Thank you ISI Team

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Racefreak1976, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Racefreak1976

    Racefreak1976 Registered

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Hey guys,

    finally I can race again. After I have lost my rFactor CD somehow, I've been waiting for rFactor2 for what feels like an eternity to me.
    Having done a few laps on all available tracks and testing different cars, I must say my 65 Euros are very well spent, considering the fact that this is only a beta! Looking forward to all the stuff you still have in store for us and all the mods that are sure to follow.

    Great Job guys, keep it up!


  2. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Are you crazy? The graphics are even worse than rfactor 1 according to some people and a known simracing digital magazine site said the ffb was numb AT BEST and that isi have forgotten everything they've learned from rfactor 1 because the physics are basically **** LOLOL

    But I'm glad your brain functions like a normal human being and you can clearly see/feel that rfactor 2 is awesome already at this stage and the future for the product looks MEGA! :)
  3. feels3

    feels3 Member Staff Member

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Every one has a right to their own opinion.
    For many people rf2 has BIG potential and I think that also for you, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this forum and waiting for another update ;-)
  4. c.pucher

    c.pucher Registered

    Nov 4, 2011
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    he is a big fan, read his last paragraph ;)
  5. Racefreak1976

    Racefreak1976 Registered

    Apr 16, 2012
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    I don't care much about eyecandy. Look at Shift 2 for instance, it looks bloody amazing, but it's more or less made for people without a drivers license. Of course, I would be even more happy if rF2 had those kind of graphics, but for me the physics are way more important. And then, it's still only a beta. I've been waiting for this long now, a few more month aren't as bad, more so because ISI gave us the opportunity to play the game already. Personally, I believe what they did with the whole purchase thing was a very clever thing to do. That way they can stay independent and can keep working on their project without any pressure from money hungry publishers.
    Way to go ISI! You guys got my full support!

  6. Bart S

    Bart S Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    for those that say the graphics are naff all i can say is i play triple full screen max everything, bar hdr only because it doesnt work with multiview, i think the base is there and when you look underneath the effects used in all other games it is prety much what all other games look like without the effects, what we dont want is the effects that arnt true life that look good but arn't real slowing the game down.
    I think plenty of the eye candy effects are coming once the effects of day to nite, sunny to full blown storms and green track to rubbered track are finalised only then should they consider adding what works effects wise that is realistic and then they dont have to waste time going back fixing things, its all done in one go bar bugs. The majority of realistic effects suggested by the community will be added if possible but only human eye effects no camera mood lens effect colour crap.
  7. Spinelli

    Spinelli Banned

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Try reading the entire post before going off as soon as you read the words "are you crazy", I was being completely sarcastic.

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