set to +1, the steering feels a little light, but the rattle is excessive. If I lower it, the FFB is much too light. Also the steering lock seems to be out of synch with rF2, much too slow even when set to maximum. By the way, I use the T500RS.

    Any feedback on this is welcomed, I would love to use all the MAK mods but I fear breaking my wheel. At one point my whole rig was jumping lol.

  15. hexagramme

    hexagramme Registered

    May 25, 2013
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  16. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Voltiac you can tone the rattling down with FFB smoothing. try higher levels like 7 or something.
  17. Voltaic

    Voltaic Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    I can try that, the steering lock issue remains. Regardless; why is MAK's steering so much different than all rF2 mods? I see no benefit in whatever he is doing with it.

    Again, I love the mods otherwise.
  18. hoover

    hoover Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    This car is great fun, I just tried it on Nurby and it drives great if you allow some time for yourself to settle into the groove. I was just going to add it to rF2 rank when I noted th class name:

    2004 Season

    not very descriptive esp. if you plan to release more cars from the same year. I think there's a "vehicle class name override" setting that allows you to keep all cars of each year in a common superclass while allowing proper car class names like

    Williams FW26 2004

    or something similar, please anything more than just "2004 Season". ;)

    Cheers, Uwe
  19. Foxiol

    Foxiol Registered

    Nov 23, 2011
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    Very very nice. Downloading!!

    And thank you! ;)
  20. Derek Nye

    Derek Nye Registered

    Mar 3, 2012
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    That's the plan, to do a class thing similar to how rf1 had where you can race and only allow say the 90s cars in the event, rf2 's menu isn't allowing that right now to our knowledge which is why it was released separately than the rest of the f1 classics.

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