I threw my body mesh in game for first time to see how it looks, to get initial idea Mesh has WCCARBODY material, before you ask yes i have done Unwrap, textures has been saved as .dds dxt5 with mipmaps initially 2048x2048 then i downscaled them to 1K, i used existing Materials from model just reasigned textures, reloaded reexported 1000times to make sure, aswell as i exported lods and all parts using that material, in Max everything looks ok except in rF2, anyone had something similar? What settings are you using in exporter for car body? I'm using that, and i have hard time to find any info about exporter
Try using a simple T1 shader, as that might give an indication as to where to look for the issue ... Also, check the mapping channels in the material (if you're using a more complex shader). Try setting them all to channel 1 as a test.
Thank You, UV channels othr than 1st for spec and bump been causing this, i been working on someone elses material and didn't check that, silly thing, Thanks again. Works great now
I have been getting a similar issue. I have checked the uv channel and all are set to 1. The main colour is mapping fine, but the it looks like the bump channel is environment wrapped. In the settings i think its should be ok. View attachment 11319 View attachment 11320
In your rollout, copy the main colour texture over the bump map rollout, similar to what you would do if you were to copy a texture and making a new one. Then change the texture to a bump map and make it visible. At least this way it copies all your T1 settings to the Bump Map. I hope that made sense. If not let me know and I will post some pics. Another thing to check is go into each material of the wccarbody and make it so it is highlighted, check it is also channel 1. If you do the above - if it has abnormal settings on the channels it will make them all the same.
Well, for the material I have used the "car with damage" shader as the one from the original tutorial is no longer available. The bump map material is explicitly mapped to the same channel and is visible in 3ds. I have changed the format of the material to a png file and it appears to work in game so im guessing i have some incorrect settings for dds format to deal with as far as bump maps go.
So if you are looking at the all the textures one at a time on your car - by highlighting them on your rollout does the bump map look normal on the car. From the graphic you have posted it appears that the main texture is red and you can see the underlying bump map or spec map that seems to me to be lots of lines, but without seeing all of them I'm just guessing. What I normally do is make each part a different colour as well, so the spoiler in red, the body is blue, each guard is different colour so I get a better idea of where it is all sitting. Sorry I can't be much help other than that but it makes it hard because my explanation may not be what you know and vice versa.