[REL] 1954 Endurance Sports Cars (modded Cobra) [v1300 2022-08-04]

Discussion in 'Vehicles' started by woochoo, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    I agree about rev matching, it is just one of the causes for cars to twitch, I blip anyways, I think it is a bit faster that way.

    Not sure about lacking inertia and sliding around imaginary axis, that sound totally arcade :D

    I have done low 1'19 with SCEC in Goodwood, and could do faster, it is 3-4s too fast, simply because it does not have very much over the limit nuances, that makes the limit challenging. Under the limit they are probably good.

    Very nice video, nice to see how they move around there, they really stretch the tires at the limit of grip, and bodies roll a lot as they corner at such high slip angles, great view.
  2. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    I have done testing with 50+ cars in Le Grand Circuit for 40+ minutes drive with rain breaking through, with a mid pace car (Ctype), and to say that it was just exciting would be understatement. Big thanks for Woochoo for making this !

    Having so much fun while working on these cars, perhaps it couldn't be called work. Work begins at later stages where greater precision begins, right now everything is just approximate, but it doesn't matter because it is awesome anyway.

    Besides changing how tire behaves, I also do:

    Adjust CoG location.
    Adjust track widths and wheelbase.
    Adjust ARB's, springs, tire pressures.
    Adjust caster and steering torque slightly.

    Also upcoming second round for more adjustments, for brakes, engine cooling/heating, some more on tires (mainly changing optimum pressures, and minor other changes for different cars), some inertia tweaks, some aero tweaks.... and I think these cars end up super immersive, actually they became already very awesome after tweaking tires, CoG, tracks, anti roll bars. So far, I say that first round is done, will enter second round. If you aren't too biased about 3D models, but more about physics and classic cars, you should definitely try at least some of them.
  3. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    I've only been able to test @mantasisg 's work with keyboard since my wheel is broken, but it was immediately clear that the cars will be more alive. The car resembling a D-Type now has narrower track which magically makes it look much more like a D-Type despite there being no fin or other D-Type bodywork. And it has more engaging pitch/roll/yaw characteristics in the handling too.

    And due to mantasisg's enthusiasm, I've updated the livery file and its Ps action scripting to now save an individual alpha channel per car for better reflective material properties. It was only a quick overall change, and more could have been done, but it's an improvement anyway.

    And the car numbers have had the 100 prefix removed, and a couple more details have been added here and there.

    And I've added classes for opponent selection and results classification :)


    Last edited: Mar 14, 2019
  4. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Enjoying the mod so much, really you don't even need models to enjoy the driving and racing experience.

    Le Grand Circuit, 60+ cars, multiclass, rain, sun setting down - it is epic. And yet only been having fun in devmode !

    Enjoying tires in the dry and in the wet too. I suppose if tires are believable in the dry and in the wet, then something has to be right about them ? :)
  5. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    body tweaks to the green cars and the red cars
    red cars also have new rear exhausts
  6. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    side mirrors gone
    bonnet scoop gone
    engine bump on bonnet
    headrest green
  7. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    we're looking for some people to have a preview test of the cars soon. PM if you'd like to :)



    2019-03-29_11h54_52.jpg 2019-03-29_11h50_28.jpg 2019-03-29_11h57_33.jpg 2019-03-29_12h00_10.jpg 2019-03-29_12h01_56.jpg
    Churrinche, Legend, pascom and 10 others like this.
  8. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    Fantastic work so far from the looks of it. I got one question/suggestion though: how difficult is it to replace the driver model with the one from the Brabham BT20? I allways found the old driver models to stand out with their triangular shaped heads in a very wierd way. I know it is nitpicky, but seeing some real racing drivers would be pretty awesome in those beatiful cars. Anyway, keep up the good work :)
  9. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Thanks. I've got no idea how easy or not it is to replace the driver model. For now I'm going to take the easy route of not messing with that, but maybe someday :)
    hitm4k3r likes this.
  10. hitm4k3r

    hitm4k3r Registered

    Jun 15, 2016
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    That's great to hear ;)
  11. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Very happy about how cars are now. A lot of work went into 30+ cars, some got more attention than others, but I tried to show love to as much as possible. I tried to achieve as good results as possible without killing myself. And I think it is success so far. Cars are much more unique than before, more dynamic, slightly quicker. Grips well, but only if you are going at appropriate speeds and smooth enough.

