So, i bought an Oculus Rift S about 3 months ago, enjoying it alot. It's playing pretty much all games perfectly. I am in an online simleague, so i decided to give it a go and it felt awesome, i was even faster with VR than without. So i practiced and practiced for the race, until today. As soon as i get into the server and exit the pitlane, my fps is terrible. I get fps drops and pretty bad stuttering, it's impossible to play. All the practice for absolutely nothing because i literally couldn't drive with VR, the lag was just too bad. I even put all the settings to the lowest but it was still lagging and stuttering/freezing a lot. Offline i never had any issues, even with 20+ AI cars around me. I plugged out my VR headset and raced on my monitor... spoiler alert, i didn't do well. Does anyone have any experience with VR in Rfactor 2? If so, how can i possibly have lag and stutters with an I5 9600K + RTX 2060 6gb OC? And why does it only happen online with 29 other cars in an ONLINE session, but not with 20/30 AI cars in an OFFLINE session? Thanks for answering.
That sounds more like lag from your internet connection. Did you notice the ping when you looked for the server? When racing online, one should try to practice online as well. While it should not be as an extreme difference as you experienced, there will always be some variations between the offline vs online driving.
Mike - you didn't say if you got the lag with your monitor whilst online. If you didn't then I think that it is unlikely to be your ping. I use VR and do notice some lag/stuttering with larger grids, but more so with non S397 tracks [except Nürburgring]. Have you checked your connection settings in rF2 - they say that they should be at least 512KB up and down, but I have mine set a lot higher as I have a fibre connection. Also, try to reduce the amount of visible vehicles as this should help.
I believe i only have 256KB up and down... Could that be it? I didn't seem to have lag with the monitor though.
It certainly could be an issue. 512KB is the minimum, so increase to what your internet will allow (mine is in MB by the way).
I'm not sure why you are saying that 512 is the minimum when in game you have to set the preset to Custom and then set it to 512. From the multiplayer.JSON: "Net Connection Type#":"0=28k, 1=56k, 2=ISDN, 3=128kbps cable\/dsl 4=256+kbps cable\/dsl, 5=LAN, 6=custom",
@ADSTA I race in the VEC and the testing that they have done for online gaming indicates that 512kbps is the minimum required to run. Yes, you have to set it through the custom setting, but I wasn't referring to the presets - sorry for any confusion.