Targa Florio WIP

Discussion in 'Locations' started by 6e66o, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. maximus1971

    maximus1971 Registered

    Jun 28, 2020
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    @Rastas : is it possible to have the car link? :)
    pascom likes this.
  2. Rastas

    Rastas Registered

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Is in WIP stage broski :),like for almost 6 years :D
  3. philrob

    philrob Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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    and i am behind you and chasing in a Metro 6r4 and a Lancia S4 that i converted and am updating.
    Rastas likes this.
  4. philrob

    philrob Registered

    Jan 12, 2012
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  5. Rastas

    Rastas Registered

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Awesome :D
  6. maximus1971

    maximus1971 Registered

    Jun 28, 2020
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    For those who want to beat a hotlap, I did my best time last night in 7:25.047 :) ferra - Copie.PNG
    pascom, Raven80, davehenrie and 3 others like this.
  7. maximus1971

    maximus1971 Registered

    Jun 28, 2020
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    pascom, makan and pkelly like this.
  8. svictor

    svictor Registered

    Jan 20, 2019
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    v1.00 Update Notes:

    Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2359535813

    Entire 72km track surface has been fully reconstructed to rF2 standards. New road is now seamless without any gaps or holes, and has an average of 9 square subdivision with 2% crossfall, about 30% more mesh density compare to previous, providing best physics feedback & interaction with rF2's Realroad feature.

    Rebuilt and added many terrain pieces that filled most of mountain & valley sections which previously empty & none-drivable. It is now possible to "off-road" through any terrain surface just for fun (such as rushing down and climbing up a hillside,or falling off a cliff to the other side).

    Most of the long standing issues are fixed and improved.

    Enjoy & have fun.



    v1.00 (2021-04-24)
    - Eliminated all surface gaps and holes, simplified great amount unnecessary meshes.
    - Added additional subdivision for road edge.
    - Added additional 1-2cm random surface height variation.
    - Smoothed out all "poly-like" road meshes. Road now bends and changes elevation more naturally.
    - Improved and fixed most of terrain surface (previously floating land pieces) along with various scenery objects.
    - Merged over 9000 objects (all road, terrain, tree, wall, grass objects), re-split & grouped them evenly into 300 sections (now about 2000 objects).
    - Adjusted & added hundreds of trees to fit better with reconstructed terrain.
    - Rebuilt all 3D grass with extra variations, cleaned up overgrowing grass, planted extra flowers.
    - Rebuilt all invisible boundary walls according to the new terrain.
    - Manually set and optimized more than 1000 object's LOD values for cockpit camera at forward driving direction.
    - Rally Stage now only loads terrain objects that is visible, which helps both performance and loading time (previously this was impossible due to thousands of unsorted objects)
    - Fixed great amount misplaced UV mapping for background tree walls.
    - Removed collision for various scenery vehicles at garage area, to prevent stuck inside.
    - Fixed many half-side buildings.

    v0.34 (2021-03-29)
    - fixed missing material error in TDF

    v0.33 (2021-01-17)
    - Fixed unusual AI crashing on Rally Stage 1.
    - AIW workaround for Rally Stages map to display point to point correctly for new UI. (by moving last waypoint index to the beginning)

    v0.32 (2021-01-15)
    - Optimized 3d grass, removed 30% of mesh that is far away from main view, there should be very little visual difference.
    - Removed all unused AI waypoints from each rally stages. Car positions now correctly displayed on monitor map.
    Note: the straight line on new UI map is not a bug, AIW must be a closed circuit to have AI working correctly.

    v0.31 (2021-01-13)
    - Realroad now enabled with wet support. No changes to base grip level (green road is the same as before).
    Note: First time loading is also significantly longer due to Realroad preparation, and none default "time scale" setting may also cause performance issue.
    - Re-split and merged over 2000 gmt files for real road, added and reworked many materials.
    - Moved all pit spots to the real pitlane, it's now possible to serve penalty without completing a full lap.
    Note: If starting from garage (any none Race session), entering pit would cancel current timing. Race session is unaffected.
    - Cleaned up most of 3d grass on bigger walls.
    - Added hay bales for rally stages.
    - Fixed various terrain holes and LOD values.
    - Cut detection is less strict now for full length track.

