How many of you bought rF2 for mods and have now changed your mind (about mods)?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by titi611, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. William David Marsh

    William David Marsh Registered

    Nov 14, 2012
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    rFactor 1 modding didn't "explode" until the final build 1.255 came out. I don't think rF2 will have the same thing, but it will definitely be as rF2 gets more stable, that will be when people will get invested in using it as a modding platform.

    Just wait til Niels gets his hands on the physics ;)
  2. 88mphTim


    Sep 23, 2010
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    Frustratingly few people seem to remember the timing of things with rF1. :)
  3. MapleHamwich

    MapleHamwich Registered

    Aug 19, 2013
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    I bought into rF2 for ISI content. When I played for the first time I was disappointed with what was available and started looking into mods, fully aware of and afraid of the "diluting" effect. What I've come to find is that I dislike the majority of mods out there right now, the vast majority.However, there are a handful of very promising mods and I am fully willing to incorporate those into my experience.

    For the most part though, I will be playing ISI content. I've been very satisfied with it, far more-so than any mods.
  4. Valter Cardoso

    Valter Cardoso Registered

    Nov 4, 2011
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    It depends. If you call someone who steal other guys work and release a mod in 2 days a modder.....
    Real modders know what im saying.
  5. Jim Beam

    Jim Beam Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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  6. D.Painter

    D.Painter Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    As a modder I tend to agree.
    Never read such a bunch of crap. ISI content isn't as great as some would like to believe. We make it our business to pull it apart to see how it works to see were the issues are and check for consistency. There is no consistency! Full of issues. Not one mod is built like the next or a previous one.
    rF2 itself is like this also. Things are on, then their off. Something works, Next build it doesn't!
    Physics aren't that special with ISI mods either. No were near what people are saying here that modders want be able to much or better ISI is so much rubbish it's not either funny. The community has people doing this stuff that are far better then you bunch give credit for. Don't use third party content if that's your choice but don't sit on your high horse and feed this crap out to the rest of us.

    Who are the ISI guy's doing this content anyway? Well let me tell you! Their you and me. They are modders. People that have and still do work with third party mod groups. It's not magic, their us, not special! Just people who learn how to do the part they do whether it be physics, models, artists, or track makers with other modders and teams then are asked to work for ISI.

    If it wasn't for "us" mod teams and group there wouldn't be them!

    Wake up and open your eyes, think before you start running modders down. You may be surprised who your actually kicking in the teeth with this crap!
  7. 1959nikos

    1959nikos Registered

    Mar 26, 2012
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    Serious modders have/had accurate info as possible for their mods, otherwise they dont release.
    Of course many mods are just guessing but dont be fooled that all are.
    Look at Tuttle's Dallara, with the info he has, when it comes out it will be a very close representation of the real thing.
    Same goes with the rest of the big modders, they just havent completed their work yet, for reasons we've read here many times.

    We only have till now just a 0.01% of mods expected anyway, so OP's judgement is too early IMO.
  8. Johannes Rojola

    Johannes Rojola Registered

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Well, were ISI employees modders or workers or whatever, they still have tools which we don't have and they probably don't have *inconsistency between their DevMode and Singleplayer which we do. These things together with other issues makes it hard for me to believe that there are modders out there currently surpassing ISI quality (physics). Eventually yes like with rF1, but not for long time.

    *and this is where I stopped modding this game and moved on with my life.
  9. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    Oh I wondered why nobody mentioned the Lola's for example, had no idea it was stolen and also rubbish.
  10. Gearjammer

    Gearjammer Registered

    Jun 11, 2012
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    So you are saying that you have stopped working on the Chase USA mod Johannes? Going to miss that mod, as I liked what you had done so far.
  11. Denstjiro

    Denstjiro Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    I agree. My point was more about the general comparisment between the 2. ISI licences content when able and uses accurate data when possible.
    So in that sense they have a headstart and comparing ISI vs modders would then becomes a tad unfair. especially since they know the engine and everything good+bad inside out.

    I'm not sure if when can define what a serious modder is btw. by their content? determination? intelligence or skills? big enough group? Or only those whom already proved themselves?
    I'm pretty sure there are very serious modders out there whom just have a long way to go and are not able to provide the sweet stuff yet.
  12. Johannes Rojola

    Johannes Rojola Registered

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I was doing test release of that for people to test and give feedback. What happened was that when I built the single player mod package of the thing some of the cars were broken, and few others crashed the game. It is really frustrating because in DevMode everything works correctly. It is complete waste of time trying to find out what causes these issues, because all the mod repacking hassle in between. And you can't replicate the issue in DevMode anyway... I probably look into that again when rF2 is completely finished. But currently, things do not look good. I started also thread about this while back but it got no attention.
  13. speed1

    speed1 Banned

    Jul 26, 2012
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    I've give up many years ago on all this stuff. I can well understand the frustration of some people.
  14. pay2021

    pay2021 Registered

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Dont give up!! i can help if you want!! your cars are so nice!
  15. Johannes Rojola

    Johannes Rojola Registered

    Sep 8, 2011
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    It is very nice to hear, but I possibly can't see how this issue could be helped :/
  16. Ronnie

    Ronnie Registered

    Jun 15, 2012
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    To be honest with you, giving up won't help solving this issue aswell.
  17. sFactor

    sFactor Registered

    Jan 24, 2012
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    What about focusing on getting RF2 to a stable gold release instead of teasers of what "might" come someday? We have gorgeous cars with great physics, that are useless for online races on High Rez systems

    Freeze the dang features already and get something with a little polish in the hands of the masses. Many of my fellow simracers refuse to plunk down cash on a beta. I bought in when the beta first was offered to the public. I purchased a lifetime membership based on my experience with RF1. This is the longest beta test I have ever been involved in. I still have high hopes for RF2 but I am growing tired of the performance issues. Running a current gen $400+ video card on a high end system and running triples is almost useless unless you are the only one on the track or have graphics settings that are laughable.

    How are modders supposed to optimize their projects when we are so far away from a useable platform?

    Great, we keep getting new cars and tracks that look and drive great on a single low res display. Try to use triples with any eye candy and the experience is horrible.

    Who cares if we have a thousand top shelf mods if we can't race them without seriously crippling the display quality. Address the root cause first.

    To make matters worse, the latest Catalyst 13.9 drivers broke DX9 for many users. There has been a substantial backlash on the AMD forums and people are copying old DX files into the working directory of the games to get it working again. Microsoft FSX was one of the titles that stopped working and the AMD support were like, "what the heck is FSX anyway"? DX9 is old and support from the video card manufacturers seems to be low priority to non-existent. Who is optimizing graphics cards for DX9 this day and age?

    This is just getting absurd in my opinion. How many years does it take to get to gold? let's ask mister Owl...
  18. Galaga

    Galaga Banned

    Jul 16, 2013
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    +1 ; shame
  19. Johannes Rojola

    Johannes Rojola Registered

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I wish I could continue, it is just too much for one person now that there is this frustrating issue or combination of issues. But I rather wait that the tools are finalized at least. But if any body knows why DevMode and Single player gives inconsistent car physics results you can contribute in this thread:
  20. Ronnie

    Ronnie Registered

    Jun 15, 2012
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    I mean, no pressure my friend. I just mean that if modding is what you like doing in your free time you should keep on doing it no matter the issues because even if they get fixed in the future, you still gain experience and skills. However if that's what you want and need then suit yourself. :)

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