dont hesitate to create a Patreon, I will be happy to donate each month for a big project, with high quality, and the crowd, trees, and many textures are not at the rf2 new PBR standard at all...
Good luck! Currently I have no further update plan. And I'm busy working on other track. I do have thought about rebuilding entire railing and roadside walls (to use invisible hard limit collision wall instead) to make them less hardcore and more "race" & "trackday" friendly (to avoid getting wheels or parts stuck into wall when damage is turned off), so that there may be more casual races to be seen on this track. However it would expect to take weeks or months do it properly, so it stays a nice wish for now.
[URL=" --> Talk about better to have awesome asphalt track. SPOILER : Improved Targa Florio....!
Well that´s already in the works: besides making my life easier when uv mapping, remeshing the road and making it slightly higher poly than before will make it possible to have more varied undulations throughout the track, as I´ve seen in onboard footage from the time, without it being too harsh Targa Florio 1973 camera car porsche 908MKIII - YouTube
Well thank you, it's great, this track deserves to evolve and improve, it makes me happy that it continues to improve. Thanks Mitch and thanks again to Sergio Loro for the great improvement of the track. Good luck.
v1.07 (2022-07-17) maintenance update - Fixed AIW for all Rally Stages, track maps are now correctly displayed in new UI. - Fixed a serious timing issue that would result wrong laptime in race session of a rally stage. (it is now safe to run rally stages with server leaderboards) - Corrected IBL Probe & static reflection mapper position for all layouts. - Improved default weather presets. - Removed overwhelming amount roadside flowers.
No Flowers? shoot darn....(says the guy who always says look at the tarmac, not the!!!!
I can donate 100€ or more for a 2022 version, with last PBR, new trees and spectators and better textures. It's time to level up the work significantly. You should open a Patreon, there is a famous modder who earn +20 000€ by month
Just putting it out there, the original authors dont want people profiting from this project like SIMTRAXX tried to do a while back.
I am guessing he does this out of love for the game and love of the hobby. Why cheapen it by making it about money? Insulting, if you ask me. Thank you svictor for everything you do. Thank you.
I don't know if it's the track lenght, but this track has a serious bottleneck. I use triple 1440p, and the GPU is used at 60%, with all the others tracks, the GPU is maxed at 99%.
Just for information, try loading one of the 3 shorter sections to see if the Vram is still near 10GB.
In original GPL tracks, 1 texture = 1 material. For giant tracks like Targa florio or Isle of man, there are thousands of textures, which results in thousands of materials. The excessive amount materials greatly increases draw call, and this is where framerate bottleneck comes from. For reference, normal RF2 track usually only has 100 - 200 materials at most. But for Targa florio there are nearly 2000 materials, and for Isle of man there are nearly 4000 materials. One way to solve is to altas similar textures together (combine materials), as @Mitch9 has once mentioned in earlier posts. However, for tracks at this complexity, it is very extremely hard & difficult and time consuming to do.
v1.08 (2022-8-26) - Add a new 4.5km drag strip layout with two lane grids and working AI: Buonfornello Straight : starts from "SS 113 - 202" to "SS 113 - 206" - Fixed a timing issue where AI laptime would not count during none race session in 72km layout. - Removed collision surface & wall near the end of each point to point layout, which teleports AI back to pit at lap end. - Removed unused collision walls.
thanks for asking. the short answer is not possible. this track is far more complicated to just simply add any new PBR rendering tech. Old rendering tech and PBR rendering tech do not work well with each other. They have their own totally different amount lighting and color and material effects. You can't just apply PBR materials to roads alone while other things are using old shaders, then expect getting good results. A year ago I have done a full test converting all targa road materials to PBR, but unfortunately the PBR visual is too much different from anything else from scenes, which makes the track look awful, especially during night where PBR material has far less brightness from headlights compare to old shader materials. So this leaves the only solution, which is to upgrade the whole track to PBR to make sure the visual does not break. Unfortunately that is also an unthinkable amount task. also as mentioned in the early post, I have no plan to further work on the track in full scope (models, visual, etc), only maintenance and fixes. @Mitch9 mentioned that he has been working on the track, so there could be a hope. (for track this big, any thing could become many times more difficult to achieve than usual, thanks for understanding)