Future plans for rF2?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Martin Vindis, Feb 26, 2024.

  1. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    Player numbers yesterday:
    LMU 921
    rF2 961

    That flipped quicker than I expected even
  2. RaceNut

    RaceNut Registered

    May 21, 2013
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    The "flip" is likely due to several factors (just to name a few):
    • The "Shiney & new" wearing off.
    • The constant game crashes.
    • The ongoing issues with FFB dropping out.
    • Limited content.
    • Questionable future of MSG.
    I like the potential LMU shows but, I'm not playing it currently due to constant CTD's, despite hot-fixes and updates.
    sg333 likes this.
  3. Ayrton de Lima

    Ayrton de Lima Registered

    Jun 29, 2015
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    And until recently, even from 2009-2013 it was impossible, because not even Kers had it. The prototypes from 2012-until now cannot even be created in the correct way...
  4. Ayrton de Lima

    Ayrton de Lima Registered

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Limited category, and no matter how much content is released regarding the ACO championships, it will continue to be limited.
    sg333 likes this.
  5. trichens

    trichens Registered

    Nov 2, 2020
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    I'm surprised by the number of people complaining about the limited content of LMU.
    It is exactly what it's supposed to be... a sim based on the ACO and WEC race series.
    It's a collaboration between the ACO and MSG. There's no way it's ever going to include cars and tracks from other race series.

    Going forward we're going to see either a console version - which is where the big market is - or rF3 based on the work done to create LMU. The difference I expect to see though is that any rF3 sim will not be something that will work with mods.

    Due to the restricted nature of the cars and tracks that WEC events will feature, it is not possible that the S397 team can change focus? We don't see a continual increase in DLC for ACC.
  6. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    "rF3" will not happen. rF2 was light years ahead of rF1 even when released and jumped even further over its development in 10~ years. If you want to call LMU the rF3 engine, what would it offer over rF2? Its effectively looks and drives identically to rF2. There's simply nothing groundbreaking tech wise for that to make any sense.
    8Ball and Ayrton de Lima like this.
  7. Ayrton de Lima

    Ayrton de Lima Registered

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Exactly, rFactor was made just like 2 as a mod platform, 3 without mods wouldn't even make sense, so rF2 doesn't need a 3, it needs bug fixes and a more complete vehicle system, the fact of having varied cars would leave the simulator further on, this is how it is, LMU serves a specific audience, I love Endurance and even then I can't stick to more than 15 minutes of gaming, a game in a single category tends to fall faster than a varied one, the Unless you are EA and sell the same game every year with ridiculous changes, this way MSG would make a lot of money, but the way things are we are going to have the "Most diverse and dynamic simulator" falling more and more into oblivion every day. Lmu had a not so great graphical improvement and an easier driving system, any car you get drives much easier than in rF2. I see a lot of people saying that even without an update the game won't die, but without constant updates and improvements the most it can become is a Zombie.
    sg333 likes this.
  8. FordGT40

    FordGT40 Registered

    Oct 31, 2020
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    Beamng has hybrid, ev and realistic automatic transmission simulated but... tire physics are bad. Just throwing it out there not sure why.
    OneMoreOdd and mesfigas like this.
  9. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    When one of the most popular sims of the past 5 years, ACC, has dozens of tracks and cars and the single biggest complaint in their forums is the LACK of more cars and tracks, you can bet the first release of LMU with only the 2023 season included is already a target for the nay-sayers. We have seen interviews where MSG has intimated they may add other properties like ELMS and Asian LM since many of the same cars and circuits are used by all three groups. What we won't see is any hint of an open sandbox. No F1 tracks just because they are F1 tracks, no Nords, none of the American circuits other than Cota/Sebring. No Open wheelers, no DTM, No Touring Cars...get used to that.

    At best, far in the future, ( I would think two to three years at the soonest, providing MSG survives that long) we may see some sort of historic type addition, but think about that too...they can't go too far back because all the tracks used are now Laser Scanned...how do you scan a circuit no longer in use that may not even exist?
    Havner and trichens like this.
  10. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Once hybrid is there.... what next? There will ALWAYS be something it won't have. Dev time requires money.... and right now, LMU is earning it. Unless they can create more DLC for rfactor 2 (doubtful right now) then we have what we have. Just play it.

    rFactor 2 will ALWAYS be incomplete.... for some it will never be in a final state (no matter what anyone says to the contrary).
    Kronzky, trichens and davehenrie like this.
  11. 8Ball

    8Ball Registered

    May 5, 2022
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    Community as a whole killed any hope of that by savaging rF2 and others not backing ISI to the hilt.