    I hope we have some good testing going on, and will have some good discusions about the cars, which ones are the most interesting to you ?

    Did you know that in 1954 Le mans Aston Martin among many others brought one model with V12 engine ? It had problems with heating, so the gears had to be shortened, taking away some horses. It still managed to clock 270km/h in practice. However, 1954 Le mans was awful to Aston Martin, very unlucky that year.

    One of the recent interesting discoveries regarding the physics was that apparently cars in fifties had dominant lift at the rear end, so at great speed weight distribution would shift forward ! Unexpected (almost) and counter intuitive. At least it was like that with jaguar C type, even worse with long tail C type, but in Dtype front End lift was dominant, so at speed it would have nearly 50/50 weight distribultion.
    jimagn, jayarrbee36, pkelly and 3 others like this.
  12. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    something sorta like a C-Type :)
    Legend, jimagn, GeraArg and 5 others like this.
  13. Boomer20

    Boomer20 Registered

    Sep 19, 2015
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    Looking forward to the next update of these cars. The 1954 carset is probably my favourite cars to drive in rf2. Something about the lack of setup options, understanding your cars strengths and weaknesses and then relying on your ability (or lack of) to wring out the best in the cars make these so much fun.
    I don't fully know how it works in rf2 I've noticed that currently the cars are extremely reliable. In a 45 minute race at Le Grand, Silverstone and a 3 hour race at Belgium I had zero mechanical retirements and that just seems odd for cars of the time. I was wondering if that might be improved?
  14. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Thanks Boomer,
    I know mantasisg has been adjusting engine reliability and brake fade :)
  15. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Yes I did. But I think it could use some more into it. Requires a lot testing though.

    I did try to make some engines to require nursing after a while if you get too crazy. I did not have time to run any car for a long stint, longest I have done were few 40+ minutes stints at Le Grand Circuit, but that was before I did engine heating tweaks... I did test for a 3-4 laps driving like mad to check if engines will not overheat that quickly. Even though maybe for some it would be realistic.

    I did try to make drum brakes fade more. As for now it seems that drum brakes still stays relatively safe, even though often gets on the edge of heat, thats for heaviest, most powerful cars. I also think that I may increase disc brakes power a bit, to get them on the edge too, their biggest advantage is cooling, so naturally they can generate more heat.

    There are a lot of balancing. At the moment I think that disc brakes are fine, perhaps still too good with temps. And I suspect that drum brakes should be even more severe with fade, to truly make it a thing you would worry about. There are too approaches, or maybe even three. What should be the drop of braking efficiency above optimum temperature range, what should be amount of heat generated, and how effective cooling should be. Though brakes power also should be considered, so there are even four factors. But brakes power could be determined by braking distance, which I think I got roughly correct. So I think brakes cooling should be the main subject to tweak now.
    Mauro and woochoo like this.
  16. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Having thought a little more, if there is anyone out there with the skill, time, and inclination to add the BT-20 driver to fit the Cobra (default Cobra seat and wheel positions) then I'd be happy to have that help :)
    Better yet if a more 1950's style helmet could be used ;)
    hitm4k3r likes this.
  17. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    less and less like a Cobra

    Corti, Ozzy, Legend and 9 others like this.
  18. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Wow ! Totally did not expected it to go that far. Impressive.
  19. woochoo

    woochoo Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    nor did I!
    Had to move the mirror too. So now i know how to set up mirrors.
    And as a result I also had to wipe out the AO for the mirrors and window frame. I'll have to add them to the sprawling photoshop file on a per model basis now.
    Fortunately there was a fair bit of UV space used by the underside of the car, which I've squeezed up to fit the fairings/fins, and now the seat cover as well.
    Clearly this is different and not as polished as an expert scratch-making content. It's modding! :D
    If anyone has been to worried about learning curves to get into this sort of thing, modding is how. I'm learning for fun :)
    mantasisg and bravotangosix like this.
  20. mantasisg

    mantasisg Registered

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Thats literally modding, couldn't be fitting to the definition more than that.

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