[REL] Nordschleife3 v3.00

Discussion in 'Locations' started by DJCruicky, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    What an amazing job. This needs more exposure as many many many newcomers don't know about it and should be able to enjoy Nurburgring/Nordschleife without having to commit to pay the DLC right of the bat...
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
    DJCruicky likes this.
  2. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    @DJCruicky I didn't read the 71 Sites again and so i maybe missed something, but why isn't this great Track in the Steam Workshop?
    vava74 and Mauro like this.
  3. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    I will look into it.
    redapg and Mauro like this.
  4. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Some bad news for you guys.
    Having some computer problems. My 2nd harddrive in my machine packed up, been trying to get it to work all night. The files have gone corrupt. Tried doing one of them Windows full scans things and that made it worse. It's a SSD.
    Sorry to say this is the drive I was working on my Nords track with.
    Now you maybe thinking I hope he made backups? Erm well yes, but the last backup goes all the way back January, and now it's the start of April. Sorry to say it's gone :(.
    I know you all were looking forward to it, well at least 3 of you were. I don't know what to say, other than April fool.
    McFlex, Lars, pkelly and 3 others like this.
  5. svictor

    svictor Registered

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Sorry to hear, that would be a great lose of so much time & hard work. Hope you can find way to recover the data.
    FuNK! and DJCruicky like this.
  6. Juergen-BY

    Juergen-BY Registered

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Lol...well done
  7. redapg

    redapg Registered

    Jan 16, 2012
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    That is one of the worst April 1st Pranks i have ever seen.
    You have my Pity.
    McFlex, FuNK!, vava74 and 1 other person like this.
  8. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    It's still April, but no Aprils Fools joke this time I promise .

    **New Update**
    Version 3.00
    * New layout 'Rally Reverse'

    You now get to drive this famous track in the reverse direction.
    The track partially emulates a real life event they run in winter. It is a Point to Point event (one lap shootout).

    This layout has a new look, set early Winter or late Autumn, a lot of the trees have lost their leaves. This gives the track a dramatically different look.
    The starting point is the T13 Paddock.

    Instructions for this Rally Reverse layout:-
    Drive out the pitlane to the start gate (picture above). As you line up with the start line the green light comes on. In your own time start your stage. The timer starts when you cross the start line. When you finish your stage you can then choose to do another lap or return into the pits.
    Once you have mastered the track in reverse try a bit of rain to Spice up the lap.

    Other changes:-
    • Added over 13 Kilometres of FIA Mesh Wire fences. No small task. Still a few areas missing but 13 Km's is enough for now :O :D.

    • Trees! Extensive moving, sizing, adding of trees in many areas.

    • Shortcut lap patched for 24 Hour and VLN layouts. Before people could abuse the system by doing more than 2 laps around the shortcut and getting a sub 2 minute lap time, not anymore.

    • Lowered the whole track 500 metres to sea level to fix a glitch with S397's new cloud system where sky would turn overcast in parts of track where it was over 550 meters in a blink of an eye. This included AI paths, track side cameras, night lights, etc. (this is now fixed in the new RC build, so could have saved 5 days work, but no worry).

    • Extensive LOD out adjustments for Rally Reverse layout. Before these changes you would see many objects just pop in in front of you or you may have seen floating hills etc. These were done in the .scn file not in the .gmt files in order for the other layouts to remain unchanged.

    • AI paths for Rally Reverse. Garage spots for 28 cars and Race grid for 65 cars.

    • Lot of time was put into making the T13 Paddock usable for the Rally Reverse layout.

    • New BMW advert plates around T13 Paddock.

    • Moved a lot of trackside cameras as they were blocked by the new Mesh wire fencings or trees.

    • Updated the marshal points with marshal towers and blue coloured portal-loos on the Nordschleife part of the track.

    • New Spectator area at Pflanzgarten2. Before it was nothing but trees on this spot, cleared them, and flatted the land. Added cars, camper vans and people there.

    • Added more spectator items to Schwalbschwanz and Brünnchen. Please set track detail to High or Max to see them.

    • Made 4 sets of Red and White kerbs at Kesselchen, Klostertal, Hedwigs-hohe and Hoheacht less aggressive in height.

    • Added ALL missing guardrails. The track had many sections unfinished. Some were also redone or moved.

    • Opened up 'the Bridge To Gantry' Layout for racing but please see the limitation note at the bottom of this post.

    • Partially updated advert signs to newer ones for GP part of the track. For 24 hour layout there are now also additional ones on the Nordschleife part of the track in a few places too.

    • Raised in height the 2 advertising gantry's at the back end of the GP track by 2 metres, they were too low.

    • Updated LCD information screen at end of Tourist pitlane with new graphics. It works as the pit exit light, the display should say 'Track Closed' when the session is closed.

    • New signs at the ticket gates for Tourist layouts.