    I promised I through trying to get people to help themselves.
    But I got to say amazes me though.
    Get bagged and insulted for mentioning steam positivity as a way of at least trying to help rF2 and LMU.
    Numbers mean nothing, being positive won't help, tell me to relax calm down lol

    But most everyone here will use steam figures on everything else to validate or justify their statements.
    Hardware, resolution, controllers, VR, player numbers player hours and many more graphs and percentiles are all written in stone.

    You can't build ISIMotor3.0 without Gjon's vision, anyone thinks otherwise is in the multiverse. :D
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2024
    Ayrton de Lima and davehenrie like this.
  12. Ayrton de Lima

    Ayrton de Lima Registered

    Jun 29, 2015
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    Hybrid technology is growing in all competitions, we could finally simulate cars that have this technology, is there anything else missing? there was always a lack, but hybrid is now basic, even beamng has it, as already mentioned, and I don't know if it's LMU who is making the money, yesterday and today rF2 had more active users than LMU...
    avenger82 likes this.
  13. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    Well it sure as hell isn't rF2.... no new DLC in quite some time. Using a free online service doesn't pay the devs now does it ;)
    Lazza likes this.
  14. sg333

    sg333 Registered

    Nov 3, 2010
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    The numbers are everything. Anyone who wants rFactor 2 to continue, buy LMU to support S397, and keep playing rFactor 2. It will show S397 there's still interest & customers for rFactor 2.
    nolive721, 8Ball and U. Daniel like this.
  15. Goanna

    Goanna Registered

    Jan 19, 2012
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  16. 8Ball

    8Ball Registered

    May 5, 2022
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    That is all I ever have meant since basically after early release when numbers started dropping.
    But I am much more adamant belligerent, obstinate.
    I go further and say anyone wants wanted the industry to improve for any studio was to have Gjon and ISIMotor continue. :(
    rF2 is 70% 69% this month which is a absolute travesty. No not going to ask anyone to do anything anymore. rF2 is MIXED ! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ....breath

    Silver Lining to all this ? As always with ISIMotor I take the positives then work around issues.
    Like how anyone can drive rF2 all things on 1x fuel and 1 x tyres I will never understand.
    They miss out on extra dynamic behaviour and mostly good.
    Like even if you do sprint races try full tanks, trust me and again you find all AI are not the same thing unlike other sims you add extra fuel they all behave the same as before.

    Oh silver lining ....lol
    True to his word AC never made another skin pack again, how many others did the same ?

    Well now they can complete all these skin packs without fear ;)

    How about the modders that left because of same issues ?
    rF2 could become another GTR2 now :)
    Especially doing mas packs for all non DLC S397 without worrying about updates

    Glass half full.

    Hey but you know the very best thing.
    People can do bad posts, threads and reviews till their dead hearts are content.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
  17. trichens

    trichens Registered

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Also note the following from the same paragraph...
    "Once that’s up and running, and we’ve really got the wheel spinning around our ecosystem, I think the further step will be something we’re quite excited about, which is utilizing the technology from Le Mans Ultimate in a new gaming experience, which is built around driving. That’s certainly one opportunity that we have in front of us."

    Does that read a bit like planning for a rF3?
  18. 8Ball

    8Ball Registered

    May 5, 2022
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    Yes to me as well.
    Hypothetically if LMU 2024 does better is there any reason they could not get BTCC licence again ?
    Or what would be the next best series to attempt does not have exclusive licence.
    Does iRacing have exclusive licence to all Nascar series ?
    I think that is their best shot use LMU to fix bugs add features.
    Single series are little easier to setup for AI, racing system and servers .
  19. Woodee

    Woodee Registered

    Oct 4, 2010
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    It sounds like using the LMU base for different series games. The days are gone for a game that has multiple series in it.
    8Ball and Havner like this.
  20. boxer

    boxer Registered

    Aug 22, 2012
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    Lets wait and see what the other devs deliver with AC2 or with GTR... For MSG the big questions are will the series they managed to tick off even entertained them now? how Long will it take MSG to iron out all the issues in this game?my guess is it will take avery long time (May be years)..

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