Mike Cantwell
Last Activity:
Dec 29, 2024
Jul 18, 2011
Likes Received:
Jun 26, 1966 (Age: 58)
Home Page:
Brisbane, Australia

Mike Cantwell

Registered, Male, 58, from Brisbane, Australia

Mike Cantwell was last seen:
Dec 29, 2024
    1. Targs35
      Hey there Mike,
      I did the original Bathurst track for GPL if you remember...that it was a long time ago now or seems it...

      Just came accross your Postings of a 1980's Track... I hope things are going pretty good.. for and I apreaciate the hard work you are doing..
      1. 8Ball likes this.
    2. SmellySkidmark
      Hi Mike, I still have the same email for me to do your track, put a link in there please

    3. SmellySkidmark
      Yep no worries mate, have a great xmas/new year holiday.
    4. SmellySkidmark
      Part 3
      Too many characters for one post, lol

      1. Mike Cantwell
        Mike Cantwell
        Hey mate,

        Will do. I am on holidays away from my main PC for 2 weeks so I will get back to it then. Just run out of time.

        Have a great Christmas and see you in the new year...
        Dec 22, 2016
    5. SmellySkidmark
      Part 2
      3, Any chance you can put in some brake markers in, without them it's a bit of a guess as to the exact braking point on every corner, without any other reference point like trees, fencing and so on. They can be removed if they are not in the final build.
      I hope I'm not asking too much, I know it's only an early build but I would like to make it the best I can do,so you to be happy with my work.
    6. SmellySkidmark
      Part 1
      Hi Mike, I've had a look at the track and see that this is going to be hard to get a good fast lap time. I'd like for you to consider some additions to make my part easier.
      1, It needs the kerbs to have grip, atm they have none at all.
      2, Realroad needs to be implemented, it would help to make faster lines and realistic lap times.

    7. SmellySkidmark
      Do you have a Dropbox account or similar? you could upload it to there and send me an email with the link. my email is
      I will not share this track with anyone, it's your track not mine.
      S S
      1. Mike Cantwell likes this.
      2. Mike Cantwell
        Mike Cantwell
        Hi Garry,

        I have uploaded and shared. It should just unzip into the dev part of the game and work. Just very basic but for AIW it is all that is needed.

        Mike :)
        Dec 21, 2016
    8. SmellySkidmark
      Hi Mike, I interested in doing the AIW for your track, I've just done the new version of Magnificent Park for Nibiru. I'm a member of xfactorracing as well.
      This was my first track to do the AIW and I've learned quite alot in the last week and I'm keen to get more experience.

      1. Mike Cantwell likes this.
      2. Mike Cantwell
        Mike Cantwell

        Thanks for that. How do i get the track to you? I do not want a heap of people with the track just yet.

        It is in a package now so install is easy. It is very basic at the moment.

        Dec 20, 2016
    9. Golly
      Hi Mike Golly here.

      Want to know if your keen to join forces with EWE for our HQ utes series. Some tracks planned as well and would love to work with you in Max for it. Sandown 1984 is a track and maybe Bathurst as well if we are up for it as a team.
      Your Lakestuff of course is separate as its under licence. Let mw know mate as we are looking at car and track moddlers to join up.

      Cheers Golly
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  • About

    Jun 26, 1966 (Age: 58)
    Home Page:
    Brisbane, Australia
    Facebook Profile URL:
    System: Operating System:
    Windows 10 64bit
    System: Specific Model:
    Home Built
    System: Motherboard:
    Gigabyte H270-Gaming 3
    System: CPU:
    i7 7700
    System: RAM:
    32GB DDR4
    System: Graphics:
    GTX 1070
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    System: Screen Setup:
    Dual 27 inch 1440P AOC
    System: Internet Connectivity:
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