    • Raised the Bilstein bridge in height. It was 1.5 metres too low.

    • 3 more solar-powered marshal warning lights added.

    • Added tyre rubber marks to Red and White kerbs on the Nordschleife part of the track.

    • 2 more trackside wooden huts.

    • New leafless trees for the new Rally reverse layout.

    • The grass is now a different colour depending on what layout you have chosen. Summer is green, Autumn is slightly more brownish and late Autumn Rally track is a little more wet yellowish colour. The flowers in the grass textures for Autumn have been removed and changed to dead leaf's. The flowers in the grass textures still remain on the summer layouts.

    • Changed Atmospherics settings for 3 layouts. HazeBaseScale, AirPollution etc.

    • Made smaller the diameter of the sky box (panorama background hills) so it is less affected by fog and haze.

    • Plus many many other small changes not worth writing about.

    Limitation in race mode for 'Rally Reverse' and 'Bridge To Gantry' layouts.:

    These layouts are designed for point to point. You can do races in race mode but please beware if you do more than 1 lap the game starts counting the time from the finish gate to the start gate as well. So, if you are running a server and lap times are important, I would recommend you set the race session to a timed race and set it to 5 minutes. This way the race ends at 1 lap. If lap times are not important then just race them like any other track. Practice and Qualify sessions are not affected by this limitation.

    Best Graphics settings:

    Cloud settings can change the look of the track greatly. I would try avoid Clear sky on the Summer layouts as that seems to bleach the graphics. Please use at minimum Light Clouds or higher.

    The leafless trees on the 'Reverse Rally' layout benefit greatly with setting your graphics Antialiasing to the highest setting. With low settings trees in the distance can look pixelated and transparent. If your computer can handle it, run it with 8x and they will look very good.

    Please see first post for download link, now on Steam Workshop.
    Someone buy me an Easter Egg, I've had none this year :D
    Enjoy, Happy Easter
    Flerbizky, Lars, buzz hornet and 29 others like this.
  9. svictor

    svictor Registered

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Crazy work, thank you very much. Time to setup a server and get some friends:rolleyes: (and very nice shots)
    makan, vava74, Gilles Benoit and 2 others like this.
  10. Johnny Speed

    Johnny Speed Registered

    Aug 3, 2021
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    Thank you!
    vava74 and DJCruicky like this.
  11. Corti

    Corti Registered

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Great job mate a very dear track on the ISR. We will look for a dedicated server
    Lars, atomed, vava74 and 1 other person like this.
  12. Matt21

    Matt21 Registered

    Jan 15, 2012
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    thank you for the community
    vava74 and DJCruicky like this.
  13. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Forgot to add to change list above.
    • Added animated ticket gate to 'Bridge to Gantry' layout.

    Everyone mastered the reverse layout yet? :O :D
    Nice new feature in the RC build, 'Driver lines'. Nice tool to learn the layout with less crashing. I think S397 did a very good job with it.
    Lars, pkelly, atomed and 4 others like this.
  14. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    What an amazing job! It looks great!
    svictor and DJCruicky like this.
  15. AlexHeuskat

    AlexHeuskat Registered

    Feb 21, 2020
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    This version is amazing, it's the "Green" Hell I like, not like the s397 flashy green.
    Sadly, I'm used to the official, and I notice the lack of laserscann, elevations are wrong and curve not really accurate.
    But the ambience and the trees many times render better than the official, my first complain is the new green from the official is too much flashy. I come from the Nordschleife for real, and it's obvious how the s397 version is too much flashy.

    real Nord 2.jpg
    fake nord.jpg

    real Nord.jpg

    fake nord 2.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2022
    datasting, marmagas, vava74 and 3 others like this.
  16. Sergey

    Sergey Registered

    Jun 25, 2019
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    Спасибо из РОССИИ !!!
  17. vava74

    vava74 Registered

    Dec 14, 2020
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    Exactly. That is why I have been using Reshade since practically day 1 of having rF2 (even in VR, with several presets on the VRToolkit using custom made LUTs, well, at least until I moved over to OpenXR where I have not yet found a similar tool).
    With Reshade I managed to tone down the vibrance of colours, increase contrast of the shadows, etc... giving a much better sense of depth and of "being there".
    rand777, pkelly and atomed like this.
  18. juanchioooo

    juanchioooo Registered

    May 16, 2016
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    great job, little by little everything is being completed
  19. PhilT

    PhilT Registered

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Anyone have a good list of cars to go with this track for the full track day experience? Ideally Steam workshop links. Yes, I'm lazy :)

    Actually, I'm not up on model numbers of some of the older ones even though I grew up with them.
  20. Filip

    Filip Registered

    Feb 9, 2017
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    Good cars for Nordschleife?
    Any car.
    Flerbizky and atomed like this.

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