Updating with rFactor Lite on Dedicated Server instructions ?

Discussion in 'Hosting Help' started by JohnW63, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. JohnW63

    JohnW63 Registered

    Dec 13, 2011
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    For build 1052, I believe I simply downloaded the 1052 Lite installer, onto my dedicated server, and run it. Instant update. However, when I tried the same with 1080, I had a bit of a folder mess. This lead to an error about " A core component rFactor2 UI v1.0F not found..."

    I left all the defaults for folder locations, as I thought I had for the last build.

    What I found was inside the Program Files(x86) folder was rFactor 2 and inside that everything looked OK, but when I opened the Core folder, there was another Core folder. It was the 1052 version. ( There was a version file in there that told me so. ) I removed that.

    I also found I had a set of folders I didn't need in the local Users folder location. Bin32, Bin64, Core, and Launcher. I checked my local PC and found those were not there, so I removed those to a temp folder on the server desktop, and everything worked fine after that.

    So, the question is.... was I supposed to change the defaults in a server install from the Lite installer ? How did those folders get to where they were ? I know the server worked fine before the update, as I had already launched it prior to the update and it worked. Is there a link to the proper dedicated server update steps somewhere ? I seem to remember something about that.
  2. Wishmaster

    Wishmaster Registered

    Nov 30, 2012
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    Normally it works just installing the newer build on top. Never had trouble doing this.
  3. JohnW63

    JohnW63 Registered

    Dec 13, 2011
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    I thought so too. Yet.....

    I hope the next update goes better.
  4. Juergen-BY

    Juergen-BY Registered

    Jun 16, 2012
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    Hi John,
    i would suggest to install rF2 outside from Program Files(x86), e.g. <yourdrive>\rfactor2. Installation into Program Files(x86) could cause problems with the UAC. As with the latest build a direct download function was introduced, this may have now more importance than before...

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