Triple screen configuration (Aspect Ratio)

Discussion in 'Technical & Support' started by Kahel, Mar 15, 2023.

  1. Kahel

    Kahel Registered

    Jun 6, 2020
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    I did a lot a research about the 'aspect ratio' in rf2... along the years... but never find any information... and always ended up... forgetting to ask.

    I've always wonder/worry in rf2... it's the only game where I have this worry btw...
    That I do not have the 'correct' aspect ratio...
    I'm specifically speaking for triple screen setup... While configuring the (Ugly) Orange menu... in game...

    I'm noticing it more and more... with the raise of Streaming content in rf2... since the introduction of LFM...
    I keep seeing people with 'aspect ratio' all over the place... to be clear I'm not speaking about FOV... no confusion there... we are speaking what commonly referred to as 'aspect ratio'...

    Every time I come back to the game... I wonder... if I do myself... have the correct one and there is no documentation or discussion at all about that... that I could find at least.

    So when you configure (in-game) your triple screen... it's pretty self explanatory... you put the distance between your eyes and the screen... you put the angle of your side monitors compare to the center one... and eventually the bezel correction...

    OK... so far so good...

    But the trickier... and confusing part... is the setting on the left... which correspond with the 'height' and 'width'... of the monitors... if I'm not mistaken.
    Usually I input the height (without bezel) that I can measure from my screens... and then I would assume that the width would automatically match my screen width... assuming pixel are square... or at least if I input my width screen... it should give me the correct aspect ratio... but...

    The issue is... you have a lock symbol between the height and width... which I've always 'assume' meant the 'default' 'correct' aspect ratio... it always been a 'strong' assumption...
    But, since the height and width... you end up with... doesn't match the 'real' measurement... of the screen... no bezel included... obviously... you are always in doubt... and if you enter your real number and not bother with the magnet symbol... you get a wrong aspect ratio... but which is one is the good one...?

    Done that for the last 7 years with many different screens... and it's always the same... the real number and the screen size never match... which strengthen the assumption... that's it's not a specific monitor particularity... like not having squared pixel...
    But, maybe, it's the tool that is not 'squared'... pawn intended...

    Anyway...It could be very misleading... for anyone just putting the number... that is measure...
    End results... one would end up with the 'incorrect' aspect ratio and stretched cars as a result... I've seen a few of those...

    That is IF I was correct assuming the 'magnet' symbol linking height and width... is in fact the native aspect ratio... (otherwise it's my own perception... being distorted... by getting use to 'narrowed' cars... on my setup... doubt is killing me... :)

    One thing for sure... a lot of people out there run different aspect ratio... which isn't ideal... it's not like they do it on purpose... pretty sure 'almost' everybody... want a native 1:1 aspect ratio...

    That's why I'd like to know more about that... and since I couldn't find anything about this subject... a clarification, could be worth for other triple screen user... as well.
    Anyone could confirm or deny that? And maybe tell me a bit more about the subject...
    Why it never match real screen measurement... Aren't pixel always square?... etc...?
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2023
  2. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    The little symbol works, but it doesn't disappear. When you click it the height number has Hgt: in front of it. You can then adjust it and change the aspect ratio.

    If you click it again, the Hgt: disappears and it matches the ratio to your pixel count. I believe this is the default (ratio locked), but I could be wrong. Anyway, if someone is using that tool and enters their screen width, I'd hope they're also taking the 4 seconds to measure their screen height and checking it's correct as well.

    PS I think most/all screens these days have square pixels. In the old days many screens (I think especially 1280x1024, but I wouldn't trust my memory) didn't.
  3. Kahel

    Kahel Registered

    Jun 6, 2020
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    Yeah agreed with (almost) all you said... @Lazza
    I'm pretty familiar with how it work... for having use it for like 20 times... over the last 8 years... and recently... that's why I'm 'finally' asking... something that always bothered me every time I had to tune my setup.

    And, still, it remain a mystery to me... unless the tool is 'broken'... that I get.
    I mean for all I know you are just assuming... like I did... that the when we click the lock button... it actually goes to the right aspect ratio...
    Pretty sure both of us didn't check...
    now that I think about it... wouldn't be too hard... by comparing a single screen screenshoot... with a triple screen one...

    But back to what I consider an issue... and to be a bit more precise...
    The problematic part isn't that you would not 'bother' to check... both the height and the width...
    It's that when you do... it doesn't match... with measurement... so you are left wondering...

    And that's coming from someone that have pretty much a Master in rF2... I can only imagine anyone else with less experience...
    but I, also, may be too dumb... that's an alternative that's can't be left uncheck... the thing is... so may be a fair proportion of the rf2 community... that's just statistic... :)

    No, kidding aside... to make thing a bit clearer... if you enter your measurement... either one... height or width first... doesn't matter... You're left with mismatching number... So next thing you do is click the little button on the left... which unlock the aspect ratio... you see that you can enter you measurement now...
    BUT... and it's a big one... now you're aspect is wrong (I think)... if you do not be careful... since it's not Hugely wrong... you end up in this confusing spot...

    So... which one is the correct one... what I just enter and measure... or the one when I click back the 'lock' button... and their is a missmatch... with what the tool show...

    And that would be from someone wondering a lot... a fair number of people... (and that why I see streamer... with aspect ratio all over the place...)... just might not even notice... enter their measurement and move on... get use to the aspect ratio... and don't even notice it for month if not year...
    Happened to a French (I know, it explain a lot) Youtuber that EVEN does tuto for rF2... and he had is aspect ratio wrong for a few months... that should say a lot all by itself...
    Probably even happen to me... one of those 20 times when I had to tune my setup...

    So just for the piece of mind alone... if someone know a bit more about what I 'try' to describe... I'll take it... :)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2023
  4. Lazza

    Lazza Registered

    Oct 5, 2010
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    I did check, and the auto value for me is half a millimetre out, no doubt due to rounding. Well within any measurement error on my behalf.

    What are your actual numbers? You're doing a lot of wondering and typing, oh rF2 master, but without numbers it's hard to help gauge what's happening at all.

    Mine: screen width 600. Auto height: 337. Calculated 337.5.

    (1920x1080 x3, nVidia Surround)

    And yes, maybe I'm unusual in that I would (and did) actually measure and check the height while doing the width. The tool could be more informative and user friendly no doubt. But if it's getting the auto figure wrong let's work out why and how much. (E.g. maybe my setup is exactly what it expects, and some/all other screens will end up wrong)
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023

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