    v0.30 (2021-01-08)
    - Fixed one missing texture.
    - Added new rally stage sign boards (start & finish).
    - Moved a camera man away from middle of road.

    v0.29 (2020-12-30)
    - Added PIT exit sign board. (If playing rally stage, please wait until this "PIT CLOSED" sign board disappear, then click RACE/DRIVE button to exit garage, otherwise may get penalty for exit pit under red light.)
    - Added hundred of night lights and illumination.
    - Adjusted start timing position for rally stages, in order to fix rare wrong timing issue.
    - Fixed AI that taking wrong route at Rally Stage 4.
    - Added hundreds of bump map textures to road materials.
    - Up-scaled many textures to higher resolution, various color tweaking to improve overall view.
    - Corrected most of floating & popping objects (LOD) for cockpit view at forward direction.
    - Fixed ClipPlanes values.
    - Fixed visibility issue of some objects.
    - Adjusted VisGroups for many objects.

    v0.28 (2020-12-18)
    - New 4 rally stages, all pits&garages&grids are set at same location. (Do not click RACE button until the start of session timer begins to countdown, otherwise will receive penalty. AI currently does not work at Stage 4, other Stages are ok.)
    - New 3D grass, enabled by setting "Circuit Detail" to FULL (lower "Circuit Detail" to disable).
    - New set of Loading Screens & Icons (thanks to the track map created by John Bradley).
    - Added some ambient sounds.
    - Adjusted terrain feedback for grass and gravel.
    - Reduced cut detection.
    - Fixed horizon & various objects LOD issue.
    - Fixed some road texture UV map.
    - Fixed various objects.
    - Removed pitlane speed limit.
    - Original GPL & RF2 Credits readme.txt are now packaged inside Targa_Florio.mas

    v0.27 (2020-12-15)
    - Main 72km road surface was re-constructed with 8 square subdivision across 6-7 meter wide surface. The new surface also includes around 2% crossfall and some random height variation (about 1cm).
    (Real road is still disabled, due to several minutes long loading time and unstable performance.)
    - Re-adjusted Terrain feedback (TDF) values for the new surface, most of RoadBumpLen values are reduced accordingly.
    - Renamed track name to "Targa Florio 1967" on track list, added track icon for old UI.

    v0.26 (2020-11-24)
    - Fixed folder/mas structure, default weather is now working.
    - Added new Haze values to GDB file.
    - Road sign & stone are a little heavier now.

    v0.25 (2020-09-16)
    - Fixed a floating tree (trees589.gmt).
    - Fixed clipping signs (scilla1,scitopl,scitopr,calta7,calta1,scilla02,scitopl01,scitopr01,rosi). Most of the clipping is caused by incorrect mesh normal (recalculated with 3dsimed or other 3d software for fixing). Commented out duplicated gmt entries in SCN.
    - Erased many duplicated materials (suffix name _MU,_CR).
    - Changed most of "Alpha Blending Transparency" material to "Alpha Chroma".
    - Reverted road grip value back to original.
    - All trackside crowds and vehicles are now visible in all sessions (as also in GPL).
    - Reduced base haze value for cloudy and storm.
    - Fixed pitlane sector timing objects position (Previously was placed outside real pitlane area). Garage area was and still is the only working pitlane area.

    v0.24 (2020-09-13)
    - Fixed moveable objects that couldn't receive lights due to incorrect pivot points (thanks to senormen's solution!)
    - Adjusted one of grass diffuse texture (_GRASS_ADD.DDS) for better color/brightness transition.
    - Each MAS file now includes _batching.scn file with correct tag for easy batching process.

    v0.23 (2020-09-11)
    - fixed objects that flickering during night.
    - restored and excluded some bump textures from batching progress.

