[RELEASE] Nordschleife Tourist v1.65 beta

Discussion in 'Locations' started by pleclair, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    i must have
  2. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    but its an epic track made by someone else need more ram ..go buy it
  3. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    He also needs 3dsimed, or even mainly.

    Just assuming this is a nice way to make some extra bucks is just downright cynical.
    Maybe read his other thread, how it started, then this entire thread and then make a fair guestimation that the guy has been honest, motivated, thrilled and upfront the whole time.
    So to suddenly assume he turned 180degrees and now is innit for the money that's just silly.

    Or are you maybe disappointed you never came up with this idea and are now trailing behind by a noob whom just started out 2 weeks ago?

    Very disappointing, especially since you where so helpful to him before and that's prolly over as well. just another clear sign of the bitterness in the established modding-community we have been witnessing the last 2 decades or so.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2013
  4. deak1944

    deak1944 Guest

    Grunt?? SNARL!!! (beats chest vigorously),(tears down branches and beats the ground),(gives a snort of derision) and walks off into the jungle shaking his head.
  5. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Never said he's in it for the money

    Ask Andreas Binz what I think of a donate button pfft

    Couldn't give a rats ass if i'm trailing or not ..........I do it to drive on.. you know the fun bit

    Funny no one said anything after his post until I did...

    But thats my 2 cents....... Donated
  6. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Guess thats how we Aussies are...or this one is anyway, I dont expect anything or want for that matter I'd rather whoop your ass on the track i've created , converted whatever

    But Like said he wasnt asking so I will apoligize to pleclair for that
  7. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Oh please. you could not have been more clear about it.

    Yeah funny since you started the argument. can one assume the rest was either not bothered, agreeing or had not read yet?
  8. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    This is a joke, there are so many things I could say right now over his noob status but I wont ,because it is exactly that he is still learning, Because of him I actually have some hope now of attempting work in max because I'm understanding things more and him already being there after 2 weeks is amazing
  9. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Good point, I will shut about it as well, don't want this thread to end in a lock.

    And that comment was out of spite btw, didn't really mean it, was just pissed off. soz mate.
  10. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    we disagree its all good man

    and so Pleclair doesnt get disheartened by the word 'noob" i'm still that to man theres things you will be doing in 2 weeks thinking why didnt I or why wasnt I .. all a part of learning ive been there and are still there now its neverending
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2013
  11. Andreas Binz

    Andreas Binz Registered

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Since i've 8 GB DDR2 in my PC (before 4GB), i've no problems with rF2 (not enough RAM error screen)
    It's a bit curious because rF2 is a 32 bit program. But it works better with 8 GB.
  12. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    No1 If I want it or need it I get out of my own pocket

    No2 I strongly feel that putting up a link saying donate whether it be for the track itself or to better his system is just wrong ....Its a great gesture from the community, and he should be stoked, Like I would be. but I wouldn't put the link up receiving donations to make my pc run better to convert a track thats not mine

    No3 if I have an opinion I let it out as you can see now after telling myself to stfu

    No4 keep up the learning pleclair because there always something else to learn more often than not its the simple things that slip

    I still stand firm with my thought's on it But thats me shyte happens
  13. Rony1984

    Rony1984 Registered

    May 10, 2012
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    I am not sure what you're trying to point out wajidi, but the car veers off due to bottoming out as it looks
  14. Jamezinho

    Jamezinho Registered

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Not really. Donations will help buy what he needs to continue working on this great track and hopefully more tracks in future. Speaking as someone with zero knowledge of modding, I'm happy to help in any way I can.

    You've made your feelings known, now leave it there.
  15. Hermmie

    Hermmie Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Just made my donation, thank you Preclair for all the effort bringing this track into rF2. :)
  16. Jez Hammond

    Jez Hammond Registered

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Indeed no clipping at all should be the aim for a next gen sim. Fair enough about the skybox.

    The 17 containers should help, though that's still around 10 corners per group. Perhaps there are many overlapping vertices (since the road detach) which can be welded? But don't stress about it as my machine is a relic - Geforce 8800GT!

    For sure you will need a 64bit operating system, Win32 gives you access to around just 3GB (of your 4).
  17. R1CHO

    R1CHO Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    64 bit will make it heaps better comes with a crack too rofl
    zip ;)
  18. pleclair

    pleclair Registered

    May 10, 2013
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    I have just noticed the overlapping vertices this time around, and I'm selecting all vertices and edges and welding them (while keeping an eye on the "rendered" view so it doesnt do anything bad to the landscape :p)

    I have checked the memory support of my current m3n72-d and seems like it only support 2gb stick. A bit of a bummer, since I can only place 3 sticks in, the 4th slot is now defunct.

    I have looked at the mb/cpu/ram combos on ebay, and found two that are interesting, and posted them in a new thread in the main forums.

    Would like some opinions on what I should do?

    If I order 2x4gb kits at corsair, I'll pay around 125$, and the cpu/ram/mb combos that I've found are around 170-180$.

    My main concern is, my computer is aging, it have been used a lot, and I fear that if I go with the memory upgrade alone, that a memory socket or something else fails in the near future... then that memory will be good for nothing, and will be a total waste.

    My power supply and gpu are my last upgrade in it... so they are still good for a few years... power supply is a modular thermaltake 700w, and gpu is a gtx580.

    Thanks for any advices!

    Regarding the track, I had to start over again yesterday! I found out that working with containers on a not so stable system is a bummer!

    After a crash, I noticed that the stuff I detached from a container ended up in the main max file. So after the crash, what I detached was both in the main file, and in the container! But I noticed this after 2 crashes, so I had to start over detaching again!

    I was doing the detaching, quadrifying and fixing altogether... so this time, I only do 1 step at a time, so its easier to fix if it crashes or something.

    I got all the main road surface detached, and I'll start quadrifying today.

    PS: I knew about the 32bits only supporting 3gb, thats why Im still running it :) I couldnt justify installing 64 bits when I didnt needed it! I'll make sure to grab a copy before the rams or whatever I end up choosing gets in!

    I want to say a big thank you to all those who made a donation (and everyone involved in this thread, you guys are great!)
  19. 88mphTim

    88mphTim racesimcentral.net

    Sep 23, 2010
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    [WIP] Nordschleife Tourist

    You're running Windows, too.

    Sent from a mobile device using Tapatalk
  20. Voltaic

    Voltaic Registered

    Sep 14, 2011
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    For some reason the HDR profile does not show as an option.

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