Released INDYCAR IR-18

Discussion in 'News & Notifications' started by Paul Jeffrey, Feb 2, 2022.

  1. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    In the custom showroom they are titled IR18 # 21S 1.69 and the other one is IR18 # 23 1.69 Don't know if that means much. "?"
  2. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Yes, that is an oldie but goodie. I would be shocked if the teams used the same steering box at Indy as they do at tracks like Long Beach. With all the hundreds of wheels, joysticks, controllers, keyboards that some people use, you HAVE to have some flexibility to adjust your hardware.
  3. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    Yeah that's pretty well said. For years , heck about 25 years I was a big flight sim guy and I played Flanker 2.0 all the way until DCS world.
    I had Thrustmaster and some other custom stuff and a expensive F18 Throttle....etc... But I got into sim racing and I found it to be so much fun and it felt faster and it sort of bit me ya know. So I did decide after looking and pondering a bit that I wanted something good and something that will do the job. It's not the best but it's better than what I did my Flight sim with in my opinion. I didn't know what to get and I've seen things like machined pedals for about 2 grand that actually look like real hydraulic pedals. I've seen steering wheels that cost more than all my stuff together.... But after seeing some reviews and looking for a while I decided to start with something decent so I did that GT-DD Pro from Fanatec with a V2.5 wheel and the V3 pedals. Fanatec seems cool. After all these years, even though I was in a flight sim, it seems that Fanatec listens to it's customers more than TM did , but I was also in a different TM circle too maybe.
    Yeah, I tried finding some sources but they've been removed for that set up stuff. So I'll just keep picking and trying to acquire stuff here and there.
    That Long Beach track sure is fun. My favorite cars are INDY I keep clicking on rFactor 2, I really look forward to that supposed to be released Motor Sport INDY that they talk of for 2023
    Time will tell.
  4. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    So I couldn't seem to get rid of the INDY CAR and the two I created even after advised to delete a folder. But I noticed a option in settings where I could choose the number of AIs. So since there's a total of 26 IR18 INDY cars and three I wanna make disappear, I chose 23 of the 26 cars. Hoping the three might be the INDY CARS, and I did many laps for so long having fun and the sun started going down in the sim at Long Beach, and I can't remember seeing my three favorite cars. lol
    I wonder if that did it?
  5. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    No, most likely dumb luck, What you CAN do is boot them from the track if the appear in the future. Boot the three, then add three, you may get one or more of them again, just keep booting and adding til you only have all the cars you want. Those commands are in the SESSION Controls section. It will list the drivers that have been loaded, click on one of the offenders, then the BOOT AI box should light up. PooF! There is an option now to manual add a specific car so that should eliminate some of the repeating the process(just noticed that for the first time)
  6. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    AHhhh ok.... cool.... I'll look for that puppy. Thanks I appreciate it.
    It seems like that paint deal within the showroom is like putting a color over another existing color. I couldn't get it to sort of start from the ground up. Was I screwing that up too? There really needs to be a rFactor 2 manual or manuals. That's one thing DCS world was good at.
  7. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I don't think too many painters use the ingame system much, you can try reaching out to painters like @Chris Lesperance , he might be able to guide you. Failing that, There are websites that have plenty of rF2 downloads.
  8. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    Right. I was just looking at it though and my first impression was that you could create your own custom car like it seems to say is all.
    Not sure if I'm cut out to do some of the liveries these guys create. Hey now... I saw a video of this rFactor 2 crash with someone driving an INDY IR18 and they crash and pieces fly. Then someone bumps the back of him and he catches fire? And as he drives a few yards the whole car becomes ingulfed in flames? The only setting I can seem to find is that slider for 100% damage?
    Are you aware of any of that? Damage and flames? I thought it was cool. Unless your the driver...then it would be pretty Hot. LOL
  9. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    Interesting. I can boot them drum the session but I was hoping I could get them out of my life LOL
    So in 2023 Motorsports is supposed to release a dedicated INDY car endorsed sim dedicated to INDY. I have read where in 2023 Indy is gonna run Hybrid introduced by Chevy? Wonder if MS games will base their sim on the 2022 season?
    Only time will tell. Seems like those cars I created would be on a file somewhere in game files but I cannot locate them or find them.
    Must be deeper in script or something which gets above my head.
    Thanks for your help though, at least I can run em off. The black one that came with the game I don't mind but the orange and blue one I created I'd like to kill
  10. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    As far as my set up search goes, I typed in "race sim set up guide" and I found a iracing set up guide pdf.
    It goes over everything and explains terminology and basically a great deal of much of the info I wanted to get a hold of. The information still applies to any sim given the fact the sim has those set up options for you to whatever degree. Eventually I would like to sign up with iracing just for it's AI and it's INDY
  11. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    Learning is never a bad thing. Keep at it!
  12. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    I notice though with the IR18 Indy car, that it I spin out, or if I'm in a situation where I need to hit it and spin, I can't. I don't even have any problem punching the gas aggressively either, it just slowly sort of takes off normal or something. Other sims if you hit it too hard you'll maybe rip the rear out from under you. I was trying to look around in settings to see if there's anything I could change in settings for that. Cat set up or game settings. I found a throttle speed I think or something like that in settings so I increased it but it didn't seem to change anything. No matter what I do with the differential nothing seems to change either.
    Am I missing something?
  13. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    it could be traction control.
    There is an option to override TC in the controls section, mine is set to o. (oh, not zero) But even without that, I was able to overcome an initial bogging of the rpm and whip the car around. It probably should be a little more overpowering than my efforts, but it is do-able. You might have to play with your clutch calibration and ease the pedal out slower rather than just dumping the clutch as you hit the gas. If you have auto clutch enabled, that too may be getting in the way.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2022
  14. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    Alright thanks! Cool. I'll look at it again tonight.
  15. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    oops, I didn't get my edit up quick enough....
  16. David Short

