Wierd Mouse Control

Discussion in 'Track Modding' started by Simon Peace, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. Simon Peace

    Simon Peace Registered

    Nov 10, 2011
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    Hi chaps...

    I raise this because it seems to be related to when I import a GMT file using the rF1 script.

    Having successfully imported the gmt, I go to the material editor and re-work the textures. Then I re-centre the pivot point to the centre of the object, so that I can easily move it into position. Problem is that when I try to move the object it only goes in one direction, so if i move my mouse right, the object moves right (obviously using the x axis constraint here) but when I move the mouse left the object continues to move RIGHT!

    is this a max thing? or is it being induced by something not nice in the import which is screwing up the controls in 3dsmax? I have to save the scene, close or reset and load again to be able to move objects properly again...

    any ideas?


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