    v0.21 (2020-09-11)
    - Updated old GDB entries with new values, new geographical position. Loose objects are lighter (to avoid one KO). Old obsolete values are removed/commented out.
    - Updated TDF, reduced main road grip by 1%, increased grass grip (help cars recovering).
    - Updated all textures, corrected brightness (based on DDS files from v0.1, in order to preserve original rich color), see screenshots.
    - Updated SCN files with new values, including reflectionmapper and IBL probe. Old obsolete values are removed/commented out.
    - Updated all Tree shaders to T1 no shadow, so they don't recieve shadows (to avoid bad looking shadow on X board tree model).
    - Updated new haze value to eliminate white horizon effect, make sure you select default weather, or remove old TARGA_FLORIOs.wet inside "UserData\player\Settings\Targa_Florio" folder.
    - Both GPL & RF2 readme.txt is packaged inside Targa_Florio_Regular_Grid.mas.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
    doddynco, pascom, bishop and 29 others like this.
  9. delapecs

    delapecs Registered

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Awesome, super immersive, fluid, perfect. It really is a pleasure to drive there.
    Thank you very much for your extraordinary work. :)
    pascom and svictor like this.
  10. DJCruicky

    DJCruicky Registered

    Jan 25, 2012
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    Just wow, thank you.
    Liking all the new wildflowers in the grass.
    Performance is very very good :).
    pascom and svictor like this.
  11. davehenrie

    davehenrie Registered

    Jul 6, 2016
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    I am humbled by your effort. Thanks so much!
    pascom and svictor like this.
  12. Art_Pereira

    Art_Pereira Registered

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Thank you!! Fantastic job!!
    svictor likes this.
  13. Legend

    Legend Registered

    Jun 20, 2018
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    stunning projet svictor
    svictor likes this.
  14. Gasper Zupan

    Gasper Zupan Registered

    Apr 21, 2017
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    Good times! Thank you :)
    svictor likes this.
  15. R Soul

    R Soul Registered

    Oct 6, 2010
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    An amazing piece of work. Thanks for the huge effort :)
    svictor likes this.
  16. rd.king

    rd.king Registered

    Jul 1, 2017
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    The track has updated via workshop but there is no track selection in the dropdown in tracks
    This is using the new UI.
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled no luck getting it to work.
  17. svictor

    svictor Registered

    Jan 20, 2019
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    A few things to check:

    1. Go to "Series" page once, and make sure have selected "All Tracks & Cars".

    2. In Track list page, try to switch to another view mode (there are 3 type of view) see if the track appears (sometimes the list is bugged until switched).

    3. Manually delete Targa_Florio folder inside "rFactor 2\Installed\Locations\", then launch game, track will be reinstalled.

    If above doesn't work, there maybe an installation error (extremely rare, but can happen) that the track file was installed to a wrong location (which causes conflict) for unknown reason.
    To check: Go to "rFactor 2" root folder, search for "Targa" keyword, and check the results (file location) for any targa_****.mas files. If those files are not located in "rFactor 2\Installed\Locations\Targa_Florio\", then it is the installation issue, and you have to remove all those targa_****.mas files, then reinstall the track.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
  18. rd.king

    rd.king Registered

    Jul 1, 2017
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    This seems to be the issue.
    I can select the track in only 1 of the 3 views.
    None of the rally sectors are displayed only the full track is available.
    I tried deleting the folder a installing again but no luck.
    At least I can try the latest version this way.
    Thank you for the help.
    svictor likes this.
  19. svictor

    svictor Registered

    Jan 20, 2019
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    I have just checked one of the rf2 changelog for release candidate, and the missing track list bug has indeed already been fixed (if you enable release candidate branch).

    From this post:
    The issue is related to extra SCN file in . mas. I will remove those files in the next update. In the meantime you can enable release candidate branch to bypass the bug.
    falconitage and rd.king like this.
  20. bears

    bears Registered

    Apr 4, 2015
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    Svictor I have said it before but it’s worth saying again this is an absolutely amazing effort the scope of which is almost to massive to fully appreciate....well done!
    And on top of your great efforts you are always willing to share your immense knowledge with others...

    rf2 is truely blessed to have you contributing content
    davehenrie, pascom, pkelly and 6 others like this.

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