    David Short Registered

    Aug 8, 2018
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    I could be wrong but Indycar has anti stall. So when you spin out etc the engine keeps running and it takes a moment to shift back into normal engine mode so that's why you can't just stomp on the gas pedal and spin it.
  17. Bill Worrel

    Bill Worrel Registered

    May 1, 2019
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    The IR18 doesn't have traction control.

    From what I've read, in the past they had anti-stall that didn't work well. I don't know if that's still the case.

    In the game, the car doesn't have anti-stall.

    You may have driving aids on, like the traction control aid.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  18. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    I have turned off my TC and made sure my throttle is at 100 and even 200%. Brought it back down to 100% as I could see no difference.
    I have seemed to do everything possible that I can find but if I need to punch it in 1st gear to do a quick 180, it doesn't happen. It will just turn around fairly quick. Sometimes if I corner wrong it will spin out but so far I cannot do donuts in the winner circle or scratch around super quick to get back on track. Any able to do this with IR Indy cars here? If so can you please maybe tell me what your doing that I am not?
    I jumped into the 2018 F1 Ferrari and the speed was more intense and the forced feedback was pretty cool. I had the steering set for narrow street and was running Long Beach. I can smoke donuts with that car. But not with my IR Indy car.
    Any thoughts or facts? Or something I'm doing or not doing?
  19. Simulation_Player

    Simulation_Player Registered

    Mar 4, 2022
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    i was able to do 180 standstill, didn't try dounts but should be doable. ofc it wasn't like car spun at one point but it did do 180 after rpm climbed.
    Rui Santos likes this.
  20. Marc Bolger

    Marc Bolger Registered

    Nov 1, 2022
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    It should do this from a dead stop, scratch and peel out and whip that puppy around in a fast instant, cause that's how it should handle? I've tried changing car set up with the differential, gear ratios with negative results. I'll keep pondering with it. Probably me not doing something right here.
    In other sims, even with the 2018 F1 in this rfactor 2 I can do this. I'm surprised to see that maybe this Dallara IR18 actually may lack this. If so, that's a bummer. In other cars and sims you have to be careful at different areas on a track or even in general when you hit the gas hard as the rear end can break loose from you, especially cornering. That's realistic and we should be able to adjust it somewhere in game settings or car set up. Just wondering. Thank you.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2022

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