IF it goes under that's why i have a big if. Imho someone should buy it, shelve it, no more updates or content. make a rf3 to release in a few yrs when they cleaned up bugs unscrambled the spaghetti ect... Let the users do what they like to rf2, similar to AC.
I thought it but I think there could be gaps between the weeks? If everyone got interested I can do another one. I think the best thing is for rfactor make a statement and tell us it is not ending. It’s confusing and a bit stress when no one knows what is happening
He was being sarcastic. Almost no one here understood why you did a positivity week because this is a game forum, not a mental health and wellbeing forum. Read what your fellow users are saying and you'll get more respect. S397 do not need to respond to unfounded rumours. They can't guarantee the game will be in full development next month, just like there's no guarantee we won't all be dead from nuclear annihilation next year. There's nothing for them to say. The game is being worked on. Yay. Play it, or play something else, or do something else you enjoy. Don't get wound up by others opinions.
NOT rF3 again.... Just WHO will you get to build this fantabulous project? Gjon? He is done with the Factors. I hear Ian Bell might have some free time on his hands. Will you put the Indy, WEC & BTCC titles on hold until rF3 is functional? And what will you keep from rF2? The tires that don't work completely? The Aero sections that are incomplete by modern standards? The hybrid motor that is....... Will all the laser tracks have to negotiate new licenses? Will any of the car licenses migrate to rF3? Since there will be no income for the next 3+ years..who will pay for rF3 staffers while the coding is in progress?
From my point of view it is hard to say if rF2 will be dropped or not - I would say no. Why should it be? At the moment they are selling the Q-packs , stuff like the BTCC cars, single tracks etc. pp. I think it should have named rF3 or rF2-2020 or so, but if it comes to licenses of cars, manufacturers, tracks etc. they could be bound to the product and its name ... so sticking with the name rF2 seems to be easiest. I do not remember exactly, but Project Cars has taken 3 or 4 years in development, PC2 a little bit faster? And there are still bugs in PC2 (and PC) which will never be fixed I think. There is a lot going on in rF2 nowadays. And only a few things which have been introduced the last 12 months have been finished and are implemented fully. That shows that rF2 is still being developed. And as mentioned above they are still hiring people. If it is wanted or not - I do not know and I doubt it - but negative publicity is also publicity; if it comes to music bands it seems quite normal to announce the split, a very last concert on a regular basis ;-) As we do not have a big chance to influence it - as mentioned before - we could show that rF2 is still wanted by playing it, buying content, releasing (community) content and to support the devs in a way making detailed and thorough bug reports. And yes, sometimes it may be nearly impossible to fix a bug because of the code which would need to be rewritten for a great part which is not practical mostly.
Do you always know, what is happening next in your Life? Everything can happen always. The expected and the unexpected, so it's useless to speculate about it here or to get an official Statement, that might be right but also can be totally wrong. So, as it was said before in this Thread already, just enjoy the Game.
I've got a wide range of software that I purchased because they performed a function that I wanted at a price I thought was acceptable. That's all I can expect from anything I purchase. I don't know what will be available tomorrow and in the realm of sim racing gear new stuff comes out all the time. At some point you make a decision to make a purchase. Tomorrow it could be cheaper, in some way upgraded or a different product available, or even the firm goes bust... but I can't really complain because I have made my choice which I was happy to make at the time. An rF3 would have to be - in my opinion at least - a complete re-write that would be required to achieve something the current code can't support. I've worked for a software firm and v3 of the main product was talked about around 10 years ago but never appeared as it wasn't possible to support and bugfix v2 and also work on v3. Instead v2 just got updated and enhanced - that's what I expect to happen with rF2. That aside, we should perhaps also consider that the "2" ISN'T a version number but part of the product name? And to differentiate from the origianal rFactor? The real version of rF2 is currently v1130
As an older gentleman sim-racer, I can tell you that the nature of life is an "unknowingness". It's both a blessing and a curse at times but, a fact of life. If you are feeling stressed about rF2's future, it may be helpful to take a step back and assess what things matter most in life. rF2's future will not likely be among them.
Did you even notice my BIG IF, I honestly think its safe and will continue as is. But i will tell you this if i owned iracing i would buy it if it went belly up and shelve it as it would have to be iracing's biggest threat with the potential rf2 has.
Well, if RF2 will be abandoned, you could always switch to the upcoming GTR Revival. According to Ian Bell it will have "RF2 physics in a tweaked UE5 world".
Beside the fact it becomes a bit off-topic I would like to add that I do not understand the "2" in rF2 as a version number any longer or even last years - and IMHO it is developed and improved a lot during last months (I came back to rF2 in 2021 after several years of abstinence), think of the new UI, tyre model, sound enhancement, add-ons (paid and free) and many more. PC, PC2, PC3 - all three seem to me "closed" ... so development has ended and there are small bugfixes from time to time but no enhancement. This applies IMHO to a lot of simulations, too. There are new ones coming out and I think every is worth to have look at it, maybe reading about it only or just testing it. I am missing the time of "demo versions" like Duke3d where could play the first two levels only (and that was enough for multiplayer gaming); there is still a demo of rF2 out I think but not showing the current state. At least - to make a long story short: I do not think it will be dropped or enhancement will end in the near future ... and it has been mentioned before: it does not matter if s397 or MSG stops developing it - you will be able to play for years without any development.
Some of reply’s make me feel better but I still feel stress about the future. All I can do is what I got told and enjoy now and try not to worry. And if rfactor ends then I can still play the game but I hope everyone stays together
Don't worry, there are more chances that civilization as we know it end in a thousand nuclear detonations than Rfactor2 disappear from our life.
I think many don't know where rfactor2 has come. New users may want to try the demo first, but the demo is out of date. In my opinion the old demo should be removed.