New to rf2? This is how cars look like when someone enter the server while you are driving. To not disrupt you, the load of their car is delayed .
LONG ago, like back in the F12k days, whenever somebody joined a server there was a momentary lag due to the custom skin being loaded. So ISI came up with this temporary car so your laps would not be compromised. As soon as you return to the garage, the yellow cars all get their skins WITHOUT causing you any pause. It happened so often, back in the day, that I got quite good at freezing my hand positions for a brief instant whenever I saw a message about so and so joining the server. The reason for the blocky yellow instead of a placeholder? I would assume to prevent your open wheel series seeing Tin-tops or vice-versa. There used to be a line in the player.json that allowed you to choose if you wanted to force the skins to load while you are on-track, but I'll be danged if I could find it this morning. I suspect the Online Comp system benefits from not having players dealing with momentary pauses for 20 to 30 drivers all joining a session.
Newer sims still have this, especially with poly counts gone up and custom liveries. Super annoying. I was a bit annoyed with these yellow monstrosities as well in the beginning but theyre still better than your game lagging when youre doing a quali run for a league race.
Best solution for open servers and leagues imo is to make mods that contain all skins ( and no default skins ) Not hard to update as skins are added. This way you get no lag whatsoever. This was the idea behind F3 Community mod You also make a section for guest cars So anyone joins has no skin can use one of those till theirs is added. So simple it is silly.
Yes works great when you have everything included. Like the BTCC cars. But as soon as painters paint, and you KNOW they will, new skins start popping up. The advantage of the F3 mod is locking out the other skins, very similar to a league environment.
Today is my first day online at rFactor and my mind exploded when I saw that... What the hell is that.
They could maybe set up a few different shapes to better suit the car being represented, but the simple nature of it won't change. It's deliberate to avoid causing a join lag, as above. AFAIK it's still possible for an "event" to specify its own temp car model. Won't work so well with multiclass.
Could it be the 3D model of the car without skin? I have to admit that they are more disturbing than anything.
There is a key binding for it. I tried it recently and yes, the screen freezes for an uncomfortably long time. Code: "Control - Load Vehicles":[ Somebody did that for rF1, a little more shapely than the yellow box, less incongruous to look at.
And get massacred by the people who would rather they worked on the bug/flaw/physics fix they personally prioritize....
There are quite a few options for that temporary yellow box shape, including a go kart one, however only the GT shape is utilized. Even for the go karts, which is simultaneously hilarious and awful.
In the comp system this should happen only during practice time, this time is there just to allow players to enter the server. I Don't see it as s problem, this few minutes are there to double check controls and setup. Once the real deal start, no more mock up lemons. I find romantic to see the same mesh ever since, I had friendship last less than that mesh.